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Posts posted by mevans_70

  1. Good to know for the record that all candidates have been invited to appear,And some have accepted.

    I thought that the Stout Braddock round table was very interesting, And informative.

    I would really like to see the commission candidates debate to see if what is being said in the door to door campaigns would be repeated for all to see and hear ????


    So you aren't in any of the posts up for election, right?

    No one has been to your door right?

    Is there a citizen that has heard something door to door that they should share with us?


    Apparently for now it's another hearsay tactic, huh?

  2. And they are not the only ones, there are another 3 or 4 "Precinct Captains" and other "Powers that Be" within the local GOP who are campaign managers and very involved in the campaigns. Same thing 2 years ago with people out supporting Shearin and Tommie Graham's opponent. Luckily they failed in both of those races, and with some good fortune we might dodge their bullets again with Braddock and Cochran.


    I certainly hope so. Neither Braddock or Cochran in office would be beneficial to the citizens of Paulding, unless you count the Robber Barons and their ilk. Time to send Jerry and his crowd packing.....for good. Then maybe, just maybe, Paulding can start brining in industry and good paying JOBS instead of houses and residents.


    Who are "Powers that Be"?

    I saw an earlier post that said Precinct Chairs or Captains have the right to campaign if they so choose.

    Others campaigned and helped with Adam Gregory, Daniel Stout, and other races too. So what.... This just shows that they are interested enough to choose a candidate EARLIER than anyone else cares to pay attention - and help them with their campaign.


    Why are they demonized for doing so? There is not 1 particular candidate that is supported by the party. And to call out names earlier is uncalled for as well. Again, they have the right to help campaigns just like you do. The officers do not, and the party as a whole does not. Don't give the wrong impression here.

  3. I seriously doubt that the GBI is going to be involved in something that is simply "political" in something as insignificant as a Paulding County Commission race.


    BTW, 73% of the county agreed with me on the guys POS status. ;)



    Are you dense? The guys status has nothing to do with W1972's post. That was all I tried to clarify. I could care less what folks think of the person. The post was about "investigation breaking against Jerry Shearin" right before an election. Sounds similar to this.. breaking news.... let's stir things up... just before an election.


    And yes, if an allegation was made that is serious enough it would need to be investigated. Just ask social workers how many times they have to investigate a situation - only to find out that someone with a bone to pick made it up or didn't tell the whole truth.

    Kinda like the poitical ads out on TV these last few weeks... 1/2 truths, right?

    • Like 1
  4. MEvans:


    That was my first reaction as well. Something out of the blue with no substance.


    However, this appears to be more than that. While its timing makes it look political, my opinion is that it really isn't.






    The timing makes it COMPLETELY political. Whether it "appears" to be more or not. A good smear would "appear" to have substance.


    Something coming out on a candidate could be by either a supporter of another campaign, or by someone independent with an axe to grind for some reason. But anytime this happens just before an election, it was done to have political ramifications.

    • Like 2
  5. He is one you can believe in http://toddpownall.com/


    Do we know what Post Ms. Doe lives in?

    I wonder if this is the candidates she wants help in gathering information. Maybe the questions relate to DA, or statewide races?


    I know in the Karen Handel thread a lot of folks seem to lean towards her, and as far from Oxendine as they can get.

    Not sure if Jane Doe is in Senator Heath's district or not.


    I know an independent - but conservative - group that offered voter guidance. If Jane is interested, PM for more info.

  6. are you saying that an investigation is not going on in regards to the allegations?



    No. I was commenting on feelip's comment about P.O.S. - from the post that W1972 made.

    I'm guessing that original point was that similar rumors about Jerry being investigaged/arrested were made public just before the election 2 years ago.


    I believe that was all of the post. Jerry being or not being a P.O.S. had nothing to do with W1972's post, which is the point of my post. I have no idea if an investigation is or isn't going on with anyone, as I am certainly not in the know.


    What I do know is that a bunch of crap hitting the fan just before an election like this is usually some disgruntled person or independent person working silently on behalf of a campaign trying to ruin a candidacy for someone. I doubt the voters are dumb enough to believe any allegations against ANY candidate would majically come out just days before an election - unless someone put them out there to purposely cause trouble.

  7. Who cares? He is a P.O.S.


    Really? Cheap shot.

