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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. 9-11 not only took away the basic right to Due Process for these prisoners it has taken it from every American. The fact that so called freedom loving, supporters of the Constitution have allowed this without so much as an utterance of protest makes us all hypocrites. "Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter once wrote that the history of American freedom is, in no small measure, following fair procedures — which means enforcing the guarantee of due process. Without due process for those we hate and fear — even those whose guilt is obvious — we will all lose our freedoms." http://w
  2. Never give a kid that is expecting candy something that will break a window when he gives it back to you.
  3. Your post on a brutal out of control and unaccountable law enforcement makes people uncomfortable, it forces people to face a reality they would rather believe does not exist.
  4. How do you know he isn't ? Judging by his first year in office I would say the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming. http://verifiedpolitics.com/trumps-wharton-professor-trump-dumbest-zeus-student-ever/
  5. Former Wharton Professor: "Donald Trump Was the Dumbest Damned Student I Ever Had." https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2017/10/12/1705902/-Former-Wharton-Professor-Donald-Trump-Is-the-Dumbest-zeus-Student-I-Ever-Had?detail=emailclassic
  6. I don't know Judge Beavers, I wouldn't recognize him if we passed on the street but an honest judge, an honorable judge that had his kind of relationship with a defendant would have recused himself from this case from the start. JMHO
  7. I haven't seen so many people trying so hard to put a positive spin on something since I peeked into a spin class at the gym.
  8. Donald Trump Started Rush-Delivering Families’ Condolence Letters to Cover His AssDonald Trump is a president who wants all of the credit for none of the work. When criticized for his lackluster response to four U.S. soldiers killed in Niger, he bristled and said he's called "virtually all" families of soldiers killed since he took office. We learned earlier this week that, to no one's surprise, that was mostly bunk. But in a new report, The Atlantic describes just how big a steaming pile of bunk it actually is. So Trump hadn't actually contacted "virtually all" those Gold Star families. I
  9. This incident reveals much more about Dotard then just his lack of empathy, hateful manner and inability to tell the truth. When this first came up he told reporters he had called or written virtually every Gold Star family since taking office. This was a lie and his state department knowing it was a lie scrambled to get the names of the families of fallen soldiers and rush off letters of condolences. It is well known Trump has a problem with concentration, focus and paying attention to detail, one reason the healthcare bill failed was he never took the time to find out what was in it. He ha
  10. Just so you know every time you start a comment with that condescending bullcheeze (which is virtually every time) I don't know about anyone else but after that the rest of it just looks like blah blah blah, blah blah blah...blah blah to me.
  11. Military Times is published by Sightline Media Group. Trump's tax plan will cause a projected deficit of a Trillion and a half dollars so don't even pretend to care about deficits.
  12. Outside of your imagination he hasn't done anything except issue a slew of executive orders you know those things that use to drive the right insane when Obama was president.
  13. A survey by the Military Times had a different opinion than "all those veterans" that you know. It came out pretty much awash among enlisted men but among officers (you know ones with a brain) he came out decidedly on the unfavorable side. The survey found that 53.4 percent of officers had an unfavorable view of President Trump, while 30.6 percent view him favorably. https://www.yahoo.com/news/poll-reveals-stark-divide-military-115202294.html
  14. Your comment is a perfect example of hypocrisy, and or you just don't know the meaning of the word. think about it.
  15. Could be. Associated Press• October 27, 2017 BARCELONA, Spain (AP) — Spain faced a territorial showdown Friday with dueling votes over the future of Catalonia. Lawmakers in the regional parliament voted to secede and establish an independent Catalan Republic — an extraordinary move met moments later by a Spanish Senate vote to authorize the government to take control of the prosperous northeastern region. https://www.yahoo.com/news/spain-tenterhooks-ahead-catalan-crisis-sessions-072628600--finance.html
  16. Yep the ambassador may have just as well signed their death warrant when he dragged them along after being told not to go there.
  17. The ambassador was told by the state department not to go to Benghazi. The ambassador is dead because of his own bad decisions.How many congressional hearings does it take for you wingnuts to let it go ? The rest of your comment is unproven hogwash.
  18. Then we should discuss all of the people that accused Obama non stop for 8 years of dividing the nation but now stand behind and support Dotard Trump. If you can't see the hypocrisy in that you are not only blind as a bat you are shamefully dishonest .
  19. A man that would have accepted his responsibility as Commander in Chief.
  20. Donald Trump Throws U.S. Generals Under The Bus In Regard To Niger Attackhttps://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-generals-niger_us_59f19528e4b0438859154c04?ncid=edlinkushpmg00000313
  21. Especially when some have such a large habit of glazing over or ignoring those facts that don't suit them.
  22. She did indeed lose the race which makes me wonder when will Trump and his supporters stop campaigning against her ?
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