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Everything posted by christinastew08

  1. Is the doggie wash still on for today? If so where is it being held at and what time?
  2. Did anyone else notice that they barely talked about Natalie it was mostly centered around Jordan/Jeff???
  3. Here's one more question for you night owls before I go to bed! Who was Freddy Krueger's first victim? - Tina
  4. Would there be a charge or anything like that associated with the cookout?
  5. It isn't and that is what kind of scares me, but it is going to go to trial so we will see.
  6. You can find a free 60 day trial online that you download.
  7. I know she won't want him to go prison for a long time.
  8. A wife doesn't have to/can't testify against their husband without it being their choice.
  9. He didn't say just that he had to make sure they were really married and not saying that they were. I don't want to call him at home and ask a question like that. Thank you though.
  10. Nobody knows a lawyer who would know the answer? She was a key witness and we are just wondering if she can still testify against the other people and exclude her husband or if she doesn't have to testify at all because of the spouse rule?
  11. No we are prosecuting them. They are the defense.
  12. I know that a wife/husband does not have to testify against their spouse but what about other defendents. Without going into detail, we (me and my husband) had a crime committed against us by several people. One of them just got married to one of the witnesses. Can she still testify or she obligated not to?
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