    I think who cares are the people here that are just trying to point out that FALSE allegations (whether you like Shearin or not) also came out 2 years ago just before the election.


    People should consider the reason for the delay in "allegations" then and now. Seems to be done with an exact purpose of distracting voters prior to an election. If then or now there was anything to this, it could have been brought forward before 4 days prior to the election.



    P.O.S. or not - the real P.O.S. is the person that brought false allegations two years ago on Jerry, and the ones trying the same tactic now.

  8. stuff like this can ruin a person rather they are running for political office or not, since I get the original emails before they are edited by the poster, I have the original topic you started before it was edited by you.


    what I would like to know is who was the campaign staffer that told you this? not necessarily the name of the person but who they are campaigning for?


    Great point LR. I guess all posters should remember this at all times - that you see the original topic.


    Also, I'm curious based on what NJ said if the two female candidates in Paulding are being confused? The one topic that has a website against a candidate was for the House District 19 seat, wasn't it?

  9. Did you all see the press release from Jason regarding illegal immigration?

    Any thoughts on that topic (illegal immigration) and impact in Paulding?




    For Immediate Release: July 6th, 2010


    ********************* PRESS RELEASE *********************

    Anavitarte Recommends Local Solutions to Help Combat Illegal Immigration



    Jason Anavitarte, Republican Candidate for Paulding County Commission Post 4, has proposed that the county adopt current federal programs E-Verify and 287g to help stem the influx of illegal immigrants into West Georgia.


    Anavitarte stated, “Not many folks realize that there are more illegal immigrants in Georgia than there are in the whole state of Arizona. Unfortunately, our current and past commissioners have not taken advantage of the tools that are available for local counties and municipalities to help combat this problem. Now more than ever, we need to ensure that the residents of Paulding County are not being passed over for employment due to illegal immigration.”


    First, Anavitarte recommends the county require local businesses to enroll in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s E-Verify program in order to obtain or renew a business license. E-Verify is an Internet based system operated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in partnership with the Social Security Administration (SSA) that allows participating employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility of their newly hired employees. The number of worksites using E-Verify across the country is now well over 500,000 and it is free for employers to access.


    Secondly, Jason is advocating for local law enforcement to be trained and authorized by ICE’s 287(g) program. This authorization by the Federal Government allows designated local officers to perform immigration enforcement functions. Paulding County would be joining other 287(g) approved counties in Georgia such as Cobb and Gwinnett.


    Jason, whose father was raised in Puerto Rico, understands first-hand how volatile an issue illegal immigration has become. He stated, “A lot of folks have assumed and even gossiped that I must be weak on immigration because of my Hispanic roots. All I can say, is that I just wish they could have met my dad.” Jason’s father, Raul Anavitarte, joined the U.S. Army shortly after World War II. He later served in the Korean and Vietnam Wars and finished his military at Fort Hood in 1974. Warrant Officer Anavitarte was awarded the Purple Heart due to wounds received January 31, 1968 and was presented with the Army Medal of Commendation by Major General Shoemaker on April 1, 1973. He passed away in 2001 due to service-related illnesses and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.


    While Jason’s past membership in the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials has come under scrutiny by some of his opponents, Jason points to the fact that he left the organization once he realized that their goals were more political than civic. Anavitarte stated, “Trust me, in my house we were American first and Hispanic second. My father left no doubt in my mind about that. The bottom line is that I’m committed to protecting Paulding County from the costs and stresses that illegal immigration imposes and will work with my fellow commissioners to implement E-Verify and 287(g).”

    • Like 1
  10. Is the Paulding County GOP in a Melt-Down?


    The Meet and Greet today at White[y] Oak Park had 25 to 30 candidates, including 6 or 8 or more for statewide offices, but the candidates were the great majority of the people there. Very few voters at all.


    Our local Paulding GOP did great at getting those running to come, some from long distances, but where were the voters ?


    Gingrey, Gary Black, Mark Butler, and others were there for statewide offices. Most, if not all of the local candidates, but not one to "sell their wares to".

    Many would have been much better off to have spent the day knocking on doors in their neighborhood.


    What's the deal Local GOP leaders......have you disenfranchised or alienated your voter base, or was it just too damn hot ?


    Lots of free food and beverages, plenty of candidates to talk with, but where were the voters ? Is this a sign of what we will see in the primary election ?



