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cookies are sweet

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Everything posted by cookies are sweet

  1. But I don't think you know what I was talking about.
  2. They gotta have a policy for someone to print a paper saying there is a lice outbreak at the school and then send a copy home with each kid? Maybe that is one thing that's wrong with our schools, no one can take a wee wee without there being a policy in place, telling them how to hold it and how far away to stand. (not trying to be chauvinistic, I'm just a guy and think of guy things) I have no idea what you do to not get the lice.
  3. I do not know this to be a fact, but I have heard that yesterday was a record turnout for Paulding voters. I do not know if that means in a primary election or what, but that is what I heard. If incorrect, please let me know.
  4. I personally have no issue with these type of flights. It will be helpful to those looking to fly to Miami, Orlando, Las Vegas and maybe one or two other locations. So the average person would maybe use the airport, once, perhaps twice a year. But probably not year in and year out. Any income is better than what we have now, but, like anything else, you have to make sure the entire deal is a good one.
  5. Facts? We don't need no stinking facts! Just out of curiosity, the title of this news announcement is, Ron Davis wins Post 1 seat through December 2015 Does that mean that Ron Davis and Jeremy Fields spent all that time, money and effort to win a position that ended 2 months ago?
  6. I want to say that 100% of the people that really wanted to vote, voted.
  7. This is what is known as misdirection. Pay no attention to the immoral and unethical actions of that person, instead, focus on something that hasn't been immoral or unethical. I don't understand how you decide who is the "bad" guy in this situation. You have a company, based in Atlanta, employing approx. 80,000 people and well thought of throughout the state, and you have a company based in NY, employing (what? 4 people?) and not so well thought of throughout the state. As business, both are trying to do what they think is best for their respective companies. Here are their actions, as
  8. Figures you would miss the point and focus on colored shirts. Ohhhhh, wait.....I forgot, nothing Brett Smith has done is even offensive to you, just a juvenile prank.
  9. I would like to disagree, but I'm afraid I can't. I hope we both are wrong.
  10. On the million, I was speaking about me personally in my business. As far as the airport deal, I agree with Mojo, it will be decided by the courts. It will be a thorn in the side of this county for years and years to come. And that is just to get the cases adjudicated. As far as the Paulding citizens and government officials involved or who has supported one side or the other, with a very rare exception, I personally hold no ill will towards anyone. My issue with the commercialization of the airport is the way it has been handled, and now, with the company we have made the deal w
  11. I was all for compromise, both in writing and in conversation, but that was before it became clear who and what Brett Smith is. You don't do deals with people like that, it will only continue to cause problems. I would rather lose a million dollar deal, than to partner with someone who has no morals or ethics. But, that is not up to me.
  12. I'm not real concerned about replies, it's nice, but my main purpose was to point out that what is happening here in Paulding is not new, at least it's not new to Brett Smith and Propeller. As far as healing goes, until you get rid of the infection, healing won't happen. In case anyone is confused, I consider Brett Smith and Propeller to be the infection. Ohhhh, I was done posting, but I could tell you wanted a reply.
  13. I'm not sure that any of that would be helpful, to anyone, in any way.
  14. I agree 100%. IMO, a lot of good people have made bad decisions and I think for the most part, with good intentions. I exclude Mr. Smith from the above statement. But until you get the thorn out of your foot, it will never heal. We are looking at a long time getting the legal stuff resolved and a long time getting relationships healed. I hope I'm wrong.
  15. Here is another quote, from a different article, about Propeller's failed attempt in Gwinett County. Smith was more blunt. "It's no wonder people don't do more projects like this," he said. "Who wants to put up with this garbage?" Again, there must be some major profit to be made if he's willing to " put up with this garbage". I have no problem with a company making money, but do they really need to tear counties apart, just to do so? http://www.aviationpros.com/news/10726647/briscoe-field-expansion-grounded
  16. How many lives, in how many counties, have to be disrupted, just so Brett Smith can make money?
  17. How many lives, in how many counties, have to be disrupted, just so Brett Smith can make money?
  18. How many lives, in how many counties, have to be disrupted, just so Brett Smith can make money?
  19. Thank you. Why if cities can employ a city attorney who is on the city's payroll, cannot the county do the same. Nothing against MS Skipper, I know nothing about her or how well she does her job.
  20. Here are are 3 quotes from the article you linked. "We will not do anything without the community's support ..." Smith said. "This company (referring to Propeller), who answers to no one other than their shareholders - and certainly not Barrow County taxpayers...." "....voters ousted Garrison and Commissioners Bill Brown and Jerry Lamp in this year's local elections largely based on their distaste for airport expansion." Again, same song, different verse. So that makes 3 counties that Brett Smith and Propeller have caused to have turmoil. If his business proposals are so
  21. I found this article to be quite interesting. Keep reading, because this post has a surprise ending. From an article published in a local newspaper. "The controversy, which has divided the county for three years, causing angst especially in the surrounding community......" "Were exploring our options, referring to a possible lawsuit, said Brett Smith of Propeller Airports...... I think the bulk of the county has been less than genuine and quite frankly outrageous." "..........I'm as shocked as you are, and we have done nothing wrong, Smith said." "While the company has said it wants t
  22. Pubby is worried about "slick behind the scenes campaign". I'm more worried about inept, unethical, idiots who want to control our airport for 40 years. Like the old saying goes. It's not organized crime that the average person worries about. It's the disorganized crime that gets them.
  23. I'm confused, does Lani Skipper work for Paulding County or for some law firm? Who's name is on her paycheck, cause that is who she works for. Hopefully she is employed by the county on salary. I mean, if little towns can have a city attorney that is on salary, then surely a county with an international airport can have one.
  24. I don't even know who the law firm is that is contracted, nor who works there and is related to who, or who used to work there but now works for the county or vice versa. I'm just betting on what looks to me like a sure thing.
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