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Posts posted by lowrider

  1. OK.....I'm going to suggest a really "out there" concept. Both parties pick a representative, and the two of you work out a deal for approval to the general public. Say, within thirty days.


    I have to say......there has been limited communication from the county representatives.


    I really don't think there is a whole lot to be accomplished on the Internet.


    That's a good idea, and you're right, it won't be solved on the internet. But how many people would not know what is happening without the internet?


    At least these days with more technology and open records, people are much more informed than ever before.

  2. They had to word it like that BECAUSE of the STOP ALL PROGRESS IN PAULDING group...we have to remember these Board Meetings are WORK sessions. They have to be sure if someone wants to speak at an AA meeting the topic is about AA business and if they want to speak at a BOC meeting it is about the CURRENT business matters. No one is being denied ANYTHING, just being asked to stay on point.



    Got it.


    As long as it fits into their guidelines.

    • Like 2
  3. I was reading this in the other topic.


    They're going to spend my tax dollars however they want and then deny my free speech?


    If you're not outraged, then you're not paying attention.



    "This month the authority set a policy that allows public comment but requires residents to apply in advance to speak, and reserves the right to decline if the topic is not deemed pertinent."

    • Like 3
  4. So this is it in a nutshell. They're going to take our money and spend it however they want and we don't even get a say in it.




    "This month the authority set a policy that allows public comment but requires residents to apply in advance to speak, and reserves the right to decline if the topic is not deemed pertinent."

  5. Would you be happier if they put them in the same envelope??? I don't understand the need for multiple checks but hardly understand what that has to do with wether or not expanding the airport is a good idea.


    If the Commissioners had held a public meeting about this would you all embrace it??? Doubt it, so get past that. They screwed up the PR - got it. Water under the bridge. Is it a good idea to expand it or not?


    Instead of wasting millions of $dollar$ on lawyers, why not just be up front, have the meeting, and make offers to buy the folks out that want out. And move forward.


    That's the moral and fair thing to do, but morals and fair have no place in politics.


    All is good as long as it's not in your back yard, right? Well, it's not in my back yard, but I don't like how it was done. I don't like anything at all about it. I'm just as guilty as the next person not keeping up with my local politics, but what is right is right and there was nothing right about the way this was handled.


    Now I think all is lost and this will be a huge burden on the taxpayer (me) for many years to come.

    • Like 2
  6. col·lu·sion [kuh-loo-zhuhn]





    1. a secret agreement, especially for fraudulent or treacherous purposes; conspiracy:


    2.Law. a secret understanding between two or more persons to gain something illegally, to defraud another of his or her rights


    However, like I said, it's hard to prove.


    Call it what you want, I call it collusion.

    • Like 1
  7. Wow.


    Collusion, seriously.


    You know, I really wanted this airport thing to work, but not like this.


    What they have done is wrong on so many levels.


    Regardless if you were for it or against it, you should open your eyes to what our representatives are doing and have done.


    Wrong is wrong. If it weren't for concerned citizens like the ones at this meeting and the other meetings, we would have all sit here led by the nose like blind sheep, including myself.


    I just don't know how people can be so callous and power hungry.


    At this moment I feel that David is no better than Jerry. Maybe worse.

    • Like 9
  8. I watched the video. At this point, if all of this is true shame on all of them, Todd included.


    I agree that Pattie has every right to speak and say what ever she wants. Try to take away my free speech and you will see one mad woman hell on wheels.


    I would like to know where she lives and how much she has lost on the value of her property.


    And just to clarify, the airport is here and I think we should make the best use if it. I would like to see small commercial flights. But the way it was done I'm beginning to believe was wrong.

  9. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />You sir are TRULY a SAD SAD individual who has such a horrible outlook on life in Paulding County.  You have complete disregard for seemingly EVERY elected official here now and who has ever been in office here.  There is obviously NOTHING anyone can do to appease you and until your lawsuit is resolved you are obviously going to BEAT that drum until you wear it out!  I have an IDEA...WHY don't YOU run for office and let's see if you can do any better...then see how you like folks coming on here bashing hell out of you and your family!<br />
    <br /><br /><br />


    You really, really shouldn't go there.

    • Like 3
  10. I FINALLY got my grandsons pictures this week after 8 phone calls and waiting since September. I told her I wanted to file a complaint and I would/did contact the Principal and the Board. I will NOT use them for his senior pictures next year.

  11. You must have reservations at the Blue Willow on Thanksgiving. They are booked solid that day.



    You're right, I remember calling and we had like a 2:00, I figured we would be in between and we were, it was crowded but we didn't have to wait at all. As we were leaving there were huge groups waiting.










    My daughter and SIL are rooting for GC, thank you for the info.





    You really will miss an experience at the Diner. It's crowded, but it moves, and the food is so good and so much.


    .And the turkey and dressing is very good, and I don't even like Turkey.






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