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Posts posted by TnT

  1. If you can't find a team to help out with,,, I am a member of Seth's Team.


    Seth was a 15 year old boy who lost his battle to cancer 3 years ago here in Paulding County. He was a student at EPHS. His parents are members on this board and are really trying this year to raise a lot of money for the cause this year.




    Thanks Shawna.... Anyone is welcome to join and walk with us.





    I'm the Taem Captain of New Georgia Baptist Church's team


    New Georgia has a great team. Seth has a door there in his memory in the new building. I hope to come see it one Sunday soon.

  2. We found her!!!!!!!! Apparently she had traveled all the way to the Kmart area somehow. We found her at the extended stay motel place parking lot. She smells like cigarettes so we think someone had her in their room there. Seems to be in good condition.


    Thanks everyone for keeping a lookout for her.



    Dan glad you found your dog.....


    Makes you wonder how she knew the way to Kmart... :lol: :lol: :lol: Guess you follows your wife and neighbors.... :lol: :lol:

  3. :lol: :lol:


    I'm sorry T...it just hit my why your name is TnT.....all these years I thought "dynamite"....lord have mercy (hanging head and heading out for a bottle of blond hair dye :o :ninja: )


    LOL no problem..... Hope things is going well for you...

  4. It all depends on the lapto and the problem...


    Whats the problem...


    If it is under warranty don't let anyone touch it other than a service guy.


    Tell me a bit about the problem..


    Oh and yes I do do laptops.


    They are not under warranty.


    One is power supply, This one I really want fixed as it was my son's and he used it while he could before he passed away.


    One has just crashed, I am not sure what all will have to be done to it.

  5. Isn't there a pcom member Navy Eagle who advertises that he does computer work?





    I know that computer commando does laptops ...


    He advertises here and when I was in his shop, he had a half-dozen ready for their customers.




  6. I got a ribbon and haven't a clue how to put it in my signature.


    I copied and pasted the link that ~Cake~ sent me, but it just shows up as the words in my post. I tried copying the picture and it doesn't work either. ~sigh~ Everyone else can do it without a problem,,,, but me... is there a "I'm stupid" ribbon? :wacko:



    Sorry I can't help you with that Shawna..


    Thanks for the phone call by the way....

  7. Guess it depends how much you are willing to spend. I LOVE my s/d. Not sure what the prices are now but mine was $200. It's big though, 5 bed......30000 sq feet.



    Tara that has to be a big house for 30000 sq feet....



    I guess I like where I live for now but maybe not so much after they build the new courthouse next door...

  8. To The Holden Family!


    My deepest and sincerest sympathy are with you at this time:


    Your little Angel Kyhlee is at peace now, with no more machines, no more Doctors.


    Just remember she will be looking over you and you will always feel her presences.


    I will be thinking about you and your family during this very sad time:


    May God give you the peace and comfort to get through these heart breaking days:


    But most of all May God let you feel Kyhlee's presences:




    LR I could not have said it better myself. I know this is a hard time for the family and you will be in my prayers. If I can ever do anything please feel free to ask. I can say I have been there with the loss of a Son whom I was blessed to have for 15 years and I would love to be here as support for you.


    Please know you have people here for you to help you through this so I beg you to reach out to them. may God bless you all during this time of need....

  9. Hays is about 45 minutes from Rome. I have a cousin that works there and several friends that work there. It is located in the small town of Pennville just north of Summerville. Very small town, has just had a super wal-mart built about a year ago. Has a few fast food places to eat but that is about it....The County has 2 highschools.

  10. I dont know. I just know the state will only give counties the money for class space. So halls, cafeteria, gym, media center, etc. is not covered!



    And that is crazy because they hold classes in the gym, and media center and what do they think that kids are not to eat.....

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