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Posts posted by TnT

  1. I lost my son almost 14 years ago. I can't believe it has been that long. A group such as this may have helped me then. Feel free to PM me if I may help.



    Thank you Some times it seems like it has been so long since I lost my son but other days it seems just like it was yesterday....Thanks for your willing to help


    I have never been a mother so I will never know how you woman feel. I just hope and pray that whatever group you form will do good for those who have a loss like yours.


    God Bless all you Mothers who have lost sons and daughters. :wub:



    Thank you... It is not something any parent should have to go through but it does happen so we just have to learn the best ways to deal with it.

  2. My daughter has been really upset about all this too (like everybody)


    She said the funeral was really sweet and they read notes from some people to Dillan



    Those notes that was read today really is somthing for that family to be proud of and shows them just what a great kid Dillian was. It was a very special funeral today, and to see all the people that was there to remember him is something the family will always remember. Lots of tears was shed today as I am sure will be the same tomorrow for Gina. Both families will be in our thoughts and prayers.

  3. I wonder if this is the same person we read about here several weeks ago?

    Dogs Rescued From "Deplorable" Conditions


    ATLANTA -- Animal control officers in Northwest Georgia raided a suspected puppy mill Friday morning – rescuing dozens of dogs from what they describe as “deplorable” conditions.


    The raid happened in Chattooga County. The owner of the property says she’ll fight to get back some of those dogs....


    The dogs ranged from small Chihuahuas to medium-sized Boxers and a lot of Dachshunds including two mothers with two big sets of puppies.


    Animal control officers said it looked like a classic puppy mill.


    “I was also called by a lady in Chattanooga that purchased a puppy from her that died and she’s the one that alerted me to the puppy mill over there,” said Johnson....


    You can read the entire story here.




    OMG I know this person. Being from Chattooga and living there most of my life this lady has always had alot of animals. I can't believe she got away with it as long as she did.

  4. I would love to go to a support group. I was thinking this the other day. I could help if you wanted set it up for different places to meet, ect. .


    Thank you so much. When my son passed away we was looking into going to a group but really could not find anything close so it has been on my mind for some time so I really want to make this happen.

  5. Tomorrow will mark the 10-year anniversary of my son’s death. He was 17, a SR at PCHS, at the time of his death. I think a support group is a wonderful idea. I would be interested.



    I will be thinking of you tomorrow and you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for your interest.

  6. I think it is a great idea. I too have lost a child. Talking about your feeling is one of the best therapies.


    I agree with you.. I will keep you updated as it developes.


    just let me know T :wub:


    Thanks nanny for you Pm and I will keep you updated..

  7. I think this is a great thing you are doing.I have never lost a child , but I have a child that has severe CP.I would hope that If I ever need something to turn to it would be there! :) Goodluck



    Thank you so much for your input....


    I really wish that no parent would have to go through this but it is happening more and more everyday. It has been 3 years since we lost our son but some days are still very hard.

  8. I am looking to start a support group for parents that have lost a child. The reason could all be different but the end result is a child is gone. I am looking for your thoughts and ideas. If you are interested in helping in any way please let me know.

  9. I must say as I have a child at EPHS as well and have concerns but I feel everyone has to understand Mr. Kuss can only do so much himself and the issues that are at hand with the school, you really should consider all showing up at the next BOE meeting with the ones that are really the ones that can make the changes needed. Every issue you have that you are going to talk to him about, he has to turn right around and take it to the BOE. I feel he is doing the best he can with what he has to work with. Maybe more parents that can need to go spend time at the school and be hall and bathroom monitors during the day. I feel as parent we should all be more active in the school system.


    EPHS students, staff, and admin are all in my prayers.

  10. >One Nation, "Under God".


    >One day a 6 year old girl was sitting in a classroom. The teacher was


    >to explain evolution to the children. The teacher asked a little boy:


    >do you see the tree outside?

    >TOMMY: Yes.

    >TEACHER: Tommy, do you see the grass outside?

    >TOMMY: Yes.

    >TEACHER: Go outside and look up and see if you can see the sky.

    >TOMMY: Okay. (He returned a few minutes later) Yes, I saw the sky.

    >TEACHER: Did you see God up there?

    >TOMMY: No.

    >TEACHER: That's my point. We can't see God because he isn't there.


    >he just doesn't exist.


    >A little girl spoke up and wanted to ask the boy some questions.

    >The teacher agreed and the little girl asked the boy: Tommy, do you



    >tree outside?

    >TOMMY: Yes.

    >LITTLE GIRL: Tommy do you see the grass outside?

    >TOMMY: Yessssss!

    >LITTLE GIRL: Did you see the sky?

    >TOMMY: Yessssss!

    >LITTLE GIRL: Tommy, do you see the teacher?

    >TOMMY: Yes

    >LITTLE GIRL: Do you see her brain?

    >TOMMY: No

    >LITTLE GIRL: Then according to what we were taught today in school,



    >possibly may not even have one.





  11. I am having a jewelery party tomorrow night at 7 pm if anyone is interested and wants to come. If you need directions please pm me and I will get them to you. The husbands is also welcome, I think they may get a card game going...

  12. Unbelievable. Just because the parents knew, doesn't mean you had the right to tell everyone. Parents of both probably knew within minutes, but there are more loved ones out there than the parents. And not only was it wrong for you to announce it so quickly, but it was the WAY you announced it. Grow up and find some tact.



    Very well said ....


    What happened to RESPECT????????

  13. Why does my school have to go through this again? I'm a senior. Since my class and I started our freshman year in 2003 twelve kids (just off the top of my head) have passed away for one reason or another. This news just tears me up inside again.

    RIP: Seth Laney, Josh Dingler, Sarah Conley, Ta-Ta Scudder, Josh Prather, Justin Cruz, Rianna Winchester, Jon Hicks, Jake Croy, Josh Brown and now these two whose names I won't say out of respect for the families. You will be Raiders forever.



    I wish I knew the answer but I don't but as the mom of the first name you typed Seth Laney I can't hold back the tears. Our prayers are with these families as I wish no parent to go through this...

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