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Posts posted by Chelle

  1. All I can really offer at this time are my prayers for Chandler & your family.


    I can also say that, in some way, I can relate to what you're going through right now. The fear for Chandler, as well as the financial burden that you are facing. I had a somewhat similar situation with my son, Noah, who had a rare lung tumor that was so large it had his heart pressed against his ribcage, on the right (wrong) side of his chest (we found this out when I was 4 months pregnant.) Local Doctors and surgeons were not familiar with his situation and we were led to believe that Noah's chances were not too good. I chose to not believe this and did as much research as I could to become more knowledgeable of his condition, I prayed hard and held onto the hope that my little angel would pull through. Atlanta physicians were not an option for us either, and after much research, we found that our hope lay in PA or CA. He had his surgery in PA at 3 weeks of age and has been a healthy, happy boy ever since. Noah will be 5 years old this month. :)


    While the whole experience was extremely difficult and heart breaking, our whole family became much stronger and I learned so much about life, love, prayer, faith and strength. I also believe it contributed to Noah's incredible strength and character, as well.


    I'm so sorry, I don't intend to hijack your thread, it's just that reading Chandler's story, has brought back a flood of emotions and feelings. In addition, I hope that you may find some words of encouragement in my story and it's joyful outcome.


    I pray for your precious Chandler. That this surgery will be a permanent solution, that he and your family will never have to go through this again. I pray for your strength and his. I pray that one day you will be able to reflect on this experience with a smile and find all the positives that come out of it, because your sweet boy triumphed through this difficult and trying time.

  2. Ya'll sure are sensitive about weight, lighten up a little (pardon the pun) and you will live longer.


    Actually, Buzz... I am a very laid back person. It's not even the weight issue that has me bugged. What bothers me is that someone comes here in high spirits and is happy to post that she found something that made her feel good about herself, then for someone else come in and try to put a downer on that, well, I feel it was quite mean and uncalled for. I'm quite certain that I wouldn't even have posted about this, had dave started his own thread inquiring about using alternative names for things.


    When we eat burgers, why don't we say that we are going to go grill up some ground up cow flesh? Are we living a lie?


    There's an endless supply of things, actions, situations, etc., that have alternative names for so many reasons. Appeal, marketability, respect, ease...


    So once again, to me, this goes well beyond weight and boils down to the fact that this guy intentionally decided to try to bring someone else down when she was feeling good about herself.

  3. Now, Now!  No need for the supposed name calling.  For your reference please tell me how my question was hurtful.  Here it is ->


    I agree my timing was probably not the best but I was just curious and looking for some responses to answer my question.  I stated in my question that I was not looking to start anything but I guess some were.  This question is one that can be difficult to get an honest answer face to face and I thought this would be a good place to get some answers.  I guess I was wrong about paulding.com.  I will refrain from asking question in the future since most people that responsed to this thread are not one for interesting discussion on a sensitive subject and no I did not spell check or do the gammar check thing so please don't start with "oh you can't spell so you are ...."  Thanks for your time.


    You are not only asking a question, you are also telling people that they are "living a lie" if they refer to themselves or others as "plus size." The latter proves your question to be insincere... and shows it to be more of a subtle attack, rather than a question at all.


    Why not be honest to yourself? Rather than saying that you do not spell or grammar check, just admit to yourself that you are ______.


    Since you have a hard time comprehending, let me spell this out for you. The above sentence, as well as the supposed name calling in my previous post, was not intended to be an attack, but an attempt to show you that many people have many different ways of referring to physical and mental attributes. In that way, you are no different than anyone else here... even the ones you were trying to take a jab at.

  4. Huh?  I just asked a question about being honest and the people in here consider that a stupid question?  Ok?  I guess some people like to live their life in a lie.  I just say be honest.  Oh and please also someone explain, since it seems that some people here are filled with infinte wisdow, how being honest about yourself is a stupid thing to ask?  Hey storelady, I was not being hateful but if you think asking someone to be honest is hateful so be it....no since at wasting my time trying to convince you otherwise.  I will refrain from asking questions of some people on here in the future.  Lighten up!


    Since you desire honesty and bluntness, rather than suggesting that you check your spelling and grammar, I suppose I could just call you an idiot and tell you that you need more edumacation... err... education. I won't do that though, as I believe that "The more dirt you throw, the more ground you lose."


    No, I don't consider myself full of "infinte wisdow," but I do have tact and respect for others.


    It was quite obvious to most of us that you didn't have a sincere question. Your intention was not to get an answer, but to hurt someone else and facilitate drama here.

  5. I think it is so wonderful that y'all try so hard to find homes for these sweet little pets. I wish I could adopt more, but we are at capacity with 6 dogs, all of which were strays and one that came from the shelter.


    btw, about the one that came from the shelter... He is so wonderful and I am so thankful we have him. He was due to be put down and on the same day, someone from the shelter called to see if we would take him... my only question was "Is he good with kids" and with the answer being "Yes", we headed straight for the shelter and got him. This was during the summer of '98 and we couldn't imagine him not being a part of our family.