    How very predictable.

    I don't recall you or anyone else commenting on the low attendance by the public at the PBA/P'Com event at Stars & Strikes. Did anyone comment about the attendance at the Chamber event last week?


    No - but since it's a GOP event, let's make the negative post about attendance?


    Both of the other events were filled with the candidates and their supporters. The Chamber event had more folks there not tied to the campaigns - but mainly chamber folks.


    Very few citizens attending ANY of the 3 events that were WONDERFULLY organized by ALL groups to give the citizens a chance to learn more about their candidates before voting.


    Again, a few want to play to the negativity. Thanks for once again showing p'commers your true colors. No one can try objectivity anyone, can they?

    • Like 2
  11. I don't see that there should even be a question about it. The last time I checked all of those professions were honorable. I do not understand why anyone would try to demonize hard working honest folks. If there is a character flaw then I want to hear about it but this stuff is getting old and very petty.



    Agreed. My only point was that I see how some may make the assumption about these candidates and their ties to the industry.... just like Whitey and Surepip assume that Beverly working at the commissioner office means she is just like Shearin.

    Or the ties to Shearin for the donations he has made to campaigns.


    Just wanted to show those guys have a connection that was brought forward for people to think about - and demonizing one person for the connections they made is b.s..... since the others on here do the same darned thing.


    Not saying it's right or wrong, just showing how some could make the assumption.

    I know many folks that are 40-65 that really feel strongly about problems caused by the building industry. They have the right to their opinions, just like others do - but they aren't on here slamming folks. If they feel that those ties are best to not be in office together, that is their right I suppose.

  12. February 3, 2009


    Builders and Realtors Stand Together As One Voice


    Georgia House of Representatives Speaker Glenn Richardson stands with representatives from your Paulding County Builders Association and representatives from the Paulding Board of Realtors.



    Representative Howard Maxwell spent time discussing important issues facing the residential construction industry and housing market in Paulding County with Builders Association and Board of Realtor representatives.





    Not that there is a problem with this, but I see where someone might believe the people are part of one larger group/industry.


  13. The reminder notice for everyone - with candidate list.


    From local GOP website:


    U.S. Senate:

    Sen. Johnny Isakson Campaign


    U.S. Representative, District 11:

    Congressman Phil Gingrey


    Georgia Governor:

    John Oxendine Campaign

    Nathan Deal Campaign

    Karen Handel Campaign


    GA Secretary Of State:

    Doug MacGinnittie


    Georgia Attorney General:

    Max Wood Campaign

    Preston Smith Campaign


    Georgia Insurance Commissioner:

    Gerry Purcell (2nd half of event)

    Seth Harp Campaign


    Georgia Agriculture Commissioner:

    Gary Black


    Georgia Labor Commissioner:

    Melvin Emerson

    Mark Butler


    Georgia State School Superintendent:

    Richard Woods


    Public Service Commission, District 2 – Eastern:

    Jeff May


    Paulding County Commissioners Race:

    Beverly Cochran – Post 2

    Vernon Collett – Post 3

    Adam Gregory – Post 2

    Earl Cosgrove – Post 4

    Jason Anavitarte – Post 4

    Todd Pownall – Post 2

    David Barnett – Post 4


    Paulding County District Attorney:

    Dick Donovan

    Drew Lane

    Chad Plumley


    State Senator, District 31:

    Pete Bridges

    Sen. Bill Heath


    Paulding County Georgia House District 19:

    Paulette Rakestraw-Braddock

    Steve R. Golden

    Rep. Daniel Stout


    Paulding County District 2 School Board:

    Nick Chester

  14. Add Pete Bridges to that list. It is like buying a pig in a poke to vote for someone you have no info on and have not met. Bill Heath does show up and answer questions. I can't go tomorrow I wish I could. You guys take a camera and put some clips on P.com.


    I have met Tony Crowe. Seems like a nice fella.


