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About ljkproperties

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  1. Yes there is a contract. But there is a gray area or loophole. The company does not put an install date on the contract, they call back a few days later with the install date. So there is technically no breach on their part. And going to court? Have you ever been involved in a legal case? It costs money and the company is banking on the fact that people are not going to spend money to get it back. After jumping through some hoops, it seems like they will refund the money with a 10% penalty. And the insurance companies will NOT help from what some homeowners told me. They did their part
  2. They have no license, I looked. Apparently you do not need a license to do roofs in GA. From roofhelp.com Seems like these HO's are in a tough spot. I am hoping I can get enough of them together that as a united group, with threats to the AG, consumer affairs, TV stations etc they can get their money back
  3. All the insurance companies wrote the checks to the homeowner directly.Some may be to the HO/mortgage company. From what some HO's told me, is that the insurance company can not do much since the HO signed the check over and the contract is between the HO and contractor. How will the insurance commissioner help? When I looked at their web site, the complaint form was to complain against an insurance company. Nowhere did I see a place to list contractors. Does anyone know for sure if the insurance commissioner can help?
  4. I used to work for a roofing company that promised the world, and never delivered. I now have about 20 homeowners who paid up front, have waited 2 months to get a roof, and are now being pushed back 2 more months. I no longer work for them and want to help these HO's get their money back. They may loose 10% but my new company is willing to work with them. First we have to get their money back regardless if they use my new company or not. I have read several complaints online and some suggest the attorney general, BBB, and state insurance commissioners office. The attorney general se
  5. Well its amazing because I have not seen ANY damage, flooding or devastation, just stuff online or the news. I live over by Roses store by 101&120, and have headed to Bremen yesterday and today. Its like nothing happened. After seeing the news I couldnt believe it and figured someone could use some help. Of course I dont want to hamper official rescue efforts or cause more problems or wind up in trouble myself The offer still stands, today, tomorrow, next week etc. I also have an employee who can provide labor. I pay him $10/hr and I'll spring for his labor if you cant pay for i
  6. If anyone needs help please call me 678-451-7564. I have a 20 foot enclosed trailer, 4x4 ATV and jetski. If you need help getting to a flooded house, or just need some help removing belongings, call me. DONT PM ME as I am leaving the house. No charge, just sitting around and figure some people could use some help.
  7. Your friend needs to file for eviction ASAP. Just because they are not there, does not mean they have moved. I am not a lawyer, and I would consult one before I changed locks and kept their personal items. If the stuff is nice, you better believe they will be pitching a fit if your friend keeps it. Heres an idea. Consider the hassle, time and expense involved in an eviction. Make an offer to the renter to be out in 7 days and your friend will PAY them xx dollars. I know it sounds weird, but its business and most LL would be thrilled if they could avoid the hassle and have theor prope
  8. My bad, I wasnt thinking I sent you a PM regarding a truck and 20 foot enclosed trailer. Just call me 678-451-7564
  9. https://www.ncourt.com/Forms/GA/information...ulding&id=8 Check # 12 as well as some of the other #'s Your daughter has time to move. I am not aware of how long Paulding takes but I do know it takes some time. Of course your daughter wont have a legit excuse and the LL will get his eviction. But it still takes time. I suggest having her talk to the LL, letting him know you know your rights, and that she will be gone by XX time. If he attempts to disconnect electric, water etc, you will report him.
  10. ljkproperties

    LJK Properties

    LJK Properties
  11. I have been a member here for some time, and had a commerce membership for another business. That business never took off here in GA. After a hiatus from REI, I decided to get back into real estate investment. That is how I came to be a new CM here on Pcom. In the past, anytime I needed something for the house, I asked here on Pcom. Some were members here, some werent. I always try to use Commerce Members first but sometimes that doesnt work out. Not sure what I can do to build a positive rep except try to make some deals and maybe get some referalls. Of course, I don't see many peo
  12. This site is more for show trucks but there are some stock trucks and you can get a feel for pricing. You may want to list it there. Never listed anything there, just window shop every now and then I have seen quite a few of them fixed up so there must be some demand for that truck with such low mileage http://www.mautofied.com/SRP8C0/Vehicles/c...cs=27&ct=36
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