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Posts posted by mevans_70

  1. The video is a good introduction to Beverly.

    She worked for the County Commission office for many years - with no "power" or decision making influence.

    She has heard concerns and fielded calls from citizens over the years and wants to be a voice for the people in the Post 2 district as well as for all of Paulding.


    Good luck to any candidate that wants to put their hat in the race. WE all know politics - especially on P'Com - isn't easy.

  2. Confirm his appointed committees. I believe if I read a text correctly he may be assigned to:


    Economic Development

    Human Relations/aging

    State Institutions and Property

    State Planning/Comm Affairs


    Not sure if those are divided up correctly as text just wrapped around.


    But knowing what committees he is asssigned can also help us understand where he will be allowed influence above and beyond just the normal vote.

  3. I've googled it. Not one article on how loving and forgiving the good people of Paulding are. I even checked with the 700 Club. No mention of it. pardon.gif


    Because apparently we're not. The overwhelming majority of comments are not loving and forgiving. And P'Com is an open forum - even the Huffington Post could check in and see what we all think and report about it, right?


    I guess residents need to start a "get out the vote" campaign now - for the primaries. Maybe more than 1500-1600 of 60000 voters will show up and try to make a statement if we start advertising now.

  4. Well there is no doubt this will be a hot issue in July. :lol: I still don't understand why the "Party" didn't provide a viable candidate for the people in the 19th District. It's a shame they have not been represented during this entire legislative session, will Mr. Stout do what's best for the 19th between now and April when the Congress is dismissed for the year?


    I have to say, this is absolutely embarrassing for the folks of Paulding County, it includes all of us by default and he nor Mr. Richardson are/were my representative. Will the "Party" have a viable and trustworthy candidate to run the primary? I certainly hope so. ~~hanging head in shame~~


    PT's information on "The Party" is correct. This was a non-partisan election - even though the qualifying form did ask affiliation. All candidates appeared on one ballot. It was not 1 Republican vs 1 Democrat. Any and all candidates that chose to participate could throw their hat in the race. These 3 candidates are all the presented themselves. The Republican Party did not endorse any candidate.


    Also mentioned - Daniel's phone number is available. He still today urges anyone who wishes to know more about him, question him, or discuss issues to contact him directly. He has made himself available to the county. I am not in that district. I called him this evening and spoke to him for a few minutes.



    It is up to the citizens of the county to either put their hat in the race, or hopefully encourage someone that they think is a good candidate to run. Encourage people - encourage!!!!!

    Get more candidates and choices if you want more options.


    We can't complain of what we get if we have few options and no one gets out there to learn more about the candidates.

  5. The only one that I know about is Sibley,does anyone know about the others?


    I can't vote in this election - wrong district. I see 3 types of candidates.

    This is not favoring any of the three, just saying what I've seen1

    Ronnie - a mature seasoned candidate that may be able to fit in and negotiate with the powers that be. His background is labor negotiations.

    Daniel - a younger conservative voice who is very pro-life, would offer newer thoughts/ideas to the process.

    Jody - an experienced small business owner that understands the struggles of the SBO (taxation, regulations) and the individual citizens of the county.



    There is a meet & greet at the Chamber - lower building - on Thursday, Feb 11th from 6-8pm.

    The Paulding GOP is reaching out to all 3 candidates to see if we can put a debate together the week after that. I'll keep you posted.


    Good luck to all those that vote. Good luck to the candidates.

  6. This needs a bump, no one knew you had a website.....


    Thanks cherokee woman. Keeping this in the people's sight. I can't vote in this election - wrong district. I see 3 types of candidates.

    This is not favoring any of the three, just saying what I've seen1

    Ronnie - a mature seasoned candidate that may be able to fit in and negotiate with the powers that be. His background is labor negotiations.

    Daniel - a younger conservative voice who is very pro-life, would offer newer thoughts/ideas to the process.

    Jody - an experienced small business owner that understands the struggles of the SBO (taxation, regulations) and the individual citizens of the county.



    There is a meet & greet at the Chamber - lower building - on Thursday, Feb 11th from 6-8pm.

    The Paulding GOP is reaching out to all 3 candidates to see if we can put a debate together the week after that. I'll keep you posted.


    Good luck to all those that vote. Good luck to the candidates.

  7. Tara, my prayers go out to you and your family. Bless you! I think you were receiving a nice little remembrance/sign when you heard those songs. It's amazing how we get those little nudges when we need them most.

    I told Robbie to pass my thoughts and prayers to you. Hopefully he did. Love and prayers.....

  8. There was a last minute filing in this race confirmed by the Secy. of State's office.


    It is Joe Brownlee, the GA Power exec and former Chamber Chairman for Paulding.


    Joe Brownlee

    214 Oak Grove Path

    Dallas, GA 30157


    Qualifying will end in about 20 minutes so there is a possibility of yet another candidate ... But Joe Brownlee is in the running.



    Thanks for checking and keeping us updated Pubby!

  9. To answer your question,


    We have some very good options here on the site for local candidates to get the word on their candidacy.

    Once they purchase the political membership they may campaign to our audience.

    Their membership comes with some options that allow them to do some editing and even close threads and start other topics.

    They can blog and choose to allow comments or not.

    They can run polls on public opinion of issues.

    We would probably be open to call in shows and that type of thing.

    They can also do videos.


    The banners have the ability to let them advertise their key issues.


    All the candidates have the information in hand of the options we offer as of Saturday.


    It is obvious that not much is known about 2 of the candidates and one has a public record to defend should he choose to.


    I would be pleased to see them campaign on here, It would help people to make informed decisions when they vote.


    Awesome info! Thanks LPPT! Good for all of us to be reminded (or those of us who aren't fully functioning on here yet to see what is available.