    From local GOP website:


    U.S. Senate:

    Sen. Johnny Isakson Campaign


    U.S. Representative, District 11:

    Congressman Phil Gingrey


    Georgia Governor:

    John Oxendine Campaign

    Nathan Deal Campaign

    Karen Handel Campaign


    GA Secretary Of State:

    Doug MacGinnittie


    Georgia Attorney General:

    Max Wood Campaign

    Preston Smith Campaign


    Georgia Insurance Commissioner:

    Gerry Purcell (2nd half of event)

    Seth Harp Campaign


    Georgia Agriculture Commissioner:

    Gary Black


    Georgia Labor Commissioner:

    Melvin Emerson

    Mark Butler


    Georgia State School Superintendent:

    Richard Woods


    Public Service Commission, District 2 – Eastern:

    Jeff May


    Paulding County Commissioners Race:

    Beverly Cochran – Post 2

    Vernon Collett – Post 3

    Adam Gregory – Post 2

    Earl Cosgrove – Post 4

    Jason Anavitarte – Post 4

    Todd Pownall – Post 2

    David Barnett – Post 4


    Paulding County District Attorney:

    Dick Donovan

    Drew Lane

    Chad Plumley


    State Senator, District 31:

    Pete Bridges

    Sen. Bill Heath


    Paulding County Georgia House District 19:

    Paulette Rakestraw-Braddock

    Steve R. Golden

    Rep. Daniel Stout


    Paulding County District 2 School Board:

    Nick Chester





    And yes - refreshments are available.

  15. I understand, but that is unfortunate. The past two events had only one Democrat, so I guess I am a bit disappointed.


    It is just a part of the primary process. Like I said, if you want to help choose the Governor, other state officials on the Democratic ballot, you don't have any "choices" to make for local Paulding County races. There is not several options on the Democratic ballot.


    But, for those that will help choose the Gubernatorial candidate and other races on the Republican ballot, there are many choices that impact our county as all but 1 candidates running for office in the county are on the Republican ballot.


    Hope that makes sense to everyone.

  16. So, are local Democrats invited?



    As far as I know there is only 1 Democrat running in the county, right?

    If that's the case and you pull a Democratic ballot, you don't have to make a decision among our local candidates.


    Since this is hosted by the Republican Party and there is no competition locally with democratic candidates, then it will be all Republican candidates at the event. There are multiple republican candidates running for House 19, Senate 31 (I believe that is correct), DA, Post 2,3,4 Commissioners.


    I'll try to pull the list together and post on here later tonight or tomorrow.

  17. One and the same, and he was Ithiel [ithey] prior to that.


    It is evident to me, and his smear sheet confirms it, those who have been in charge of the Paulding GOP for the past decade are using their influence to promote a specific slate of GOP candidates for the commission seats up for election.


    There is no "PROOF", except for those who sit in on the strategy sessions and I imagine that will remain out of sight.


    But, from where I sit, it "appears" they are endorsing Beverly Cochran, Vernon Collet, and Jason Anivitarte.

    They did the same thing 2 years ago with the Chairman's race, and came up short.


    This seems to be a last ditch effort and you can rest assured they will throw everything they have to try to maintain their presence on the BOC. Expect an effort similar to the 2nd School Bond Referendum back in 2007.


    I do find it amusing old Ithy is calling Tommie Graham a residential developer. Tommie is the most successful industrial developer we have in Paulding. His buildings at the end of Cadillac have provided more good jobs than anyone else I am aware of. Yes, he was a member of the Paulding Builders Association in the past. He also used to be a partner at Railroad Lumber, nee Jeriel Supply which he sold to an outside group many years ago. He was also instrumental in the Planning for Paulding Group as well as other local planning groups who have worked hard to try and bring industry and higher education to Paulding.


    Todd Pownall is a real-estate agent. I don't know of any developments or houses he has built.


    David Barnett sells lighting fixtures and flooring products, and had the foresight to develop his business in other market areas where he has been able to maintain his business not depending on the Paulding market.



    Note to all concerned - opinions of people that also attend meetings at the GOP are just that - opinions.

    There are many folks here that attend meetings at the GOP and many have differing views on the candidates.

    Perfect example is Stout vs Braddock vs Golden.


    Surepip, you well know from your time on this board who some of the screen names are and if they are involved at the Republican Party.


    For those who don't know that much about the local Republican Party, I'll share some insight:

    YES - there are folks that have very strong opinions politically (go figure, or they wouldn't be spending time at GOP meetings).

    Yes - they do voice their opinions on here and other boards - and yes SOMETIMES they go too far just as our buddies in this post do from time to time.


