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Everything posted by KenBall

  1. Ang>> I stand corrected and I agree...that is the way I end all calls even on the phone...what I meant by what I said is I simply say "goodbye" to somebody calling about selling me something...they usually interrupt something and I don't really feel like "loving" them Be Safe!! Ken Ball
  2. Cherokee>> Very True comments you make...As you notice on most of my posts I end them with "Be Safe"...I say the same words with I love you to each of my kids daily...Now the 18 year son kinda shreeks a bit but as I said in my first post I think it is VERY important that your daughters, as well as your sons, hear it come from their fathers mouth and they feel it every single day...the unfortunate part of some "teachings" in society today is that is not "cool" to say to grown sons...well poooey I say...I will say it, in private and public, to all of mine as long as God leaves me on this e
  3. Oh Yea they are obviously the 3 most powerful words in the world!!!
  4. Luke>>> All I can say is DITTO...one thing I will add is that I make sure I say it daily to my both of my sons including the 18 year old...it may be old fashioned but let me tell You all something>> It is JUST as IMPORTANT to let your son's know you love them as well esp. from their fathers...they do grow up to be men and they need to know it is a strength to express feelings and not a weakness...those 3 words, I Love You, will make them better fathers too one day when they are talking to their children and loved ones...of course I tell my girls I love them too as well...my olde
  5. AMEN TBAR and your last paragraph is the most important of all.
  6. Major Hunton was an asset to the Paulding County Sheriffs Office and will be sorely missed by them and the Citizens of Paulding County...my thoughts and prayers are with his family, and his extended family in the Paulding County Sheriffs Office, for their loss...May God give them Peace and Grace.
  7. I had the opportunity to meet Ray Traylor 4 years ago when my son and his daughter were in Pre-K at Dallas First Baptist....You immediately found him to be warm and friendly...You could not help but like him...But like Mason I really had the opportunity to get to know Ray during the primary as our paths crossed often during the election cycle...I had several conversations with him and I got to see a side that clearly demonstrated his love of Paulding County and the people there...I too could go on and on about the individual he was and the the things he did...He would take his shirt off and ha
  8. God Bless You Ray Traylor....You will stay in our Thoughts and Prayers...You are one fantastic individual and it Because of Your Mothers Loving Touch, Obviously!
  9. This entire family is FANTASTIC! Charles will be sorely missed by folks in this Community...Our Thoughts and Prayers are with his family.
  10. I have worked with Lucinda Aikens husband (Richard) at the Marietta Police Department for many years....The members of the Department had the opportunity, and honor, to meet Lucinda several years ago and I was one of them...From day one she was one of those people you simply like to be around....when she first learned of her illness (cancer) she said she just wanted to "live long enough to see her children graduate high school"...to the surprise of all her Doctors Lucinda reached that goal....that was Lucinda, about family regardless of the challenge.... You Go Girl....But the most inspiration
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