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Posts posted by mrsjones

  1. Driver called in to bus barn about a problem with the bus.


    Driver was asked if it was problem felt through steering wheel was a "shimmy or a wobble?"


    Driver was advised that it was okay to have a wobble - if it was a shimmy then there may be a problem.




    Question for you experienced drivers out there – what is the difference between a shimmy and a wobble?

    i dont drive a bus, but i'd much rather drive with a shimmy than a wobble.


    me :)

  2. this auction is for one batch (just under 2lbs) of either chocolate or peanut butter fudge with or without walnuts.


    winning proceeds will be donated to the Paulding Humane Society Lily Fund


    auction starts now and will end tonight Tuesday, October 2nd @ 9:00pm (real time).


    bidding will increase in dollar increments (meaning no loose change please).


    winner may request when they would like the fudge prepared.


    opening bid $5.


    any questions?




    me :)

  3. pumpkin soup


    1.25 lbs pumpkin

    4-5 strips bacon

    1 tsp salt

    1 tsp pepper

    1 large yellow onion

    2 tablespoons butter

    1 1/2 cups chicken stock


    Peel and dice onion, dice bacon. Fry in butter. Peel and finely chop pumpkin. Put in pot with stock, salt & pepper. Cover and cook about 20 mins. Mash all ingredients together and thin with milk if needed.


    I'm scared.... this recipe is from university days and i could have been drunk when i ate it. it sure was good then tho. :D


    me :)

  4. glad to hear (potentially) your fund raiser worked ?!?!?!? :) would LOVE to see pictures of the performance this morning as I couldn't be there .....


    sorry to hear I didn't win :( nice thought to enter, but not the goal :) .... it was great to support the dancers!

    oh ... and I guess we need to hook up for the fudge one day, but not worried about it at all!

    i'll definately post pics, when we get them.


    and yes we do need to get together for the fudge.

  5. hey ya,ll,,,, a while back ,someone on here put a post about losing their little shi-tzu around the area of the dallas post office,, if you are still looking for your little baby,,please call me at 678-920-1358,,A.S.A.P. my name is deborah,,thanks

    i put on her on thursday that my friend had found one and taken it to the pound.



  6. hey we are not losers.....we get fudge... :D

    you do not know how bad i feel. you will be getting a whole batch... get wid me about where and when.


    i am so sorry... please tell yer daughter that.


    me :)

  7. Oh girl, don't mourn 5 yr. old clothes... outta style anyways.

    Just consider it another scar of motherhood.. when you think about it.. it's so worth the cost for those precious boys of yours!

    You're still smoking.. you just need some new stylish clothes.

    If it helps I'll volunteer to go shopping with you and cut out the tags before you try them on. ;)

    i didnt know oscar smoked :blink:

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