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Posts posted by mrsjones

  1. So I was skimming through the past threads (several pages of them) and I come across two titles that were in succession from Rakled that just Cracked me up!


    brown bag girl/bumplett

    I'm craving corn


    So Does BBG have a new two named Corn? :blink:

    RAK's on a budget you know.



  2. Yep I think she has one that she don't use anymore. :unsure:


    R.I.P. Hammie :closedeyes:

    & Hammie Jr. :ph34r:

    i past it on to b.






    That is so what my Mom used to do....except we had a sheet "tent" for shade. :lol:


    Mrsjones...you need to put in a "salad alert" for any potential caregivers. :p

    shhhhhh :ph34r:


    (i had to actually think about that for a while.... i had blacked it out. thanks. )

  3. i am a stay at home mom and need more time on the computer.


    anyone wanna come over and watch my kids so i dont have to? they are both simply dahling so you wont have to pay me a penny. but i will need you to cook and clean as well.



  4. Speaking from the point of view of a teacher...

    1) I don't need any more lotion, bubble bath, or anything else that smells and is supposed to be rubbed somewhere on my body.

    2) I don't need any help gaining weight--ie. no chocolate, cookies, cakes, etc. I do fine with that on my own.

    3) Apples are cliche--I teach HS not elementary school, so I'd rather not receive "cutsie" gifts like that.


    I do appreciate the thought regardless of the gift, but if you're going to spend your hard earned money, a gift card to a nice restaurant, coffee shop, bookstore, the movies, etc. is always appreciated.

    or maybe a gym membership.

  5. depending on how much you wanna spend....


    i just picked up a planter thang at walmart that has a clump of pansies in the middle, with ivy plants on each end. they are about $13. (outside in the parking lot). i'm doing that with a gift card to target attached. she'll get fudge too :ph34r:


    bus driver got a gift certificate to target (and fudge :ph34r: ) this moanin'


    preschool teacher got an awesome home grown planter that was filled with allsorts of different herbs and dollied up just real purdy like. (for that, i threw some money at a mom that collected money and put it all together. it ended up being gorgeous) preschool teacher got fudge too :ph34r:


    dance teachers get gift cetificates to target (with fudge :ph34r: )


    me :)

  6. dreamtime designs




    these guys are located in acworth. we got our plaset from them about 5 yrs ago and the kids still love it. we have had problems or issues, and back then they had a lot to pick from. i imagine they have an even bigger variety to chose from now. plus, you know how cheap i am, so economically i think we did well!


    definately insert them into your list or "need to look into"s


    the installation is fast and friendly. the people are very very pleasant to deal with.


    me :)

  7. I have a special clause in my contract to return that says I CAN respond to mrsjones and she CAN'T put me on ignore. What Jonesy, you didn't get the memo on that? :blink:

    i prolly filed it as soon as it came in.



  8. i live in crocs, so do both my kids, boy and girl!


    sketchers have a really cool camo croc out at the moment, my son(5) is wearing his to his preschool graduation tonight :ph34r:


    we have croc crocs, mickey crocs, sketcher crocs, walmart crocs, k-mart crocs, mary jane crocs....


    mind you we have square feet, and they tend to fit better than any other type of shoe.


    me :)

  9. Point made.

    You nor anyone else has seen me post on the HIGHWAY, because I never have.

    point taken.


    i didn't post, read much over there, so i didn't know that. i'm now baaaaanned cos i was a baaaaad girl.


    me :)

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