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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Then you are either a partisan troll, an ignorant fool or oblivious to current events. Which is it ?
  2. Do you actually believe half the garbage you post ?
  3. We will see how history judges Obama my guess is a helluva lot better than the fool we have in office now.
  4. Nothing but campaign slogans, kind of like Trump s entire presidency .
  5. You just managed to sum up Trump's presidency in a nutshell.
  6. There is and it's been on the New York Times best seller list for two months. 8 WEEKS ON THE LIST OBAMA
  7. Know someone you don't like, someone you would like to get rid of ? Call the Law and have them do a welfare check, problem solved
  8. We know he does not do that everyday, we do know he's spent almost a third of his first year on the golf course. Cost to taxpayers: 46,257,017.00 http://trumpgolfcount.com/
  9. Good for you. If you can turn a blind eye to everything that's coming out of this White House now in the hope that your 401k will bump up a few percentage points then I say more power to you. How you can do this yet still get your panties in a wad over an airport in Paulding confuses the hell out of me but that's my problem. (Job growth began an upward climb long before Trump took office) *** ETA *** Donald Trump's job record as president so far has been pretty good. It's just not as good as Barack Obama's. Employers added 1,189,000 jobs in February through August, according to
  10. All we need to know about this shooter and all the other unnecessary killings is that the courts, our government and apparently the american people have legitimized,enabled and standby these assassinations. Which is astonishing since in the past our forefathers have literally gone to war and started revolutions for fewer agrievancs than we routinely see committed today on a daily basis.
  11. Obama had 8 years working with a congress that went on record and said the day after his inauguration their only job was to make him a one term president.
  12. Do you think national and international policy should be played out on social media ? ( In the middle of the night from a man sitting on his bed eating a cheeseburger)
  13. That was so Trumpean of you, it's like you two are brothers. Donald Trump told his communications director Hope Hicks, who reportedly sees him as a father figure, that she was “the best piece of tail” Corey Lewandowski would ever have, an explosive new book about the president claims. Hicks was sitting in Trump Tower with Trump and his sons and was “wondering aloud” how she could help him with the press, when the president interjected. “You’ve already done enough for him,” Trump allegedly responded to Hicks. “You’re the best piece of tail he’ll ever have,” he added, in a comment
  14. Excerpts from the soon to be released book. If he was not having his 6:30 dinner with Steve Bannon, then, more to his liking, he was in bed by that time with a cheeseburger, watching his three screens and making phone calls — the phone was his true contact point with the world — to a small group of friends, who charted his rising and falling levels of agitation through the evening and then compared notes with one another. As details of Trump’s personal life leaked out, he became obsessed with identifying the leaker. The source of all the gossip, however, may well have been Trump himsel
  15. Conjecture, Speculation, Wishful Thinking and out and out Bull Squeeze. ( As usual. )
  16. Point is no matter how disgusting or dangerous Trump gets the response is always but the economy is great, ( Which Trump is about as responsible for as he was for no one dying in a plane crash last year.) http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/367024-trump-takes-credit-for-air-travel-safety-record
  17. Typical ( I haven't meet a Republican yet that wasn't willing to sell his own soul for a buck.)
  18. Id say that's good advice specially if the Republicans have their way.
  19. 10 things from the explosive new book drawing fire and fury from Trump Below are 10 notable revelations from the excerpts released so far. Trump’s public defenders privately lamented having to defend the president Rupert Murdoch described Trump as a “f***ing moron” Aides quickly became frustrated by Trump’s inability to comprehend basic policy briefings Trump was increasingly repeating stories and could not recognize old friends Bannon thought the infamous Trump tower meeting was “treasonous” Bannon also believed that the Mueller investigation would “crack Don Junior like an
  20. Only about half of all Americans participate in the stock market so I would hardly call this a boost for the middle class. In a booming stock market I think we know who the biggest benefactors are. The short answer: Wealthy people. http://money.cnn.com/2017/12/08/investing/stock-market-boom/index.html
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