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Posts posted by mrsjones

  1. that's what I meant. darn you people and all you're matching names. Raider-people included. :D forgive me...it's been a long day.
    tis ok, we all make mistakes.but yes, i do make fudge.me :)
    that's what I meant. darn you people and all you're matching names. Raider-people included. :D forgive me...it's been a long day.
    o. and i've been meaning to tell you, i worked with orchid at IHOP. I got the biggest compliment the other day, saying i "rated" right up there with her :D
  2. oh wow...I would love $10 right about now. This would SO help the financial issues we're having right now...AND fix hubby's bike so we're not filling up the gas tank every three days. *sigh*

    Best of luck to all who enter! MrsApple, I didn't know you make fudge!!!!

    she may make fudge as well, but i dont think she's selling raffle tickets :D


    it's me, mrsjones.


    me :)

  3. Do you by any chance have pay pal? I don't know that I would see you before Saturday?


    Also, if I get one, could you donate the fudge to the shelter workers?

    yes and yes... most definately... i kin even throw in a lil extra fudge for dem :D


    lemme go figure out my paypal account name... la la la


    me :)

  4. it'll help fund hiram's very own Downtown Dance Performing Company with funds for costumes, theatre rental and advertising for their annual tribute to broadway show as well as sending the kids to competition in spring.


    tickets are $10 a piece and the grand prize is $2,500 cold hard cash :o


    there will be around 800 tickets printed, possibly less sold.


    the grand drawing will be at the olde town hiram day on saturday september 29th, 2007. you do not have to be present to win.


    as extra incentive i will add 1/2 pound of either peanut butter or chocolate fudge per ticket that you purchase.




    me :)

  5. Girl - I have met my match/es on pcom when it comes to T2DM :lol: ....if you have been to my office (or house) you would testifiy about messy and disorganized (where are you Jonesy and CASAs). Whenever I start telling my son something...he has to say ...'and the point being' lol cause I over explain everything.


    and by the way....I'm curious if people that know me think the profile test is an actuate description of me.

    your messy and disorganised doesn't hold a candle to mine. i have no rite to speck.



  6. myrlin - she is beautiful.


    it's tough to know what to say at this age... my daughter just yesterday asked me if she was fat. i worry about her all the time being too skinny. i try my hardest to make her feel confident and compliment her often and tell her that she is beautiful on the outside and in. who's to know what they really take from it all, and what they are hearing at school. it really is sad though.


    you thought maybe sending her off with relatives.... what about just you and her by yourselves. take her to dinner, i know nails and such are expensive to "have" done, but maybe you could prepare beforehand for the "date", by doing her nails, and letting her do yours. maybe she just wants a little one on one mommy time.



  7. the way i would go...


    take a right on 92 from brownsville

    take a left on 278

    take a right onto 61 (at the QT)

    take a left onto merchants drive

    take right onto legion road

    take right at stop sign onto GA381

    take a left onto Ind. Blvd. North

    drive that road and after the soccer fields you will see the shelter up a hill on your left.



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