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Posts posted by showline

  1. I guess we saw the change that we were expecting with the Trivia starting at 8/8:30 tonight, and the guy usually doing being apparently fired or something.

    Yeah big changes..New start time slightly different game and a big ole slot machine to win prizes from.. :D I'll post pictures in a couple hours. Curse you left wing nut... :)

  2. Thank you all. I am sure I will be taking you up on this.

    So pubby - can I bring the video by tomorrow??? :D That is, if anyone runs the SS, I mean.

    If you want send me a pm and I'll pick it up on the way to the office. I'm just up the road from you..

  3. I came home tonight 9:15pm and did what I normally do....


    Get the coffee ready... it brews automatically. Say hello to Ally (my Dog) she lives outside. Walk into my home office and check e-mail.....Well, that is what I did, been doing that for years! By the time I go to turn on the computer I start smelling something..... COFFEE!!!!!


    I walk into the kitchen the aroma of COFFEE is getting stronger and I hear trickle,trickle,trickle the COFFEE is brewing!!!  OMG, I know I did not press start

    I could have sworn I heard giggles.... Maybe I just need some rest!


    Well to those Ghosts in my house... I hope you are reading this because I am going to bed. Please clean up after yourselves!

    Tomorrow make sure you bring home some donuts. :rolleyes:

  4. Buffalo Wild Wings Tonight!!! Who wants to join us??

    We didn't do to well last week but, tonight is a new night!! Who wants to come out and have a little fun?? I am bringing a few friends that have done the trivia thing and they are interested in meeting Pcom people. Lets show them a good time. Bring some of your friends and lets make it a blow out!!

  5. You dont have her on ignore no more than you got me on ignore darlin. Can ya hold these for me? :p  :p  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: Countyline, I'd like to hear your answer on this matter too sir. :D

    Mach4 and Honkin, acting as county-line's agent :mellow: The advertisment that you mention does not contain sex. B) It is simply a marketing ad for a contest. :ninja: The name party in the jugs refers to the 5 gal jugs placed for collection of entrys for said contest. :unsure: The picture of the midsection of a female was picked by the marketing personnel. :closedeyes: I think they were daydreaming :blink: about the old Bill Cosby movie Mother Jugs and speed when they thought it up. :D :D

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