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Everything posted by jdoxakis01

  1. At what age did they start? Any self train? Any completely revert back to pullups? My youngest girl is 22 months old. One day a couple weeks ago while I was drawing her bath she hopped on the toilet and went #1. I was shocked and thrilled. I got out the training potty and between the both of them she is using the potty more often than not. She still has accidents but definitely knows that she doesnt want to wear diapers or pullups, she had let me know when she went poo in her diaper, when I can keep one of her that is. If she had her way she would run around naked all day long I am
  2. From time to time I list free stuff on Craigslist. I had conversed a couple times thru email with a lady I made arrangements with for today. A couple showed up unannounced, I assumed it was her but realized it wasn't a short time later. Apparently everytime I post my full address is on there. If I wanted someone to "just show up" I would have put my address in the body of my listing, I dont though so a bunch a people dont show up fighting over who gets the stuff. My hubby told me to just let them take the stuff. I posted that I needed someone local to take everything, dont want multiple p
  3. My mother used to say "Let the punishment fit the crime" I never really thought about whether I was for it or against until she was brutally murdered by my brother. I had feared him practically my entire life, lived well below the radar as a result, very few people actually knew my physical address. He had threatened my life when I was a teenager for "telling on him" Of course Bartow wanted to find me to subpeona my testimony and once again I was glad no one knew how to find me. The thought of being in the same breathing room as him made me shutter. I was told later that my testimony may
  4. I certainly would not want to have that one on me. No, wait a sec I already do!! There is a lot of discord in my husbands family. My MIL requested me handle her affairs and to decide when it was time to "pull the plug" Onl;y because she was afraid he would say "yeah go ahead and kill her and get it over with" Which he would never do. She was in a coma some years back and he wouldnt allow them to do it even though Grady insisted. Turns out she was not brain dead, she was so doped up on morphine she couldnt function. If someone is BD why do they need morphine anyways? So here is what wi
  5. I can't imagine being in that position. And unless you are actually in the situation it is easy to say take her off life support. Her parents are hoping that she will make a miraculous recovery but odds are it will not happen. It's not to say that it can't happen. It is very expensive to keep a child on life support and if it were my child I would want to keep her on. No one wants to face the reality that ending life support brings. Especially if they haven't accepted that she is brain dead. I have lost a child and it is something very hard to deal with. There is one last grasp of hope
  6. <br /><br /><br /> IS it on the Cartersville side of 61? Where is it at exactly? I live a couple miles from Northside Elementary.
  7. I am looking for firewood just in case we lose power, the thought scares me because I have 4 young kids. Anyone have any spare wood? I would have posted in the wanted section but I need to find some quickly before it gets really bad. If I dont need it then I can return it to you. I am located near downtown Dallas area off Confederate
  8. I have some stuff too! Which thrift store in the plaza are you?? There are two of them. Also.....Goodwill is a joke, there is nothing good about them.Wow, the stories I have heard of how they run this place. My hubby worked there and what I saw was appalling. They threw out a suede leather couch because there was a rip on the front of it. I mentioned to the ADC superviser that they could donate unwanted unworthy items to a shelter and he laughed at me. They trash everything they dont deem sellable.
  9. I am looking for a roommate but there is no place for free members to post there
  10. This isn't really what I would call a subdivision. Just a bunch of houses on a small street, lots of trees and we back up to the graveyard on 61. It hadn't occurred to me about having street lights until I walked out to the mailbox stumbling in total darkness, hoping I would not walk straight into the ditch. I heard running towards me and I couldn't see anyone. I yelled whos there and he stopped right close to me, took him a few secs to gain his breath. It was just a neighbor running back to his house. Scared me to death because what if an attacker comes up on you in the dark, you cant se
  11. On nights like tonight I cant see to get to my mailbox even with my porch light on. Is there someone I can call to request the city have some lights put out here. I think there is only one light but further up my street. Would I need to have my neighbors sign a petition, they are all for it.
  12. Thanks for the ideas. Its so hard to find anything online and/or local. I wish I could remember where that cave was at my dad used to go to. It was somewhere around Cherokee COunty
  13. My son has become quite the rockhound. Is there any place where they have digs for your own rocks? Also, is there any place in ga where I can get a bag of uncracked geodes? Are there any caves? My dad used to do that kind of thing but I have no idea where he went.
  14. SHe wouldnt be here if she didnt want help. She never said anything about not wanting to report it in her first post. I too have been there done that and you are right. You have to be ready to leave and realize it never changes, you cant change him. There may not be violence yet but there will be eventually in some form or another.
  15. Anyone know if there will be class tomorrow on Election Day? My daughter missed her last day when she was sick so we dont know
  16. I had the Rainforest jumperoo when my son was a baby but it was really big and bulky. I am kinda interested in the Baby EInstein Activity Jumper, anyone used one of these.? I am looking for something on the smaller side but entertaining for my baby girl.
  17. Located on COnfederate (Water Tank rd) right where the graveyard is close to downtown? The leak is where my road begins and I can smell the gas here now really bad. Cant go anywhere and my hubby is stuck somewhere. I hope no one tries to start a bon fire or spark something. Freaking out. WHat do I do if I start to smell gas INSIDE my house. WHy wasnt we evacuated?
  18. That doesnt cost an arm and a leg per head. As big as my family is it would cost $40 to go swimming at the pool closest to me.
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