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Posts posted by mevans_70

  1. Do I sense a definite agenda here? LOL


    As I asked before - this topic is "Commissioner Candidates". Anyone choose to discuss the 4 candidates running in post 4 and the 2 candidates running in post 2? Those posts make up 2 vote on the board. Beverly is 1 vote on the board. The 3 combined could make decisions - depending on how the voters vote.

    3 of 5 is a majority. We still have 2 "good ol boys" in office now - Larry and David.


    Things that make you go hmmm?

  2. Come on Whitey, stop side stepping the questions asked to you and answer them! You are up to your old games of qwisting the facts around to suite your agenda, but now people see it and are getting tired of the same old BS.


    If you don't have proof, stop spewing the lies and half-truths!


    It's OK if you don't like certain candidates, that's your right. You do not have to vote for them, there are several to choose from. But there is no need to ruin the reputation of someone just because you do not like them. You don't hear Beverly Cochran talking bad about the other candidates!



    So true Winchester!




    It's been advised over and over to visit the candidate websites, call them, inform yourself. Really take a look at each one.


    I had prior knowledge of each candidate and used that to make my decision to support Beverly. I just spent time with Beverly, and brought up Adam's speech on Saturday. He hit it out of the park honestly. But, there's more to learn. There's a lot that our commissioners need to know and understand. Beverly's knowledge and experience is why I'm supporting her. She took time to show me, a normal citizen, things I would not have thought of regarding various issues.


    She is very knowledgeable, realistic about our future and our options, and is willing to talk to anyone who is interested in learning more about her or the issues that should matter in this campaign. However, my point here isn't to support Beverly - I really am not here to sway your vote either way(although in theory that would be nice).


    My point is that you should inform yourself, not take the rantings of this site as your basis for who to vote as your next commissioner.


    NO REBUTTALS PLEASE... I'm not here to debate. That's what the candidates can do at their debate and forums. Stay tuned for events coming up to see all local candidates.


    By the way, Why are we not talking about Post 4 or Post 3 Commission Races? Seems to be the same couple of folks saying the same stuff over and over about 1 candidate mainly in Post 2.


    Did you guys here how candidate in Post 3 said that by law they had to approve the tax increase to pay for the building? Someone reminded me that even if law required that increase, it did not require the M&O increase (hope I got that right). That other site mentioned before has the full Republican party meeting taped each month is a good place to watch it all if you're interested.


    Anyway - I try to stay out of here, as it drives me crazy. Once in a while I like to remind others - like LPPT did - to seek out the candidates for yourself.

    • Like 1
  3. You are correct,They use other people to deny claims against them :D


    As long as you mean ALL of them do?


    No - lol - I mean going to events, putting there name out there and being accessible via email/websites/facebook/phone.


    Shall we all give this a rest for now?

  4. I have to assume you are OK with your BOC spending more than $1million to fight us. Jerry Shearin was the man in charge when our suits were initiated. Beverly was his right arm. She even told us we should have HAPPY with the 25' of buffers we got and not complain about not getting the 40' we were given at the planining and zoning meeting.


    Beverly also refused to give us a copy of the stipulations at the BOC meeting in March 2005, stating they were only available for the Applicants. So it was another 2 months before we were able to even see what the final written stipulations were.


    I have to ask....if developer who was a major donor to ALL of your local politicians moved the road in front of your property, and "took" another 10 feet or so of your front yard, what would you do ?


    Roll over ? Walk away ? Try to negotiate? or fight them ?


    And if you chose to fight them, are you or would you be willing to spend $500,000 to defend your castle/oasis ?



    I would assume you don't know me. I would want ALL the facts from both sides of the story before making any decision on something of such significance.



    Again, we readers don't know the details of your accusation above.... so you saying someone refused to do something isn't proven at this time.


    I also don't know the details surrounding why the road was moved. I know that the county or state has right of way on roadways. I'm sure that when a decision was being made to change a roadway there would have been a chance to oppose.