    Anyhow, hats off to y'all for making every effort to find these loving pets equally loving families!

  6. The first time I came to pcom, in 1999, I didn't see any forums. The site had a black background with a roadsign theme.


    Hey Pubby, remember this? "PAULDING.COM is a new kind of Internet site because we could care less about anyplace other than Paulding County, Georgia. That's where we are and that is that."


    In 2000 pcom changed and added visible forums and that's when I registered. (I may not have actually reg'd until 2001, but started browsing the site in 2000.)

    As with most boards, I am usually a reader and not a poster. I finally tried to post this year but found that my username was gone (guess it went away with the older version of the site.)


    So, to many of you, I appear to be a newbie at pcom, but I've actually been around, off and on, for over 4 years.


    To answer the question, I found pcom when I typed the name in the address bar one day.


    *Edited because I never saw any forums back in '99, but just found that there was a small forum with a few threads.

  7. Hey, I know a great non-profit local organization that would love to have that Olds! I have 2 people fighting over a vw fox that has to be push started, but it is better than hitching or walking to work in the cold!

    LAST YEAR FOR FULL DEDUCTION ON DONATED VEHICLES! I have 6 families on the waiting list now.


    Sorry to Hi-jack, it is for a great cause though! :)


    It has transmission troubles, I was scared to drive it any longer 'til I got it fixed. It doesn't fit the whole family in it, but I sure wish it was running right, I'd save lots of $$$ in gas if I could use it to tote the kids to and from school. I love the conversion, but it's a gas guzzler. Everytime we get a little ahead and think we'll be able to fix it, something more pressing comes up. It's a shame, it only has 60-70k miles on it.


    If we decide we'll never get around to fixing it, does this organization take vehicles that need repairs?

  8. i for one get nervous when a police man gets behind me just going down the road why? i do not know, i guess it is the little blue lights on the top of the car and not knowing if the police is  just going my way or follwing me to try to find something wrong:


    as far as the profiling goes, it does happen, it happens in court rooms as well, you are looked at on how you are dressed, and how you act, if you go in with a 3 piece suit on, you have a better chance then if you where to go in with long hair, and not so nice dressed:


    why didn't the driver of the truck just tell the law officer, no i would rather you not search my vechile, if you feel you have to bring the dogs bring them, if you feel you have to get a search warrant then go get one: i would have refused to let them search my vechicle,


    not trying to be a smart allic about it, but if they want to search my car that bad then they will go and get the warrant, and if they had to do that enough times maybe these judges would get tried of issuing warrants unnessearliy, because that cost money,


    i will say this, i also if i ever get pulled over, the police would follow me to a public place, they fear for thier safety, but so do we: they may not know if we have a gun or not, but we know they defintley have a gun, and everybody that is pulled over is not a drugie, are wanted murderer, we do have some law abiding citizens, that may get pulled over because of a brake light or something, and not even know it;


    i guess what i am trying to say is this,respect us as a law abiding citzen until proven other wise, just like you want to be treated as an  officer of the law:


    i have no probelm with the SO, but i do feel like that if they want respect they need to give it,


    I understand where you're coming from.


    The only reason they consented is because they were already on a tight schedule and couldn't afford to lose anymore time than was necessary. They knew that consenting would be the quickest route to getting back to their work.

  9. And of course, if he hadn't ROLLED the stop sign, he wouldn't have been stopped at all.  I'm betting he'll STOP from now on.  B)


    I'd be willing to bet that you haven't come to a FULL COMPLETE STOP at EVERY stop sign you've ever encountered. Especially those signs that are in a place where you can see that, without a doubt, nothing's coming... those signs where you just go through the motions of stopping, but neglect to have your car TOTALLY stopped for a few seconds.


    If anyone's been down Paris Road, you know the sign that my brother-in-law didn't totally stop for. The only purpose I can see for it being there, is to slow people down, there's no reason to make people stop there.

    (btw, it's a 3-way stop on a low traffic road)

  10. Wow, there have been many helpful comments on both sides of this. It seems that even if there is written law... or guidelines regarding this type of situation, that many people really don't know what is truly legal or not.


    Even though the whole incident still disturbs me, I am beginning to understand the reasonings of the Officer, particularly regarding the personal searches. A couple of you brought up the fact that personal searches are done before a vehicle search in order to ensure the Officer's safety. This makes sense to me and helps to clear my questions and anger about my husband being searched.


    Apparently my bother-in-law, the driver of the vehicle, gets extremely nervous around Law Enforcement, even if he has done nothing wrong. Between the long hair and level of nervousness, I can see how the officer may have been suspicious, but I still have question in my mind as to whether or not he should have gone to the extreme of the vehicle search, which, as I know now, was what led to the personal search.


    So, I guess I can understand both sides now, to a point.

    I see that the Officer was just trying to do his job. Perhaps his methods work well on most occasions, but this time he was wrong. Had he used the same methods on someone carrying a trunkload of drugs, it's likely that no one would have questioned his methods and he would have been commended on his observance and intuition. Most of us would be quite happy to know this trunkload of drugs would no longer be making it to the streets

    I'm sure you can all relate to my husband's point of view as well, though. To be riding in someone's car who makes a minor traffic violation, then to be searched, when you've done nothing wrong... well, that's enough to tick most anyone off.