  10. I worked to dethrone King Jerry and to elect Tommie Graham as Post Commissioner. Also worked (unsuccessfully) to elect a new Post IV Commissioner to replace Mr. Kirby, even though that was not in my district. I would like to think that I have had at least a small part of derailing the former Good Ol' Boy regime that was putting the county into an unrecoverable spin.


    All I am trying to do now is keep the county from getting back into the wrong hands. Wasn't it Gomer Pyle that said "Screw me once shame on you; screw me twice shame on me"? (I know George Bush tried to say that but never got it out correctly :lol:)


    That's AWESOME Feelip - That you have been engaged in local elections.

    I have much more respect for someone that complains about not liking the leadership we have IF they actually try to make changes and use their voice to be heard.


    Now, back on topic... Jerry or Commissioners have nothing to do with the comments or post about the special election.

    Pubby or LPPT, do we have a forum to let the public ask questions of the candidates once qualifying is over?

    Perhaps we could get like 10 top questions citizens have for the candidates, reach out to them for a response, and then write an article showing their responses to these questions??? OR maybe an open forum/town hall somewhere if they'll attend. Again, probably have to survey to get the most popular questions first to keep to a reasonable time limit.


    I would encourage anyone and everyone on Paulding.com to get involved at some level.


    - Off topic again - Whether you sway towards liberal leanings or conservative leanings. We have both Republican and Democratic parties in this county that you can attend meetings as a guest for free. You can meet and hear from candidates running for local elections and state-wide elections (at least at the Republican party meetings). I haven't been to a Democratic party meeting yet.


    We have a chance to get behind and support a candidate for Governor - as the primaries will be held this summer. If anyone wants to know more (on the conservative side), feel free to PM me. Perhaps someone that attends Democratic meetings can post as well.

  11. I think both parties consist of a bunch of self-serving, arrogant politicians that are in office for the power and all they can steal. I know Georgia was better off after Barnes left office than it will be when Perdue leaves office, and not all of that can be blamed on the economy.


    My point is that a lot of voters will vote against an entire party just to show their dismay with the party just leaving office (worked for Obama). Personally, I don't like to see either party have absolute power and that's what we have had here in Paulding for a long time. Look where we are.


    Perhaps Feelip it's time you step up and serve?

    I agree that many are as you describe them above. HOWEVER, unless someone really "mad as heck and not gonna take it anymore" steps up to take the place of the power hungry you describe above, then all the choices we have will continue to be as you describe.


    Having said that, lip service or not, the candidates that were willing to step up to qualify seemed to have the our interests at heart. They were all willing to speak to those in the community and welcomed us to contact them.


    In another post you mentioned party affiliation and what does or does not get us into trouble.


    This is a NON-Party race. Party declaration is not required. I did not see or hear of any "Democrats" willing to run. Perhaps someone will qualify before the deadline this week. If so, that just gives us all more choice.

    The few on here that b***ch and moan all the time, but aren't willing to participate - via town halls, email/calls to representatives, or by running themselves should ask - What do you expect if you are so disheartened by the politicians we have in place? It requires activism at some level.


    Activism is what helped bring the Senatorial election in MA to the place it is in now. Tea Party movement and voices of Americans at the local level saying they are not happy with the way things are going. Finally people started listening. Both sides of congress are now searching on how to get more insight from the public - on what we want to see, so they can win seats next year. This came from protests, tea party participants, town hall participants.


    So, please tell me you're involved - more than just complaining on PCom?

    Go run for the seat or encourage someone you think may be good to run. Qualifying ends sometime this week.

  12. You asked, and I answered.


    I think close to a quarter of a million $$$ is more than sufficient to emphasize my point. And considering the broke tax payers of Paulding have spend 4 times that much just to keep us out of the courtroom, I think we have more than justified our position, and our point.


    I guess you won't be happy until you get the blood of the first born on top of the $200,000, right ?


    You asked why, and I answered, and then you have to go and get FUGLY on top of that ?


    Been a rough day hasn't it BB? Your beloved icon has crashed and burned. But live goes on.....



    I doubt BB wants the blood of your firstborn. People on here are so cruel to each other. This is ridiculous and off point. A good point - that no one has wanted to raise the money or attempt to run against the Speaker if they were so dissatisified with his work over the last several years.

    Having $$$ to run for the seat has nothing to do with $$$ your family chose to spend in the lawsuit. Granted - there is a lot wrong with the way the PC Gov't has done things in the past... but this isn't about all the other issues that are being dragged into this post.


    Please everyone, slow down and take a deep breath.

    I am human and have made mistakes in my life. All of us have, and we really shouldn't deny. I was lucky to have some people who knew exactly what my mistakes were to STILL support me. Praise the Lord that He provided me friends to support me even when some were talking bad about me. I am a Christian and an overall good, moral person. But I am human. So BB has been supportive (among some others on here) of a person going thru a difficult time -and YES - it could be due to Richardson's own decision.


    So, he's resigning. People supported him, and hopefully still will if they are his good friends - as that is what it'll take for him to even try to get back on track. Forgiveness and support. My how I've needed them in the past. Have any of you?


    Paulding County and pcom'er can now rally around this situation - admit it's a difficult place for anyone to be in, and see who we can find to support us and do what's best for our county.



    • Like 3
  13. Thanks PT for posting.

    Hi Everyone... I'm the friend.


    I'll take a PT job for sure. Being single (no kids) and only source of income to pay a full mortgage won't make it easy. I may need two jobs. But keep the leads coming.


    I was in IT sales - services for our consultants to do work at customer sites in their network and IT environment.

    I also performed project management - I scheduled resources, confirmed skills to match the job, etc.

    I always made my quota, but not this year. No one is making it and several will be let go in waves.

    Was usually considered a "team leader" among the groups I was in, and helped with training others and testing new tools.

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