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Everything posted by WHITEY

  1. You have your right to your opinion, Of course it is the wrong opinion. The law does not provide for you or I to know what a private citizen does. It does provide for the proper disclosure of what happens in Regular meeting and special called meetings It also provides for proper notification of such meetings and what the agenda consist of at that meeting This is a State law... And I am sure you are aware of the law. No such law governs a private citizen in this matter Did you look at the video?
  2. Whoever wrote that needs to look at this video. The link below will carry you to the proper thread scroll to post# 179 for the video http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/305361-are-you-for-or-against-the-airport/page__pid__3862688__st__160#entry3862688
  3. No more hypocritical that the AA Chairman saying that would be open and transparent with his dealing's on the board, and then doing the opposite Have you seen the tape of the 1/8/2004 meeting of the Chamber? The link below will carry you to the proper thread scroll to post# 179 for the video http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/305361-are-you-for-or-against-the-airport/page__pid__3862688__st__160#entry3862688 Is this the transparency you speak of?
  4. Seems I heard the same information that you speak of, Oh well if Tahoe wants to know she can file a FOIA
  5. Never said I did speak for all the citizens, And neither do you. What difference does it make who is paying the attorney fees, You do know that there are some deep pockets that live here in Paulding, that are willing to fight this airport to protect their property rights. What is the big deal of who is paying what as long as tax dollars are not being used. As a former employee of the firm you should know that Attorney/Client privilege is a sacred issue. Furthermore that right is protected by law. Of course you knew that you are just trying to muddy the water. We all know who brought the
  6. Have you talked to the 30 that are on the Board of Directors that appeared in the newspaper ads? Are all 30 of the board of directors supporting this endeavor? LPPT My compliant with the Chamber getting involved in a issue that has certainly divided this County is the Fact that Government tax dollars appears to have been donated to the Chamber from the information that I have seen I do not want My Tax Dollars spent trying to cram something down my throat that I do not agree with. I think it is totally improper for the Chairman of the Board of commissioners to have his name listed in an open
  7. Pubby I think I did ask the right question, When It was negotiated is exactly what I was interested in. And I still maintain that it was done in the dead of the night on October 24, 2012 and was kept secret until October 2013. You and others may be okay with secret deals, and secret deals may be done daily in the business world, But secret deals are not okay with me when they are spending tax dollars to do these deals. And pledging tax dollars and county assets in order to make the deal viable. Government entities have to play by the rules that are laid out in the constitution of the state o
  8. Pubby we are not on the same page. When was the contract negotiated that was approved in the November 21 2012 minutes?
  9. I am also appalled that the chamber would continue to become a part of the most divisive issue that the county has seen in years. I am appalled that the chamber has received government grants that allows them to do this. If this e-mail was approved by the board of directors I will notify them that I will take my business elsewhere
  10. Sorry pubby I do not have all the leases I only have a portion of the lease that was signed on 10/24/2012 I think they are playing a game with me like the School board use to do. Please PM me a copy
  11. You are more than welcome to stop by anytime, look forward to it but.... be warned you will have to leave the bull chit that you are spewing at the door you are not going to mess up my man cave with it.
  12. here is a link http://www.paulding.gov/DocumentCenter/View/2956 Scroll to page 38 and you will see the budget and expenditures for several years on the airport Both of the previous examples are for a year
  13. According to the information that I am looking at the airport income was $52,000 It was derived from the following Fuel Flowage fee $ 2,400 Ground lease $ 9,000 House rental $13,500 IBA funding $25,000 Room Rental income $ 1,500 Tie down lease income $ 600 Total income $ 52,000 Total expenses was also $52,000 The county budgeted and paid $ 272,700 for the airport. It appears to me that the Airport lost all of this again for a loss of $272,700 . The only real dollars the airport generated was $12,000 the balance was
  14. I would like to thank that I fought to do what I thought was the right thing for Paulding County, I attended a lot of BOC and School Board meetings, I have erected a lot of signs through out the county on various issues Spoke at various meetings in opposition to the tax increases over the years and the massive explosive growth that we saw under the previous administration Some may call it whining, I call it my civic duty to know what is going on. And to voice my opinion on matters that affect me and My well Being. HAVE WE MET?
  15. Toxic I think the issue has been completely over looked in all the post. It is not about who is opposing this airport, Or who knew what when. The issue before us is ….. Do we want to convert our General Aviation airport into a Commercial Passenger Service airport , Or do the citizens of Paulding county want it to remain a General Aviation airport. All of the folks that you mention in your post were in attendance at a meeting held on January 8, 2004 Along with Another 125 of the top business leaders of Paulding County. I am sure that you are aware that the two most prominent speakers at
  16. It would have to be propeller the AA does not have the bonding authority
  17. Toxic I do not know you either, But I would like to meet you because I have never met a person that is so uninformed as to what is going on in Paulding County. Lets assume for a moment that you are correct in your assertions, Did you go to the hearing today? Did you hear any of the county lawyers argue what you are saying?. I was there, All day And I heard the facts from both sides, I can assure you that Delta Airlines was not a topic of discussion. And no they cannot just budget $3.6 million dollars and spend it any way they want to. I fought the $65 million dollar courthouse, the $105 mi
  18. Pubby There you go assuming something I see you took the bait that David threw out there for you I never mentioned Delta, Fact is I am almost positive that Delta has nothing to do with this law suit brought today. Their are some folks in this county that has some pretty deep pockets, and yes they did happen to be in that courtroom today, fact is they have some very deep pockets and are not too happy with the way things are happening. I have no role in defending Delta's Monopoly, My role in this is to do my best to see that Dallas Georgia does not become another City of Atlanta and that Paul
  19. The answer I got today on a FOIA does indicate a agreement was made on 10/24/2012 as I have suggested, However Based on reading this agreement, I believe there are at least three more agreements out there and/or probably more After listening to the lawyers today and the testimony given I am quite sure their are more agreements.
  20. Hopefully they stand to gain a Paulding County that will be free of commercial Passenger service. I do recall the promises that was made at the Chamber Meeting by the Chairman of the Airport Authority that if we build a airport it would be for general aviation only with no commercial passenger or cargo service If Susan and Anthony win then Paulding County wins, That will be the first step toward preventing us from being like Clayton County
  21. All the testimony was heard and both had closing statements. Will not here the verdict before some time Thursday. Either way the goes I do expect the loser to appeal, Both made some strong arguments on each side. Folks get ready to raise taxes cause this is going to be costly, You got Deep pockets on one side and and tax payer funds on the other side
  22. Is Calvin still on the airport board, Was he part of the special called meeting held on 10/24/2013 at 7:00 AM Wow I thought a man's word was his bond.
  23. Our elected and appointed leaders promised that our airport would be a general aviation airport. This promise should be kept by those holding these positions now
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