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Everything posted by pcolafl2002

  1. Seasonal flu shot may increase H1N1 risk Last Updated: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 | 10:03 PM ET Comments243Recommend194CBC News Across Canada, public health authorities are fiercely debating the idea of shortening, delaying or scrapping their seasonal flu vaccination campaign in favour of mass inoculation against H1N1. (Greg Baker/Associated Press)Preliminary research suggests the seasonal flu shot may put people at greater risk for getting swine flu, CBC News has learned. "This is some evidence that has been floated. It hasn't been validated yet, it's very preliminary," cautioned
  2. Home Original News Study clearly demonstrates that aluminum found in vaccines can cause neurologic damage Study clearly demonstrates that aluminum found in vaccines can cause neurologic damage 2598 12345(2 votes, average 5.00 out of 5) Written by Roman Bystrianyk Monday, 21 September 2009 22:17 Randi Allaire was an Information Management Specialist in the military for almost four years. Three and one-half years were spent with the Air National Guard as Information Management, the previous five and half was with the Army Guard as a Flight Operations Specialist. As
  3. Keep telling yourself and others that lie from the pharmaceutical companies and the two of you can just keep believing it... Wait they don’t believe the lie they say so for them self…. Question here? How much stock do you own in pharma, you seem to be very vested in them?????????????????????
  4. Not Sure what this face means?
  5. So i'm curious what degree do you hold?? Sence you know it all about the human body .. Or are you 15 years old..
  6. So GOD errored knowingly so man could step in and help God out by creating vaccinations. That's what your saying correct?
  7. OOOOHHHH so there is no superbug because we haven't over used antibiotics. Therefore why wouldn't this happen with vaccinations? Also have you heard of clean water, sanitary conditions, and indoor plumbing? That has had a lot to do with overall health improvements from earlier years.
  8. Not quite sure I get your post. How does God and an airplane correlate? God is my creator and man is the creator of the airplane.
  9. I appreciate your thoughts but I do not have my head in the sand. So if the government told you to inject yourself with mercury, aluminum, formeldhyde, etc. you would have no problem doing that. That's right you wouldn't because you already said you gladly get vaccinated. I believe my body is a self healing organism and that my creator ( God or a supreme being) thought ahead and gave my body the ability to defend itself. Hence when I get a cut, do I need to run to the doctors to have it taken care of or does a scab form on its own? Why does the body get a fever? To kill the
  10. No. I think your body is smart enough and has the ability to fight the flu off. It has done that for several thousand years. Sure the news likes sensationalism one person dies from swine flu and the new media reports it as if 500 died. Why doesn't the news media report about the 3000 deaths a year from malaria? No "wait and see" for me. So if the cdc said jump off a bridge it will save your life from swine flu i would have to assume you would do it as well? I bet your answer is different now because you know that would kill you instantly.
  11. Oh So i can make up any number and make it work for me such as 10 million people get swine flue 10 die from it. Than i can say 10 million get the shots and 100 die. there for it is..oh i guess that does not support your view oh by the way you don't have to get personal or do you??
  12. Where are these number from? Did you make them up? If not,where did they come from. If your going to advice people about there health you better know your facts..
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