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Posts posted by Chelle

  1. You are setting a fine example for your children, Bubba. Hats off to you for taking the time to double back and make your kids pick up their trash.


    This lady in the minivan you spoke of... what a poor example for her children. Those kids will probably never think twice about littering.


    My kids have helped me pick up the trash in our front yard. We've had the discussion about how the world would look if everyone decided to litter... they don't want to grow up in a trashy place filled with stench and rats. Their thoughts about littering should carry into adulthood and I'm sure they will pass these values down to their own children.


    Sad thing is, if more parents would refrain from littering themselves and have a simple talk with their kids about littering & how it would be if everyone did it, how horrible it would be to just walk outside... then most of these kids would think twice about it.




    Most of the people we've seen littering have been teens/young adults... but the guy that nearly hit me with the bottle was a grown man. I'll be keeping an eye out for him today, pen & paper in hand... although if I call it in, I doubt anything can or will be done about it. :(

  2. they do it because they are lazy.


    How about we follow them home, and then throw trash in their yard!


    :wub: http://www.KeepPauldingBeautiful.com :wub:


    About a month ago, while hubby and I were relaxing on our front porch, a couple of girls drove by and threw a drink into our front yard. Hubby ran and grabbed the drink, hopped in his truck and took off, hoping they were stopping at Scott's store. They didn't stop there, but if they had, hubby planned on tossing the drink back in their window and saying "hey, you dropped this." :D

  3. I just can't understand why people throw their trash out the window of their cars, rather than waiting to get home or to a store to throw it in the trash. This has always bugged me so much. It really irritates me to be driving down the road, only to see trash all along the sides. It also bugs me that I have to go out in my own front yard with a trash bag several times a week to pick up other people's litter.


    To make matters worse, while I was sitting out in my yard waiting for the bus today, some a$$ hurled a glass Sobe bottle out of his window, missing me by only a few feet. I was sitting just passed the woodline, so he didn't see me until after he'd thrown it. He then waves his hand out the window, as though he's apologizing... but whether I was sitting there or not, he did wrong and it fumes me. I didn't catch his plate #'s, but I'll be keeping an eye out for him.

  4. i used to live in Chesterfield.  at Chesterfield Apartments right next to Chipenham pkwy.  worked at Town Center mall at I Natural forever. :)  was a vol. paramedic for Tuckahoe Vol Rescue Squad for years.  then did fire training with Chesterfield Fire Dept. and worked for MedFlight.  i liked VA but i hated all the taxes on cars.  thats what led me to rescue squad.  got a nice break on those personal property taxes.


    i moved to Virginia to go to school in 1991, and moved bact to Atl in 1998.

    Wow, what a small world. I lived about 3 miles from Town Center for about 15 years. I worked as a "3rd person" with Forest View Volunteer rescue squad for about a year around 1990.

  5. My best friend lives in Virginia too so your not alone Critty!  its so hard when they live soooo far away.


    I can sympathize. My family (parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins... etc.) and friends are in Virginia. I go up there usually twice a year to visit, though.

  6. Welcome, virginiagirl. I was born and raised in the Chesterfield/Richmond area and moved here to Paulding in 1995.


    My Mother was here visiting for a couple of weeks (from VA) and enjoyed this site so much and was saying that she wished there was something like this where she lives. I have a feeling she'll be stopping in and browsing Pcom from time to time. :)

  7. Others have given some good reasons for driving their kids to and from school. Luckily this year it seems mine will all be riding the bus, but in years past I've had to drive them. For several years, the bus ride was so long, it seemed only right that I drive them the 7 minutes to school rather than make them sit on the bus for so long. One year it was so bad that it was an a hour and a half EACH way... there's no way any of my kids will spend 3 hours a day on the bus when I can get them to school in a matter of minutes.


    Last year I picked my 2nd grader up from school everyday because I had to drive into Dallas to pick up my pre-k child. My arrival time at home from picking up the "pre-Ker" was within a couple minutes of the bus arrival time, so I didn't want to chance running into traffic or any other short delays and not be here when my 2nd grader got home from school.

  8. 8-8:30 for my 5 & 7 year olds. My oldest is 13, but he hasn't had a bedtime for a few years. He usually goes to bed on his own at a reasonable time and I've never had any problem getting him up in the mornings. I just walk by his room and say his name and he hops out of bed. My little ones are much more difficult to get out of bed, no matter what time they go to sleep.

  9. Here's my 2 little ones... my oldest wasn't too keen on the picture taking, so I won't post his until I get "permission."


    Here's my little guy... he said he wasn't nervous, but just look at that face, lol.


    They wanted to ride the bus so bad, so I had planned on meeting them at the school to walk them to their classes, but they asked me to stay home and insisted on doing it themselves. :(

  10. My son has had a blast so far! He keeps telling me about all the fun stuff and about all the things he's learned. He's always been interested in nature, but now he's developed an interest in learning more about the war and history. He's also so very excited about the creek walk tomorrow. It looks like a great bunch of kids, my son says everyone's super nice, not a mean one in the group. :)


    Thank you, Steven (Gem Man), for doing this... for providing three days of fun and education for these kids. You're doing a fantastic job!


    Thanks, also to Pcom for covering this story. I enjoyed looking at the pics and hearing more about it. Daniel was in awe when he saw the story. He seems to think he's famous now, lol.


    BTW, it was nice meeting you today, melbelle. :D

  11. Jaymes Justin - Jaymes, after his Daddy, but we added a "y" to be different. Justin, we just heard the name on some TV show and both liked it.


    Daniel Joseph - Daniel... a Leo, Daniel and the Lion's Den. Joseph was my Hubby's Grandfather's name.


    Noah Christopher - Noah had some serious health issues prior to his birth, which landed me at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, when I was about 4 months pregnant. While waiting for an MRI, my Husband and I were sitting in the waiting room and we both noticed a book on the table... "Noah's Ark". Until that time, we had no clue what we would name him, nothing we came across felt right. I picked up the book, we looked at each other and we both knew that was his name, without any discussion. Christopher is my Husband's middle name.

  12. My name is Michelle. I registered the name 'Michelle' here back in 2000, perhaps early 2001. There wasn't much posting back then, but I stopped by and browsed the site every now and then. When I finally got around to posting in 2004, I found that my username had been registered by someone else, after the board had been changed and evidentally users had to re-register.


    Anyhow, when I re-registered, I just took the Mi off of Michelle and became Chelle. :)

  13. I've kept April and her family in my prayers since I first read this thread. I've had a hard time posting, knowing what to say and facing the feelings of what this family has been going through. All I can really say is that I will continue to keep them in my prayers.


    Honkin, you have been a great friend to this family and with your posts, you have induced a multitude of prayers that would otherwise have gone unsaid... unsung... unsent.

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