    It would be interesting to view archives of those meetings - discussions that led to the roadway change and any opposition. I wasn't there, I can't tell you what I'd do. Each person's circumstances are different.


    My issue here was that these posts come up over and over again. And get taken out on anyone you can assign blame to at the time you start the posts up again.

    I just think this ENTIRE TOPIC is way past being hijacked by all of us.


    You won't get an answer to your question in the original post - not on P'Com. Maybe we should just have this closed out and everyone move on to something more productive than re-hashing old stuff.

  5. Hi MEvans

    No I am not in post 2,And neither are most of the other posters in this thread that is supporting Beverly.


    Yes you have campaigned for Beverly on P.Com and that is your right,Have at it.


    The campaign has really got a long way to go,And if Pubby allows the discussion to continue you can rest assured that more will be discussed about Beverly, And her ties with the adminstration that she worked for.

    Beverly has a choice,She can answer the claims here on P.com or she can ignore this media, The choice is hers.


    If I recall the first time that Beverly spoke at the (I believe Republican Meeting)She opened up this can of worms by attempting to distance herself from the Jerry Shearin adminstration in her remarks at that meeting. (it was recorded and posted here in another forum.)


    As a person, I think Beverly is a nice person, And I do not consider my comments as trashing her, I Have said nothing about her that is not a matter of record,And do not intend to, However I do not intend on giving her a free ride, By simply taking her statement as the gospel like some on here have


    Do a search on the Jerry Shearin camoaign here on P.com and the good ole boy network will jump right out at you :D


    Apologies for any confusion - as it relates to this topic, I have campaigned for everyone seeking out the truth.

    I don't see answers to the question related to what role she played other than clerk. That may have been missed when you read my post. Several other people asked that of you also.


    I don't believe most candidates will come on here. I think they use other methods to reach the voting public.

  6. GOP Rules As far as I am concerned Todd Pownell, Adam Gregory, And Beverly Cochran Can all Denounce me all that they care too, And so can the other supporters of Beverly Cochran, I have no intentions whatsoever from backing away from this race.

    You and the good ole boys network I see have come to the rescue of of your favorite candidate and I could care less about this also.


    Beverly Cochran as I have stated previously appears to be a nice person, However her past association with an adminstration that has literally bankrupt this County should be taken into consideration when considering whom to vote for.


    Furthermore Beverly Cochran had much more influence on the running of the County other than preparing the minutes,and the agenda items,As previously stated in an earlier post, In fact she was much more than a "clerk" as has been alluded too in a previous post.


    So it is okay for the good ole boys to malign and denounce Mr. Stout for his actions, A typical right wing tatic But please do not talk about Beverly WOW just WOW.


    For your information I am also a Christian, Father, Grandfather And Great Grandfather and this has nothing to do with me being qualified to become a commissioner, Or make citizens aware of the past actions of any candidate.


    Hi Whitey,

    As mentioned I'm kind of new here.

    Who are the good 'ol boys you refer to? Not sure that GOP Rules is part of that. In my opinion the good 'ol boys are the old regime of commissioners that people claim padded their own pockets. I'm not saying they did, but that's what I thought people referred to as the good 'ol boys.

    Does the endorsements help determine if a candidate is part of the good 'ol boy network or not?


    Also, What proof/details exists as to other reported roles that Beverly performed?


    Thanks for clearing this up.

    Are you in Post 2 by the way?

  7. Who do you and Ithy think your fooling?


    The difference here is you are trying to campaign. I am just stating an opinion.


    This isn't about "smearing" anyone. I'm betting both candidates are fine folks. I am not so naive as to overlook the fact that a small group of families have be in control of Paulding County for a long time. Not until the last BOC chairman was defeated was the stronghold broken. We don't need more of the same and (in my opinion) we can't afford to take a chance on anyone that might be the least bit influenced by the old regime.


    Me? Not fooling anyone. I try to take an open, thought provoking approach and hope others do too. You clearly have an agenda. I'm not even really campaigning on here - unless you count that I have on MULTIPLE occasions suggested that readers here search out each of the candidates and make a decision.


