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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Someone should check on Mrs. stradial.
  2. Something that makes you roll up a newspaper or grab a shoe.
  3. Beware the dangers of the gastric bypass.
  4. Is that really necessary ? You guys are always complaining to pubby about personal attacks what the hell do you call that ?
  5. That's the question isn't it ? If you hold any truth that the human brain does not fully develop until somewhere after the age of twenty how responsible can a 12 year old be. I remember seeing Psycho when I was about that age. I knew it was a movie but that didn't stop me from staying up half the night and having nightmares for a week. The internet is everywhere, in the classroom the library kids have their own laptops, parents are giving nine year olds smartphones for gods sake.
  6. You're right nothing wrong with the internet all these reports of internet bullying, teen suicides and mass killings influenced by social media are clearly just a fluke of nature.
  7. Well it's a youtube video so it must be on the up and up, No question. We don't know where it happened or when but if it's on the internet it must be true and if it's on youtube it must be authentic.
  8. What happened was beyond imagination but then kids these days spending six hours in front of a TV playing video games is beyond imagination but it happens all across the country. I guess I wonder are the lives of two 12 year olds so damaged so beyond repair that the only thing left to do is to lock them in a cell for the next sixty five years. I really don't know but something in my gut tells me you just can't hold a 12 year old to the same standard you would an adult. Remember this wasn't done out of malice or revenge or robbery it was because some website owner convinced these girls that Sl
  9. The two, then 12 year old girls have been charged with attempted first degree homicide. They will be tried as adults and face a possible 65 year sentence. Is it reasonable to try as adults 12 year olds that believed in a fictional internet character and send them off to prison with a virtual life sentence ? Adult trial for Wisconsin girls in Slender Man stabbing http://news.yahoo.com/slender-man-stabbing-suspects-stand-trial-adults-125240692.html
  10. This has been another exciting episode of the George Burns and Gracie Allen show. Brought to you by the Carnation company, tune in next week when George takes Gracie shopping.
  11. The fastest way to discredit the truth and preserve the tranquility of the Fatherland is to sluff it off as a "Conspiracy Theory" or just the ramblings of those "liberal communist" of the Left .
  12. You may not care much for politics but isn't it great to be able to sluff off everything you don't agree with as just the ramblings of those "wacky liberals" again ?
  13. I have no doubt there are some here that could live next to the ovens of Auschwitz and convince themselves that the smell wafting through the air is nothing more than those damned Jews being treated to another barbecue .
  14. Oh I see situations like this one. Man, 24, died after being tasered 13 TIMES by cops as he was handcuffed laying on the ground Gregory Lewis Towns, Jr was killed on April 11 after a confrontation with police in East Point, Georgia His death was later deemed a homicide by the medical examiner Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2736948/Man-24-died-tasered-13-TIMES-cops-handcuffed-laying-ground.html#ixzz3UHf4SEgP Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
  15. Less lethal weapons have zero effect if you never bother to use them. btw If all these non lethal weapon are nothing more than fashion accessories then stop wasting my tax money buying them.
  16. And what the world will look like if the conservative fascist manage to take control.
  17. This hasn't got anything to do with politics. Youre such a tool. Like I said this cop reduced himself to the role of a dog catcher sent out to put down an annoying animal. The sad thing is we seem to get one of these every other week .
  18. And what would you call this disregard for a human life we seem to have so much of these days ......compassion ?
  19. Shooting an unarmed mentally disturbed naked man is about as brave as dog catcher putting down a stray animal.
  20. That's just because you ask such childish questions, Like the two year old that responds to every answer with "BUT WHY".
  21. We seem to be slipping back in time, at the rate we are going we should be burning witches at the stake sometime around next week.
  22. Actually it's painted on the side of their cars. But then you're the police expert so.
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