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down home

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Everything posted by down home

  1. Tommie Graham and David Austin could do nothing alone so really it is a new commission. You can't do much with two votes. (sorry too tired to type)
  2. This new commssion has been in office one month, give them a chance.
  3. David Austin in ONE vote out of 5. It takes three votes to make a decision.
  4. From what I understand, if it is your place of business you can put your sign in the yard however you can't put a sign for a (for example) carpet business in your yard if it isn't the carpet company's place of business. Also, there are so many old 4x 6 signs for subdivisions out that have been sold out or defunct for years on the roadways.
  5. Paulding County is actually trying to make the county look better and to do that the roadways must be cleaned up. There are many ways to advertise businesses but the intersections are not the place for it. We need to attract business here and we need clean well manicured roadways to help do so. The county will be having a nice kioski system that will take the place of semi-permanant signs like Cherokee and Douglas and Peachtree City have.
  6. Last time I checked republican and democrat votes count equally.
  7. Notice to all liberals or democrats in Post 2- Beverly's supporters like Regan Republican are so one sided they don't seem to want any support from democrats. I know if I were running for office I would try to gain everyone's support regardless of the party they were affliated with. Regan Republican, thank you, I am sure Todd will take the votes and represent those people too.
  8. If one reads the letter David wrote you will see that he never mentions Ms. Cochran but describes what Todd Pownall isn't. Ask yourself why Regan Republican is so worried about those facts?
  9. You call an ad in the Dallas New Era a significant amount of money? Like $50 oh please. And what business does Todd and David have except cleaning Jerry Shearin's clock in the last election. Get your facts straight.
  10. And you are so anti government this and anti government that but wait when someone talks about one of your candidates you can't take the heat. I am really not surprised by your pathetic attempts, you are running scared. Todd will win because he is in this race for the right reasons and he has no baggage to bring to the job. David would like to have a post commissioner who will not be focused on getting revenge on a daily basis. You and I will never agree on this issue.
  11. Oh really like who? I would bet you and David's supporters are probably not chatting it up, not the same crowd. Do you mean you spoke only with Jason? That is more like it. Why can't you stand David having an opinion, just seems like you are pretty worried about what he says and does and who might listen to him. Ironic.
  12. I personally wouldn't want to work where people didn't want me. If I loved my county as much as she claims to I wouldn't have hired a lawyer and taken $49,900 from the taxpayers. Drew Lane obviously chose not to keep her either. Can we say a pattern?
  13. Oh please, Beverly needs to apologize to the taxpayers for her $49,900 check she took from their pockets and the slanderous "brown bag" mailer she put out with untrue information. No apology needed by David or Todd and county employees, they already can't stand Beverly. She has talked down to them for years, ask some and you will find out quickly David was getting high fives all over the Courthouse when she was gone.
  14. Your sources are wrong. I just talked to David, he will tell you he wrote the article himself without Mr. Pownall approving it because Ms. Cochran has been out lying about David and he is sick of it. Stop trying to spin the article. You can stand David; anything he does you despise. Just because he isn't supporting Beverly you and your little crowd can't handle it. You know that David is popular and that his article may hurt Beverly or you wouldn't be so concerned with it. Go pick up your Eric Johnson signs.
  15. I asked David Austin and he paid for the ad himself regarding Todd Pownall and he is entitled to his opinion as to who will do the best job. There is no power to threaten and he is not scared. If he was scared he wouldn't have fired Beverly and he wouldn't have written an ad.
  16. It is so disappointing that officers in the PCGOP openly campaigned for Jerry Shearin during the last election and again for Beverly Cochran in the primary. Darrell Galloway opening worked for Jerry and Nancy Hollingshed has openly campaigned for Beverly. It is too bad that a few people have given the local party such a bad name of being so bias.
  17. Are you kidding? Do you really think David Austin doesn't want women influening things in Paulding County. Just because he is not for Beverly Cochran has nothing to do her being female. And what "boys" are your referring to? David came into office on his own coat tail not that of someone else. He did not want Beverly Cochran (aka Jerry Shearin's) secretary for 8 years as his assistant so he moves her to another department and DA's office lays her off and she has an ax to grind with David so she runs for office. She is out bashing him all over the county in her campaigning. Beverly did not sta
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