    I am not trashing candidates based on the company or gov't they worked for in the past. I am not trashing any candidate for any reason. That has always been petty to me. Unless I can post pictures and proof of what someone saw or did, wrote, etc, then it is smearing. I have information that I've gleaned over time for each candidate, and I made my decision - but I don't belittle or trash those that I choose will not get my vote.


    I'd appreciate it if we can all let this go (for now - as I understand from Winchester that these ugly posts will occur during each election cycle). There will be plenty of opportunities for us all to reach out to these candidates and figure out who we'll support.

    • Like 1
  8. Look Ithy, Jerry smeared himself. As soon as he lost his adviser and financier he was going in circles in the bottom of the toilet. When he got caught lying about the email, the undecided voters in the county finally saw that what mean ol' Whitey, Suepip and Feelip had been screaming was the gospel.


    Back anyone you like little guy, but lay off my ass when it comes to pointing out that someone was part of a former regime. Those people damn near destroyed the county. It will take good, honest leaders many years to straighten out the mess they left. I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR ANYONE THAT WAS A PART OF THAT REGIME. I don't care if they were the damn janitor! Now you starting to see the picture?




    The negative words posted in this lengthy topic are because 1 man would not vote for the facilities guy or janitor that worked while Jerry Shearin was in office. Take notice of this, and don't let that nasty attitude keep you from reaching out to the candidates and making your own decision.

    As others posted too, just because you work there doesn't mean you agree with everything that happens there.


    I didn't agree with everything my old company did. Do any of you agree with all the decisions made at your place of work by the people in charge?



    Take notice that this bad attitude rears it's ugly head to remind us all of the lawsuit about once every 4-6 months or so.

    Not that re-posting it changes anything. I've always been told to try to let things go and move on. It helps with healing and peace of mind and health.


    I certainly hate it when people I know keep bringing up stuff over and over and over again. Take these posts with a grain of salt.

  9. I've looked at all three web sites and they all seem to be for lower taxes. My question to the candidates would be in regards to commercial/industrial development. Currently, the economy here in Paulding is heavily affected by retail sales and residential construction. The market downturn has affected tax revenues and now the BOC & BOE are both in a huge budget crunch. There is very little diversification as far as industrial, manufacturing, etc.


    What will each candidate do to attract new types of businesses to diversify our tax base, and to bring good paying jobs to Paulding County?



    Very good questions and thought provoking ideas for us to consider - from you and LPPT.

    There will be several opportunities to see the candidates in an open forum and during public appearances.

    I again invite you all to come to the Paulding GOP meeting on Saturday, May 15th at 9am (come early for snacks if you'd like). All commission candidates have been invited to speak that day.


    June 19th there will be a meet & greet at White Oak Park. The Republican Party hosted one of these a few years ago. I wasn't aware of that one, but I heard it was fun and informal way to spend time getting to know the candidates.

    More details to follow for that one.

  10. So it is okay with you for an employee of the county being paid with our tax dollars to remain silent on issues that affect all tax paying citizens.


    It would be most helpful if she came onto P.Com and explianed her silence on this matter

    If I were any of the candidates, I wouldn't come into this shark tank! lol.

    Perhaps you can call her and get your information and questions answered. Then, like Blazing Saddles, you may want to provide a brief summary.

  11. Good post! But you are still new here, right? This happens every election by a select few who have an agenda. They are not hard to pick out!


    You have the right attitude and it sounds like you do know whats really going on!



    Thanks! I have been on and off of here since the great flood.

    You are right, it appears the "bad apples" are a select few. And yes, I can sense an agenda or greater calling for the purpose of their posts.


    I only hope the innocent readership that really don't engage in posting here will take this to heart. They should not let the few comments that can get a little nasty on here discourage finding the truth for themselves.


    As mentioned, I know a little about all of these candidates. If you don't investigate for yourself, you may not find out who the best candidate is.


    I've seen and heard from other residents that don't really have an agenda. I respect those opinions.

