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Everything posted by m3gnr0s3

  1. LOL! Oh yes, but its alllll men.
  2. I don't know if it's just me - or if its since I got pregnant..but I have no tolerance for men. They just drive me up the wall. I mean.. don't get me wrong.. I'm generally irritable these days.. but men, man they make me want to strangle them! Like I have no patience for them AT ALL, lol. Anyone else feel this way? or have?
  3. It was pretty bad before hand as well, but also before hand it would at least stay clear until right before my period, now its a constant battle but i do, do alllllll of that, some days it pays off, others i wake up wanting to hide. I need to try the tea tree oil again though, it kinda worked.
  4. I actually hate chocolate right now, Wait...Unless its a snickers, or in milkshake form ; ) LOL, not even a yummy candy bar? I prefer fruity taste more than a sweet taste. I hope i hate Coke after my cupcake comes aswell...ew i hate frosting too, makes me so sick...sugar KILL. OH! and with the slushies...So with you there..i lived off of any blueberry slushy..now i neeeed to go to sonic!!
  5. Mint chocolate chip ice cream. Pepperonis...hot pockets, pizza rolls, bagel bites. Fruit...strawberries, watermelon, oranges. Donuts. Sushi like CRAZY! (and sadly cant have the kind i want only veggie rolls) Coke a cola...weird thing is i have hated soda ALL my life...until i got pregnant, lol. Subway..Italian BMT on italian herbs and cheese bread..cheddar cheese, with pickles, cucumbers, banana peppers, tomato, lettuce, mustard, mayo...and i am good to GO. Oh my geeezzz, Now i gotta go get all these things.
  6. This would be my very evil ugly skin Looks even worse in person. Someone please give me life-full, pretty, soft/smooth...skin.
  7. Thank you i appreciate the love And yes, I just want my mind set to change and focus on good things grrrr...don't want to rely on pills....and i cant swallow pills, LOL.
  8. I was thinking that as well, but my Doctor claims my skin is just irritated making it red, but i am not quite sure she is right, I will have to post a photo of just my cheeks and show you, but I have not tried that and it sounds hopeful.
  9. I am not sure if anyone is interested in my pregnancy to follow along but i wanted to share some moments with you that changed my life, Thank you from me and my cupcake! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2MwuG14xMI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU-lWdFq9uk&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRYTylX_MiQ
  10. I really hate to use the i'm just pregnant excuse...but you are right.
  11. I still have acne, and a bad case of it, on top of that i am fair skinned and my cheeks always look irritated and red...its worse now that i am pregnant and i have no found one thing that works and when i say i have tried EVERYTHING i do mean EVERYTHING. -everything-over the counter-home remedies-dermocalagist(sp?)-max clarity-proactiv-acne free-drinking water-anything i could get my hands on. My face just wont give me a break ever, i now have acne scars, i am embarrassed to not wear makeup and i hate what i see in the mirror. My face gets so oily..than if i clean it, it gets shiny and dry...
  12. LOLOLOLOL LMFAO!! I like your style, it would just be easier if it was not my spouse grrr Ahhh sooo glad we are on the same page, it is not easier when your pregnant...24/7 worries, concerns, anything gets under your skin...my spouse has resorted to telling me "I am just gonna tell myself your pregnant" lol which makes me more like wtfffffff.
  13. Woooo and let me tell you how hard to do something like this is for me, its like trying lead a horse to water...does that make sense? lol i am so stubborn my mind set is wack...if i get on a bad thought it spreads like a sickness and wont go away unless i talk about it, than it comes out wrong and turns into a argument...than everyones mad over nothing really, just over one bad thought i had.have.urgh.
  14. Glad to know i am not alone I seriously cant stand myself when i am this way..once i start working like Oscar said maybe keeping busy is all i need.
  15. ^Oh yes, real yummy ...now gimmi my $5 bucks Ohhh i got these toooooo....I'm sorry but i LOVE THIS COMMERCIAL! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q6Ti9xCX_M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cZ7OT7BmM8
  16. Oh, but she still seems to get anxiety? is it chewable? I can't swallow pills (long story) i may try it if its deff worth it, lol. I feel like i just worry myself for no reason..i did this even before i got pregnant.
  17. She takes wahh? I don't freak out, just bad thoughts take over my mind and i get angry and bitter...than i tell the person whats wrong and they cant help or fix it..idk if that even makes sense...lol.
  18. Over dumb little things that should not even bother you, but they do and you wish you could just get control over it or make it pop out of your head..like little things your spouse does/did...or things in your life..how do you cope/deal with things like this? (hope this makes sense)
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