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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Outside of a downtown hooker I doubt you could marry down,
  2. Perhaps she just saw you as her last hope of not dying alone ?
  3. What a cute picture, I have never owned a poodle but I understand they are ranked along with one of the top ten of smartest breeds.
  4. So who do you right wing Fascist pray to these days ? Is Mussolini still popular or has he been replaced by Ted Cruz ?
  5. I think what TP is trying to say is it seems odd that every time a President loses the popular vote but wins the election because of the Electoral College it always seems to be a conservative Republican. Kind of Illuminati-ish wouldn't you say ?
  6. I don't think so if that were true "Jackass" would give me yours.
  7. And what do they want ? Ever noticed these mysterious people at the bottom of the page Facebook (1) Bing and Google ? They aren't members they are not counted as people just mysterious ghost who seem to be watching your every move. .. I see you down there Mr Facebook who ever you are !
  8. At first I considered the title "A cure for Conservatism" but I figured people that knew they needed help would know who they were. Glad to see you were the first to respond. Although your particular brand of Jerkism may turn out to be incurable.
  9. Science may at last be able to offer some hope ..... 'Compassion drug' produces feelings of empathy ... the question being asked by a group of scientists who are developing a pill that can artificially produce feelings of kindness. The drug works by changing the neurochemical balance in the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible for personality, social behaviour and decision-making. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3003439/The-pill-lets-sense-people-s-pain-Compassion-drug-produces-feelings-empathy-help-treat-addiction.html#ixzz3V8yHNA2K
  10. The way they race up and down Paulding with what seems to be with the blessing from the Sheriff's Office I am not surprised.
  11. I imagine sooner or later you will get around to making your point. I'll tell you an interesting fact, as of 2014 China had 1 aircraft carrier Russia had 1 and the U.S. had 10. http://thinkprogress.org/world/2014/04/09/3424666/paul-ryans-budget-more-aircraft-carriers-fewer-jobs/ *LPPT, I apologize for any part I had in hijacking your post maybe one of the mods would like to split this thread.
  12. OK I looked what's your point ? Defense spending budget for the US and China through 2015 U.S. 577,100,000,000 China 145,000,000,000 http://www.globalfirepower.com/defense-spending-budget.asp Spending in 2012 of U.S. and the next ten countries combined. http://www.businessinsider.com/chart-of-defense-spending-by-country-2014-2
  13. I have lived in Paulding for 28 years. I have never sent a child to a Paulding county school. Paulding hits me up for around $1,000 a year in school taxes. If anybody cares to reimburse me my $28,000 I can PM them my address .
  14. Whether Gore won the election or not I think we can all agree the World would be a much better and safer place if he had.
  15. The GOP is generally a little more subtle in their approach. Republicans Plan Weird and Extreme Voter Suppression Tricks for 2014 http://www.politicususa.com/2014/04/13/republican-voter-suppression-guide-2014-edition.html
  16. So do you look at pcom as a forum for the exchange of opinions and ideas or more like a game of gotcha between Liberals and Conservatives ?
  17. We have different priorities, in America we like our warplanes fast, our bombs smart and our bridges crumbling. We prefer our children uneducated, our citizens sick and hungry...... and our trains slow. Japan’s bullet trains What a ride They have been rolling for 50 years—and without a fatal accidenthttp://www.economist.com/news/asia/21621880-they-have-been-rolling-50-yearsand-without-fatal-accident-what-ride
  18. Having no respect for someone just because they don't share your political views or has a difference of opinion does not sound like you. I must say I am suprised.
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