    I don't want a chauvinistic "good 'ol boy" candidate. I don't want a candidate who is already so busy they can't find time for citizens. I don't want a conceited candidate. I don't want a candidate who plans to run a negative campaign - or who plants seeds out there in the community to do it for them.


    Best of luck to all voters. Call the candidates. Go meet them. You can make a responsible choice if you do that.

  12. The only tarnish that sticks is of the self-inflicted variety. Can't blame anyone else for that.


    Todd Pownell has shown his ability to make the roaches scurry and Paulding County has been needing someone with this ability for many years now.


    JMO too.


    Throwing "power" around to those who are in positions under you isn't a real attractive feature either. It takes more to be a leader than just making people/roaches scurry.


    I recommend everyone look into each candidate, what they've done in their previous lives (not just at one BOC meeting challenging the Chairman) - for ALL Candidates. See what those that worked with them in previous roles thought of them.


    I've heard various opinions from normal folks for all of these candidates - and have some of my own personal experiences with each of them. I'll use that to help make a decision, as well as the opportunities afforded me by groups that have these candidates speak or debate between now and the election.

  13. Sounds to me like she should have been thinking "Do I want this job or do I want a future in politics?"


    I want to elect people that are painfully honest. That means honesty being at the top of the list even if it hurts me or you.


    And by the way, that not going public crap only works when you have been sworn to secrecy because of the nature of your job, such as CIA agents. Being a county manager and not exposing an action that has the smell of corruption does not qualify.

    The county administrator was Pat Crook. Beverly's role other than admin assistant to the commissioners was County Clerk - that is to take MINUTES at the meetings. Beverly was not the county manager.


    Several posts on here suggests things about the candidate that are not proven or backed up with facts. All voters should beware of those with skewed views that are posted and search out the candidates to get their answers. I know Beverly uses facebook, and her number is available for those that want to ask her directly about any questions they may have. I assume other candidates may do this as well.


    I believe this topic was for ALL BOC candidates - was that a cover to slam Beverly, because no one is discussing the topic any longer? And many of the negative posters claim they are not in the Post 2 district. I'm curious as to the motivations of these posts, as they tend to be so negative towards 1 candidate.


    I'm sure it's not beneath some candidates to already start throwing jabs. I think a clean, honest campaign is really what the posters and readers here prefer - and the residents of Paulding County deserve.


    Back on topic - These candidates are available to answer the questions - and probably won't respond about a pending lawsuit or a "hypothetical" one that is just like a real one that exists today. All Post Commissioner Candidates for each Post will be speaking at the Republican Party meeting 1 week from Saturday (May 15th I believe). The meeting is open to the public. Whitey, Feelip, Surepip, All others - feel free to come here from them and meet them there.

    • Like 2
  14. How many voting opportunities did you miss?

    Hi Madea,


    I'm not sure how many opportunities Daniel missed, but I know he definitely missed 1 day.

    It was preapproved by the Speaker of the House. There was a necessity for his attending a session at the bank he works at due to the FDIC examination occuring that day.

    I am not in Daniel's district, so this doesn't really benefit me to share. I just wanted to respond for you.


    I know Daniel posted his phone number above, and he will be happy to talk to any citizens in the county to answer questions specifically. Feel free to call him if you'd like more information.

  15. So herein lies our problem, as mentioned in all the above posts. No money to run, can't afford the paycut from your normal line of work if you do run.


    Maybe some older/semi-retired candidates would be good!


    Good, dedicated people probably can't afford to run. We get what we get by the ones the choose to qualify.

    I suppose there is no good answer, but maybe that we hold the ones that do run accountable to us, the voters. We demand responses and respect.


    Prayers to the candidates and to the voters as we decipher through the options we do have.

  16. I posted this info in the "Theres No Money .... WOW" Topic just now, but thought it was something that could use it's own topic.


    To tie together the BOE and the Commissioner meetings - the lack of funding, and the financial crisis. It's a good time to realize how very important our choices are during the elections. I think I'm like most citizens. Only a handful - some that I see on here - actually take the time to really learn and make an educated decision when it comes to local offices. I'm guilty - until this year. I hope we can encourage all of our friends and neighbors to take the time to learn about the candidates that impact how our taxes are spent.


