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Posts posted by showline

  1. Well to be honest with you, we all deserve this kind of thing. We elected a do nothing sheriff who is content with his style. Hell it got him re-elected several times. We had our chance of a decent sheriff but we peed that chance away. We need to pay attention to our elected officials and hold them accountible. If and when we dont, we get this kind of attention. It seems that follow the LEADER is big in the work force. And if the Boss doesnt do anything, then the followers do nothing also. This isnt a personal shot at the pcso but it is a personal shot at the ones who voted for this do nothing sheriff. Get out of the good ole boy politics and get a real sheriff in paulding. cya


    I believe the story told here happened in Middle Ga(Warner Robbins?) not Paulding County. Correct me if I'm wrong pointy..

  2. anyone have more info?



    This program is being Presented by Tanner Behavioral Health. The guest is Milton Creagh a nationally known motivational speaker. He is speaking today at...


    Hiram High 10:00am

    Paulding County High 2:00pm


    He speaks tonight at the Paulding Senior Center

    54 Industrial Blvd at 7:30pm



    Also speaking Thur Oct 13 at 7:30pm

    Carrolton Cultural Arts Center 118 S.White St Carrollton

  3. I can get them for $3 a piece if you meet me at Home Depot landacape, or I will deliver them to you for $4 a piece.


    let me know.


    Patch of Flowers Landscaping

    owner Jason Flowers


    Just wanted to add that I bought from Jason/Patch of Flowers some bales of pine straw and found out that he does a whole lot more then selling bales of straw. Landscaping is his middle name. Thanks Jason

  4. maybe it's a good thing we don't have them running the sound for us tomorrow night!


    What do you think cake!?

    Just read this.. If you can do better with a crap 10min how to course go right ahead. I'll come in and watch!! :) Oh and why the phones didn't work the crap program running the phone mix connection went down half way through the show. We didn't get the 10 min course on that piece. :glare:

  5. We had alot of fun last night :D but placed 3rd or 4th anyone know?? :p Had a new 1st place team and met some new pcommers.


    Congrats to 1st place winners..




    And a tough team to beat 2nd place winners.

    TheGriffins with Rollin on


  6. OK, I will say it was a knee jerk action and will not report him, but if it happens again, I think i will contact his boss!! :mellow:

    Your nice. :) You might want to call and ask if they were all right. :unsure: Say you saw them in the middle of the road and they had a close call with a car. :D

  7. I'd say let it go. You probably scared him and he reacted by flipping you off.


    Give the guy a break.  I'm sure it wasn't the first bird you've ever been shot. :)

    I agree knee jerk reaction. I do that.. I was waiting on the side of 92 :mellow: (no traffic) for the Dingler Funeral procession and a pickup coming from behind me(i was facing the north looking for signs of the funeral) this guy leans out and smacks the outside door of the truck just as he passes me. I must have jumped 2 feet in the air. :o He thought it was funny so I gave him a special salute. :o

  8. You could see it in his eyes. A wild look, the look of a desperate man .A man on the run .Right now he his pushing the pedal to the floor, going about 80 down a dusty road in west Texas. He looks beside him. A gun, laying on the passenger seat. It is still hot from having been fired. The memories come back to him. A diner, a girl. What had happened? He can't remember. All he knew was he had to run. Run for his life. But where to go? He knew. He knew the one place they wouldn't find him. Dust flew as the car turned rapidly in the middle of the road. There was the sound of gears shifting, then the car zoomed off. The sun set and the world was cast into darkness.



    Sorry PPS, :( I deleted my addition. I thought it was a add to story.

  9. Sorry folks. I had a bad Internet connection the other day when I was trying to post this image.


    Anywho, the topic was "How would you like to do this?"


    Everyother day and sometimes daily depending on the miles traveled. :blink:  :angry:



    What you got onboard 2 100gal tanks? :o

  10. ---Candle Light Tours---


    October 28th & 29th!

    Tour Times: 7:30, 8:30, & 9:30 PM

    Candle Light Tours: A tour guide will lead a group of about 30 people down into the ravine where thousands of soldiers fought and hundreds died. While on the tour cannons, muskets, and pistols will be firing all around you. You will hear soldiers yell and cry out... Watch your step! You might step on a Yankee or Confederate...


    This tour is to represent the night assault at the Battle of Pickett's Mill. Re-enactors will be reenacting the night assault. These men will be working the cannons, pistols, and muskets.


    In years past, many have called this event a truly unique and eye opening experience.


    25 people to a tour.

    No more then 5 ticket's per person.

    Ticket Price: $5


    Ticket's go on sale beginning in October.


    Call 770-443-7850

    (Small children are not recommended for the tours)


    Visitor Hours:

    Tues - Sat.  9-5 PM

    Sunday  Noon-5PM



    Gem Man 86


    This is such a cool program/show!! Tickets sell fast too!!!

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