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Everything posted by pcolafl2002

  1. The American Medical Association (AMA) recently published a paper proposing the introduction of a new law to force you and your children into experimental vaccine trials against your wishes. http://vactruth.com/2012/10/22/ama-compulsory-vaccine-trials/?utm_source=The+Vaccine+Truth+Newsletter&utm_campaign=ce6f75fe19-10_25_2012_ama&utm_medium=email
  2. Researchers reported:2 "…while India has been polio-free for a year, there has been a huge increase in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP). In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received. Though this data was collected within the polio surveillance system, it was not investigated. The principle of primum-non-nocere [First, do no harm] was violated." http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/08
  3. A story of many vaccinated family. http://vactruth.com/2012/08/20/vaccine-injuries-destroys-families/
  4. I have not said one time you or anyone else should not get vaccines. I have stated again and again know the facts. Do i want one single person to get polio of course not. So u may say that’s a risk I’m willing to take which is fine for you. But with that being said i should have the right as adult to say i don’t want to be vaccinated or MY kids either. I know you yourself have said many times these diseases mutate so u think a vaccine developed 10 - 30 years go haven’t changed? BTW i have had chicken pox and I'm fine really and so are countless other who have had them. He
  5. Surprised huh???? The CDC http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/downloads/child/0-6yrs-schedule-pr.pdf Before there 18 moths old 4 doses of the Hepatitis B Vaccine ■3 doses of the rotavirus vaccine ■4 doses of the DTaP ■4 doses of the Hib vaccine ■4 doses of the pneumococcal vaccine ■3 doses of the polio vaccine ■up to 2 doses of the flu vaccine ■2 doses of the hepatitis A vaccine ■1 MMR shot ■1 chickenpox shot
  6. LPPT IM not sticking up for the chiropractic position. Am sorry for any harm i may do that profession. My only goal is to get people to think before the vaccinate there kids.. I have said that many times..I believe there is tons and tons of doctors. out there who would agree that there is not near enough studies done to determine the long lasting effects of all these drugs in a Childs body before the age of 6 Most people here have had a very small hand full of those. In the 40s you got 4 in the 50-60s you got 5 in the 70-80s you got 8 vaccines. Today you get 115.. With no research that say t
  7. It is simply amazing how mean and ugly many of you have been with people who you don’t agree with. It's one thing to have a difference of option but the name calling and such. Just Wow. The info i have given to you is from whistle blowers who are generally smarter and more educated than most of you if not all of you. All you want to do is attack the messenger not the message. That’s ok I still think It’s important enough to keep keeping on.
  8. Isn't that like the tobacco company testing tobacco and saying it not additive? Of course they are bias. That’s like saying the fox should get to be in the hen house as well train the guards. That is exactly one of my points.
  9. Thanks for asking. Dangerous drugs and dangerous side effects. Full disclosure on their part would be nice but chances of us getting that changed any time soon when they spend billions to lobby is highly unlikely. I don’t care about their profits. Sure some drugs are most helpful of course. My complaint is once again (wouldn’t want to be accused of "you already stated that" )that I'm seeing MY rights as A parent being eroded. Beside people used to think smoking was not only ok for you but was great for you look were we are today. There is enough studies out there today that show there is so
  10. http://videos.med.wisc.edu/videos/940 Make sure you see the part where she show the drug companies do the education of doctors. I guess it like asking a Honda dealer the best car to buy. Wonder what the Honda dealer would say. As she say in the video don’t set your intelligence aside.
  11. http://videos.med.wisc.edu/videos/940 Make sure you see the part where she show the drug companies do the education of doctors. I guess it like asking a Honda dealer the best car to buy. Wonder what the Honda dealer would say. As she say in the video don’t set your intelligence aside.
  12. One is Russian roulette. The other is getting shot in a hunting accident.
  13. Once again its all about the dollar..I know all these people are liers..Every last one of them who are trying to ring the bells. But smoking was good for you at one time as well. So one day well be on the other side of this as well. http://videos.med.wisc.edu/videos/940
  14. Thats what i thought you were just being ugly? congrats to you...
  15. Yes 2 Thanks for Asking. 4 and 2 yrs old. Do you?
  16. Snoops does have a agenda. Who do you think pays there bills? Its a left leaning couple who is heavy funded by Goerge Sorus
  17. Thanks for the note. I have not told anyone what to do except know the facts. With that being said, I know allot of people who have been told you’ll go to jail, will call DHS, if you dont your child will die on and on. Or just simply people beening as mean as can be such as saying i hope you die and go to hell. IM the one being told comply or else...Also i worked for a hugh drug company and you can rest assured they have one thing in mind and its not your health.
  18. Thanks for your honesty. Its amazing how many people have contacted me and have asked Questions about this..
  19. You did see she is a Doctor Right?? Same as the one that’s say MD.. One is MD One is DC Maybe You should check your facts to see how many hours of schooling a Doctor of chiropractic take and a medical doctor takes you maybe surprise.. Matter of fact I’m sure you will be.
  20. http://vaers.hhs.gov/index 2012 HPV Vaccine Adverse Events Reported to VAERS as of July 13, 2012 August 17, 2012 By Leslie Carol Botha 5 Comments HPV 4 Gardasil & HPV 2 Cervarix – Adverse Reactions and Deaths as reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System Janny Stokvis, HPV Vaccine VAERS researcher and analyst has compiled that latest adverse events from the HPV vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix as reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. It is estimated only 10 to 10% of the vaccine injured are reporting. Please note the significant numb
  21. The link is at bottom. One Canadian physician, Dr. Guylaine Lanctot, puts it this way: Remarkably, vaccination has never been clinically proven to be effective in preventing disease! I find this to be one of the most shocking discoveries of all, and so will you. "The medical authorities keep lying. Vaccination has been an assault on the immune system. It actually causes a lot of illnesses. We are actually changing our genetic code through vaccination. . .100 years from now we will know that the biggest crime against humanity was vaccines." Renowned author and pediatri
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