    Here's my post from the other topic:



    I am 40 this year, and until last year I had NO clue how much we should care and learn about the people running for office in the county. I always cared about Senator, Congressman, Governor, & President. But the local Board of Education members control 70% of the taxes the county receives, and the Commissioners control the rest.


    The Board of Education candidates that put their name in the hat are running UNOPPOSED! We have no choice. That is our fault for not running for office ourselves or encouraging people that we know would be an asset to run for office.


    I have never tried to research or understand what these candidates stand for, how they feel about the major decisions they will make, etc. until this past year when I joined the Republican Party and started attending meetings. That's why now that I know more about the process, I'm supporting Beverly Cochran in Post 2 this year. NOW DON'T HIJACK THIS AND MAKE IT ABOUT THE PARTY.....LOL. I'm just saying you can get a lot of good information if you want it by attending meetings or joining - Just like we get good information here at P'Com.


    There will be several chances for citizens to get out and meet the various posts commissioner, DA, & State Representative candidates. I encourage everyone to check the Dallas paper and watch for notices of these events (debate, meet & greet at White Oak Park, party meetings). At the next 3 Republican Party meetings local candidates will be there and have the chance to speak (it will take 3 months to get through the full list of candidates). The meetings are held the 3rd Saturday of each month at 9 am at GOP Headquarters off of 278 at Seabord Drive.


    Not sure if we can investigate the candidates for school board, and write in candidates if these are poor choices, but we really need to take ownership of these voting opportunities. Best of luck to everyone as you prepare for voting in the primary. Voting starts in June.

  17. DH went earlier this week and said they were very nice & helpful .... Had LOTS of great looking plants too :)


    Definitely going to go back again.

    Great ! Gotta go get some pine straw for the tomatoes. They are very nice people. Tracy is a great guy and his family is very sweet.

  18. Found it ... but closed this morning around noon :(

    I'll be back just to check them out but too bad about today.


    I'd expect them to be closed on Sunday. I know Elrod's in Dallas and most small businesses like this are usually closed.

    Let me know what you think. I have to try to get there this week too - was too busy over the weekend (not to mention it was wet).

  19. I'll be in a class all day tomorrow. Anyone that goes by be sure and tell Tracy or Julie that you heard about them on P'Com - and let me know what you think. I guess I'll have to wait until Monday to go by.


    It's a garden center. Like I said, they have mulch there already. Not sure what else - but they may carry fresh veggies too. Some plants I'm sure. Anyone already been by there?

  20. Sounds like she may bring an excellent perspective to the commission. All those years as a citizen and county employee, with all that exposure to the political workings. I'm not sure I buy any 'guilt-by-association' argument though. All these things that the new administration is taking credit for- like the new fire station, library, road projects, park, airport, etc.- were, if I recall correctly, started under King Jerry's watch. Was he perfect? Probably not. Was he terrible? Probably not. Would Cochran have seen a learned a lot in her former position? Probably so. And if I understood her old job correctly, she worked for or with all of the commissioners. Just maybe she would shake up the status quo a bit and shed some light on a few things in the county. Bet she's got a lot saved up :lol:



    Good post.

    She didn't work FOR Jerry. She worked FOR the county, and was there BEFORE Jerry. So hopefully the guilty by association won't be a part of this. She took calls from concerned citizens, yet didn't have a vote back then. She understands how the commissioner's work and has inside experience that can be very useful in figuring out how to get things accomplished for the citizens of her district.

    Years of experience with the Chamber and with the commissioner's office.

  21. Did you guys and gals out in the South Paulding area know that a new Garden Center has opened?

    I had heard about it and saw the signs up today. It's at Ridge Rd and 61 - just beside the library.


    I believe they may have fresh veggies as time goes on. I saw pallets of mulch, etc outside.


    I know we're all about suppporting local businesses, so everyone check it out. May go by there tomorrow.

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