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Posts posted by mrsjones

  1. B&M


    when you get a chance give downtown dance a call. this would be sumpin i'm sure would sell, if they were interested in making a deal.


    they dont start up again til august i believe, so check wid them then.



  2. i would love for my 5 yr old to take lessons but what to do with a 2 yr old and a newborn :wacko:



    rountree is an indoor pool, with a large room attached for family members that aren't swimming. this "attached" room is airconditioned and has a few toys for the kids to play with.


    me :)


    Red hair makes Harry top target

    By Tim Stewart


    In England, redheads are hated. You’re called “ginger nuts,†and you’re a hated breed. I just saw this film called Hot Fuzz, and at the end, there’s a ginger-nut kid and they threaten to shoot him.


    REDHEADS such as Prince Harry are seen as fair game for teasing, a survey reveals.


    A cruel 81 per cent of us think it is acceptable to slag off people with ginger hair.


    Other celebrities in the firing line include Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson, TV stars Chris Evans and Charlie Dimmock, Nicola Roberts of Girls Aloud and former Ginger Spice Geri Halliwell.


    But it is not just those who resemble comic Russ Abbot's ginger creation who risk teasing - "Twit Girl" Paris Hilton and Girls Aloud's Sarah Harding should look out too.


    Three-quarters of those surveyed for Personnel Today magazine thought blondes were fair game to poke fun at.


    Anyone with a strong regional accent - such as Bolton-born funnyman Peter Kay - should also be on their guard.

    Of 4000 people asked which characteristics they would tease someone for, accents came third with 74 per cent.

    And troubled pop princess Britney Spears jumped out of the frying pan into the fire when she shaved her head.

    The "dizzy blonde" jokes may have stopped or slowed down for a while - but baldness came fourth in the slagability stakes, with 72 per cent. A majority of people also thought it was OK to tease people who are short (70 per cent), overweight (65 per cent) or oddly named (65 per cent).

    And you're not safe if you're tall, (63 per cent), big breasted (63 per cent), big eared (61 per cent), big nosed (58 per cent) or wear glasses (57 per cent).

    People with BO a re mocked the most - 91 per cent have been teased for it.

    More people get laughed at for being thin (84 per cent) than fat (63 per cent).

    Short people like actor Tom Cruise endure more jibes than taller folk such as his ex-wife Nicole Kidman (74 per cent versus 45 per cent ).


  4. you absolutely have to ride "soarin" (a couple of times). get yerself a fast pass fer sure. also ride test track, oh and also mission space, orange side (or the color side that makes you have lotsa gravity).


    epcot was our favorite of all the disney parks.


    you'll have a blast!


    me :)

  5. i :wub: that kid.


    good. cos someone has too!




    That's a very serious offense, I hope you punish him accordingly. :) :lol:

    i suspended him....
























    from his ceiling.



  6. Last night, have my middle and youngest sons in the bath together. I am washing up the baby when Justin tells me he put his finger in his butt! WHY?????? :blink:




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