    Although I'm still not convinced that the Officer acted in a reasonable manner, I do understand why he did some of the things he did. I was hoping to gain more understanding through this board, so I thank you all for your comments.

  11. Well, we can get into how "the man" can keep us down.


    What if the officer had stumbled on a trunk load of drugs or a body?  There is a fine line between civil liberties, privacy, and an officer's intuition and experience.


    In this case I am on the officer’s side (with what I know of the situation.)  Of course, if I am stopped like this, then my tune will probably change.


    To a point, I can understand a vehicle search, although I don't like their reason for doing this, whether it was because of nervousness or profiling. I realize it doesn't matter what I like or think is fair, I'm just stating how I feel.


    This still doesn't explain why they physically searched my husband and the other passenger.

  12. Chelle, it looks like your husband and his brothers were PROFILED by that officer. PCSO did the same thing to my 20 yr old  a few weeks ago. She was in her car, b/f sitting next to her and his 7 yr old in the backseat. She had a taillight out and he stopped her BUTTT, not only did he ask her for her ID, he also asked her b/f for his and wanted to know WHO he was to her, and WHO the kid in the car was. My daughter has band stickers and a tattoo shop sticker on her back window so the cop automatcially associated her vehicle with WRONG DOING and just as soon as she tells me the exact location where she was stop0ped and the date and time I am going to post it here. My daughter has never been in any kind of trouble nor has she ever been associated with kids thaat got in trouble with the law in any way. An incident like this makes me glad for once that I live across town now. Man I was HOTTTer n hell when she told me this here at Thanksgiving. AND she didnt even get a ticket of any kind, she just got HARRASSED and it was not right. :angry:  :angry:  :angry:


    That was the strange part about this situation as well... after all that, they didn't get ticketed!?!


    I'm pretty sure they were profiled, but to me that doesn't seem like a good reason to

    (a) search the vehicle

    (B) physically search not only the driver, but also the two passengers in the car


    I'm sorry that happened to your daughter. Profiling can be a very unfair thing.

    Although my husband has long hair and some people quickly judge him, those who take the time to talk to him, even briefly, can see that he is truly a good guy.

  13. Chelle, if this was a Paulding SO officer, then I would call Col. Mike Hicks.  He is the lead administrative officer for Sheriff Harris.


    I'm not quite sure how things work in Paulding. We've been here 10 years and have never had dealings with the Police, except for when our home was burglarized. I know that in the county we came from, complaining about or questioning an officer was a mistake and would land you in more trouble than it was worth.

  14. Kay, the search was "warrented" because the officer felt the driver "looked nervous."


    They could have said no to the search.  Of course a K9 unit would show up....


    Police just make many people nervous. I know I've been stopped a couple of times and my nerves just kicked in. I don't see how they can use that as means to search a vehicle. Personally, I feel they were being stereotyped, because two of them have long hair.


    That's why they didn't say no to the search. They knew it would take up way more time if they said no. They run an upstanding business here in Paulding and don't have time to sit around waiting for a K-9 unit, especially when all they did was a rolling stop.

  15. I don't know if this is sopose to happen or not but in my contacts with the law i have never had this happen I have had a rolling stop violation and I told the cop i was going to stop twice the next time but he didn't like it!! but never did he get me out of the car or search me or my car if I were you I would complain to the department head especially if the search was unwarranted.


    Thanks for your input.


    That's quite funny... stopping twice. :D

  16. My husband and his two brothers were pulled over yesterday after coming to a "rolling stop" at a stop sign. One of my husband's brothers was driving. The officer asked for ID from all three of them, asked them all to get out of the car then asked to search the vehicle. The officer stated that he requested the search because the driver "looked nervous". They let him search the vehicle because they were afraid if they didn't consent, they would be detained even longer and it would give the impression that they were hiding something (and they weren't). As if this weren't enough, the officer searched all three of them and patted them all down.

    This seems odd to me since they were stopped for the "rolling stop" and I don't see how the officer had the right to do a search on the vehicle and their persons for this. Is this a violation of rights... or is this a legal procedure? I'm quite curious, as I was shocked when my husband told me about this. I know I would feel terribly violated if I were in my husband's situation.


    Please keep in mind, I'm not coming down on our local law enforcement... overall, I think they do a great job.

  17. I believe he said between now and the end of the month. I just know that I am going to be a little bit more careful. In fact---I just found out that my younger son just got a speeding ticket 2 days ago(in Paulding County) by the county not GSP. He was in a school zone--so I figure he deserved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Thanks tbird. :)


    That's the other thing that drives me nuts about speeding through this turn... it's right in front of the Headstart school... and yes, they speed during school hours as well. My son doesn't even get off the bus at our driveway anymore. I have the bus driver drop him off a bit further down the road to give the speedy people enough time to stop.

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