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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2018/01/17/trump-claims-credit-for-what-is-still-mostly-obamas-economy.html
  2. If pressed mystery meat is what you crave make your own.
  3. Keep watching Trump's twitter account he's sure to know when the McRib will be back.
  4. $6.1 Billion Budget Surplus in California https://www.wsj.com/articles/jerry-browns-legacy-a-6-1-billion-budget-surplus-in-california-1515624022
  5. https://globalnews.ca/news/3642815/bill-clinton-nuclear-reactor-north-korea/
  6. The Cold War may have ended 40 years ago but a year into Donald Trump's presidency and a nervous nation is running for cover and stuffing their children in sewer pipes to save them from a perceived nuclear holocaust. But hey my 401k is doing great, maybe it's time to cash it in on a backyard bomb shelter. What If Hawaii's False Missile Alert Had Been Real? Here's What Would Happen Next“BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL,”... Hawaii’s false ballistic missile alert was the latest reminder of the nuclear threat that North Korea poses
  7. Trump's a pig period. The fact that your willing to overlook, make excuses for and deny that puts you in the same pig pen
  8. I don't think anyone that continues to support Donald Trump has the right to question anyone else's morals.
  9. At the rate Trump's approval rating is dropping he's going to need to get a dog for the companionship. https://www.investors.com/politics/everything-is-looking-up-except-for-trumps-approval-rating-ibdtipp-poll/
  10. There's the old joke where a man asks a woman " If I gave you a million dollars would you sleep with me, sure she replies. OK how about for twenty bucks ? What kind of lady do you think I am ! she says. To which the man replies " I think we have already established that, now were just haggling over the price."
  11. Is that what you call your friends wives "babe's" ?
  12. At 60 years old I wouldn't be making fun of peoples ages if I were you.
  13. Trump was so moved he left during the 2nd quarter.
  14. CitizenCain


    Don't fill your car with frozen Iguanas. GUY IN FLORIDA LOADS CAR WITH FROZEN IGUANAS, THEY WARM UP, COME BACK TO LIFE, CAUSE CAR ACCIDENT ... And he put them into his vehicle. He’s loading them up like he was stocking up for a big barbecue. When they went back into the vehicle, the vehicle warmed up, and those iguanas started coming back to life. And all of a sudden, they started getting up and running around in the car, and it caused an accident. http://www.whiskeyriff.com/2018/01/08/guy-in-florida-loads-car-with-frozen-iguanas-they-warm-up-come-back-to-life-cause-car-accident
  15. The projected savings in not having to sweep up all those wads of chewing tobacco should make up the difference.
  16. PRETENTIOUS pre·ten·tious (prĭ-tĕn′shəs) adj. 1. Claiming that or behaving as if one is important or deserving of merit when such is not the case: a pretentioussocialite. Don't you think it's time to give that poor old one trick pony a rest ?
  17. Not enough failed companies and bankruptcies to suit you ?
  18. And how is Trump's beautiful repeal and replace plan working for you ? I say "his plan" in the broadest sense; Trump has never ever really had a plan for anything. If it turns out like his tax reform I'm guessing not so good.
  19. And their you have it. As long as Dotard and the RepubliCONs can declare a victory damn the consequences and the hardship it causes ordinary people.
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