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Posts posted by mrsjones

  1. B-Dub gave her blessing for me to do one, hope it hasn't been done before. Thanks

    Write the caption

    "baaaa, is that MISTY over yonder? baaa let's ditch these dudes, you know he always has a lil sumpin sumpin for us. baaa"

  2. for those of you who went to school in GA:


    quan·da·ry (kwŏn'də-rē, -drē) Pronunciation Key

    n. pl. quan·da·ries

    A state of uncertainty or perplexity






    I hear on the news this morning that some of Eric Rudolph's victims are upset because his writings are being published on a website maintained by a supporter of his. The victims contend they're being taunted and want something done, and prison officials say they can't do anything because inmates do not lose their freedom of speech.


    So - why make this a story on the national news? Won't that just prompt a bajillion more people to seek out whatever the nutjob wrote and caused all the stir?


    Wouldn't he have had a much smaller audience if they had kept it quiet?



    didn't you maintain a website at some point? whatever happened to it?


    me :)

  3. ............they HAD to kill Christopher???


    His character has been slipping but I was still sorry to see him die. :(


    The last season has been pretty slow so far and with so few episodes left I hope it picks up soon. Can't wait to see how it ends.

    For those of you that are feeling lost. We're talking about Sopranos!

    oh crap veee, a spoiler heading would have been nice. :angry:


    it's sittin out on my tivo at the moment. i guess that's what i get fer being nosey.


    me :)

  4. I posted a thread about this a couple of months ago, but I don't believe I got even one reply to it. That took me by surprise. I thought people would be outraged by this. I know I was. It is disgusting.

    sorry i didn't see it then.


    looks so innocent, and is pretty scarey to know it's out there.


    me :)

  5. I just heard from a neighbor that it is a season decortative thing... because at Easter they had it all decked out with the Easter Bunny and twirling eggs.

    you might be a redneck if this is how you say decorative.



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