    However, the party does not as a whole(nor do the officers) at any time promote candidates or demote candidates during the primaries. They are not allowed to do so as it's against the bylaws. So, you are correct, there is no proof. It's simply not allowed. I as an individual can support any candidate I want. As a member of the executive committee of the GOP, I can not support any candidate during the primary.


    Also the Chairperson of the party is elected in every 2 years, so NO - there has not been this powerful group influencing the elections - the people in charge change hands too often (more often than our BOC/BOE officials and other elected representatives).


    As usual, take these rantings with a grain of salt. There is contact information available for the Paulding GOP and you can ask the Chairman more questions to understand the role the Party plays in the community.


    As a side note now that I've hopefully cleared up a little about the GOP....


    I for one have posted that I like Beverly Cochran, Vernon Collet, and Jason Anivitarte as potential Commissioners. I have not however retaliated or used this board to post UGLY NASTY SMEARS against the candidates I do not like even though I have information/thoughts that I could share with some undecided voters.

    It is classless to do so. Readers may note that you haven't really seen true smear campaigns like the ones that the guys in this post have thrusted in front of us already against Beverly and now a little on Jason.


    I agree with a post I think from BellaPrincess - can't remember for sure.


    Energy and integrity would be much better served on highlighing what you like about your candidate - especially when you can't provide any proof of the junk you throw out about the opposition.

    • Like 1
  18. The last scheduled Candidate Meet & Greet for this primary season will be held this Saturday, June 19th.

    Where: White Oak Park off of Mustang Drive

    When: 1:30 - 4:30 pm



    Over 30 local and statewide candidates are scheduled to attend.


    The format is different that Stars & Strikes event or the Chamber event that is scheduled for tonight.


    There will not be prepared speeches. This is all meet & greet time. You can approach any candidate and discuss topics of interest to you.


    Please share with your friends and neighbors - help get the word out if anyone wants to know more about the candidates - this is the event to attend.

  19. Apparently some violators are stealing signs again too.

    I know of 2 candidates already that removed some signs but had several additional signs there missing from what was originally put out.

    I sure hope that the cameras are reviewed and violators prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


    For the record, the rules apparently changed this year - and the sign bond does not allow signs on County property I believe.

    All candidates should have been contacted to remove their signs by tomorrow afternoon.

  20. This is not an attack,It is an opinion,I have called no one out in this


    MEvans stated this

    "Any thoughts on candidates whot are getting support from the current commissioners because of promises they made to each other before previous elections? Seems like a good ol boy network there. Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. At least some people will go work from nothing to try to do thisI'm very respectful of those candidates. Go Beverly, Go Jason, Go Vernon."


    Appears to be a trifecta to me to regain control of the County Commission


    Whitey - My opinion is that the good ol boy network is when you have current elected officials in office as a result of the ENTIRE Paulding good ol boy network - the ones elected and backed by Hardy's or other old Paulding money; the ones who helped get Don or others elected and expect them to return the favor now (deals made years ago to set this election up).


    The "trifecta" as you call it isn't a trifecta at all. It is my opinion of good candidates in the three races.

    Don agreed years ago to back Todd this time. Setting these elections up make me a little queasy and nervous.

    Jason has been in similar leadership positions before he lived in Paulding, and his educational background is about local community development.


    Not a trifecta - just some good candidates that are independent of the old timers, established Paulding network... that is my definition of good ol boys. One more vote to go along with David and Larry gives them the trifecta. Some fresh candidates may be what we need to help all of Paulding.


    Ya'll take care.

  21. Do I sense a definite agenda here? LOL


    As I asked before - this topic is "Commissioner Candidates". Anyone choose to discuss the 4 candidates running in post 4 and the 2 candidates running in post 2? Those posts make up 2 vote on the board. Beverly is 1 vote on the board. The 3 combined could make decisions - depending on how the voters vote.

    3 of 5 is a majority. We still have 2 "good ol boys" in office now - Larry and David.


    Things that make you go hmmm?



    Just a repost of my comments. Again - there are 3 races here. Anyone care to discuss ALL OF THEM?


    Any thoughts on candidates whot are getting support from the current commissioners because of promises they made to each other before previous elections? Seems like a good ol boy network there. Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. At least some people will go work from nothing to try to do this.


    I'm very respectful of those candidates. Go Beverly, Go Jason, Go Vernon!

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