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Everything posted by humanatheism

  1. The "gateway" theory has been disproved by many different research studies over the years. Drugs can be good or bad, depending on their use or abuse. Marijuana should be legalized, and its abuse should be treated as any other health issue.
  2. This entire issue is ridiculous. Transgender people use whatever bathroom they feel comfortable with now, and we don't even know it. Stalls maintain privacy, and nobody is the wiser. They won't use the shower or locker room opposite their birth gender because it would be obvious and violate public decency laws. No need for government intervention on either side. This is all a made up issue to keep us divided and focused on the sleight of hand so we don't complain about real issues.
  3. As long as it is latex paint, just let it dry out, then throw away with your trash.
  4. Not really sure what "authoritarian atheism" is. Could you explain?
  5. I didn't post anything inflammatory. On the contrary, I suggest that most of us should be able to agree that we don't want to be punished for speaking ill of someone else's diety or religion.
  6. Regardless of your religious beliefs, I'm sure none of us wants to be legally penalized for speaking ill of another's religion. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/religion/why-repealing-blasphemy-laws-might-help-promote-religious-freedom-analysis/2015/09/29/80125a9e-66e0-11e5-bdb6-6861f4521205_story.html
  7. I've really tried to be polite, but you just seem to want to be abrasive, and condescending. I have better things to do with my time. Have a good rest of the day. Oh, I missed that last part of your post. To assist YOUR comprehension, I was DENYING your accusation, and INVITING you to speculate all you like.
  8. A simplified tax code would be fantastic. Hopefully some of the other Republican candidates can piggy back on this and propose similar plans. But I doubt they will. Unfortunatel, this election cycle is going to be unmanageable until Trump finally drops out. He has some great ideas, but I just don't think the country as a whole is prepared to have a person like him as President.
  9. Okay, whatever you say. If you want to claim that gods aren't religious, awesome. And I don't have another name on here. But by all means speculate all you like.
  10. Not surprisingly, I have many friends that are religious. Some even know I am an atheist. Most are accepting and willing to discuss matters rationally, but I suppose honest debate is much easier when it is face to face with someone you have know. I also find that many atheist I know are also in the engineering and science fields...go figure. I understand what you are saying, my only point is that no matter "which" god it is referring to, it is still a religious figure. Regardless of the semantics, it is government endorsement of religion, even if it isn't a particular religion. See m
  11. Absolutely many atheists fall into the so-called "militant" category, and often cause significant division and animosity. In their defense, most of us atheist/humanist/agnostics feel very marginalized in this massively religious country, and when we see religion encroaching into our government, we feel the need to cry out loudly in protest. I try to not be militant, but I'm sure I can get carried away just like anyone else. And yes, I believe people should respect one another's right to believe in whatever they like as long as it doesn't impinge on another's rights. I feel that I respect
  12. It was a joke, just poking a bit of fun. If you want an honest answer, I wouldn't have a problem because Mickey Mouse is not a religious figure. And I don't really have an agenda. I just wanted to let it be known that not everyone supports this decision. Truth be told, I know that religion provides comfort and solace to many people. It used to do that for me as well. For that, I think religion is a good thing. If religion didn't also lead to so much division and animosity, the world would be a better place, but as I said earlier, it is what it is. None of which makes any of it true. Pr
  13. I would only object because it would make the police cars look silly for having a fairy tale character on them. So basically, it would be the same thing.
  14. 1. No, I understand, and im not interested in an argument about semantics.2. Not sure who you think I am, but okay.
  15. So if you don't have religion, you don't have a right to an opinion? Can't say that that attitude surprises me in the least.
  16. I'm not going to spend hours in circular arguments on here. You point out that there are many meldings of government and religion, and I say that they are all breaches of the separation of church and state. I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. I do find it interesting that I haven't seen anyone on here answer the question regarding a "In Allah We Trust" bumper sticker. If this is truly a freedom of religion issue, then the answer should be support of that as well. But either way, they have the stickers, I don't agree with it, but it is what it is. Have a good one! Oh yeah,
  17. I'm not using the broad brush. The Supreme Court is, because that is how precedent works. They look at similar cases that came before and use them as benchmarks and guidelines for future rulings. There are many reasons government and religion shouldn't mingle, again, refer to the ban on gay marriage. That was impinging on a certain class of people's rights, only because of religious dogma. And the list goes on and on. I'm not trying to restrict anyone's religious freedoms. The deputies can do whatever they want with their personal vehicles. When they want to put religious paraphernal
  18. Both of those cases establish precedent with specific tests that the highest court in the land has consistently used to determine if government actions constitute a violation of the 1st Amendment. And both of those tests specifically determine that endorsement of religion is a violation. You can deny it all you want, but the Supreme Court has said that is how it is, and they are the final arbitrators of what is or isn't a violation. As I mentioned in another reply, I don't have a problem with god, or religion. I have a problem with government involvement with religion. And yes, I am an ath
  19. I don't find god offensive. I find religious intrusion into the laws that govern us offensive. You don't have to go back any farther than the ban on gay marriage to see that, and there are hundreds of other examples of why religion should not have any bearing on our laws. And you should too. As I replied to another post above, if the majority in this county shifts to another religion, then christians will be the ones crying the loudest if the new majority wants to institute laws based on their religious teachings.
  20. Actually, you are the one that is uninformed. The Supreme Court has already ruled that the Establishment Clause does indeed prohibit government endorsement of religion. Just look up the endorsement test, or the lemon test, for the relevant precedent setting cases. That is also a violation of the 1st Amendment. Again, I would ask you...If the majority in the United States suddenly became muslim, and they wanted to make the national motto "In Allah We Trust", would you be okay with that? All it would take is a majority shift.
  21. It doesn't matter if the sticker doesn't specify a single religion, separation of church and state means that government has no place endorsing ANY religion, and "God" is a religious icon. (And before you go barking about "there is no mention of separation of church and state in the Constitution, review the previous Supreme Court rulings that have said that is EXACTLY what the 1st Amendment means) My primary question is why are they bothering to do something that is guaranteed to cause such division within the community? A bumper sticker doesn't make the deputy more safe. Does he kiss the
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