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  1. I disagree with you! I don't think she wanted to be in this womans business. She was concerned for the child. It only takes a second and this child is gone or severely hurt. Maybe this wasn't even her child. She could have been babysitting. Better to try and do something than to say if only I'd done something.

  2. Okay fellow P.comer's this is my situation.


    Me and my daugther are going to the competition at Jacksonville State University in Alabama Saturday.  But... she has a softball game at Lost Mtn. Park at 2:15 pm and the PCHS band plays at 7:15 pm.  (she isn't in the band - just going to watch her b-frined)  I know that they are 1 hour behind us, but it takes 2 hours to get there. 


    See my problem.  I can't figure out the math~~  ha ha


    Her game should last 1 hour that puts us at 3:15, if they are on time - i think we can make it in time but does anyone know how long it takes to get to the college.  Mapquest said about 2 hours.


    Any help?  :D

    hi we have gone out to jsu a couple of times. the quickest way is to go 278 to cedartown until it dead ends turn left, to first red light turn right this is still 278, then ride for about 30 minutes. come to a stop sign 278 turns right as do you about a mile up look for signs for highway 200 & jacksonville turn left this takes you straight to jsu. time of travel about 1 hr. 30-45 minutes

  3. No one would torture a new mother to make her wonder if she knows how to care for her child. They are truly trying to stop or at the very least lower the rate of SIDS deaths. We all know how nervous we are with our newborns. Trust yourself, but be imformed. Most of all love and cherish that baby.

  4. So it would be ok to sprinkle the seven dust and then vaccum it up and then allow my 3 yr old back in the house. Where is Dr Judys office???



    I don't think I would do that. Just my opinion. If the doc says don't use baby powder because its bad for their lungs seven dust would be awful. Like I said, just my opinion. I have an asthmatic who had no symptoms until 2 1/2 years old. You never know.

  5. I feel your pain. I have 2 boys 15 and 18. Both football players. Both wear a size 15 shoe. One is 6'2, one is getting close to 6'. Both are in great shape. I tell them they can eat anything they want as long as it isn't for dinner. You should see the food they put away during the falcons game! I love my great big boys!

  6. I believe. My father died 2 yrs ago. A few days after he died my mom and sister were at the cemetary. When they got in the car to leave they smelled Jovan musk after shave. My daddy always wore it. My sister said Dad's after shave spilled in your purse. They smelled it all the way home. When they got home my mom checked her purse, no after shave and the smell was gone.


    Also I believe the house we used to live in was occupied. My daughter and my brother in law both saw a blonde woman in a long white gown. Also doors would shut and open. Cd's would suddenly come on playing country music.

  7. funny......she was leaving to run to the store at 2 am ....when Mr. Nichols waited until she got back from the store to go into her apartment........i guess my question is where was her daughter and why was she going to the store at 2am


    I think she said she was going out for cigarettes.

  8. did you hear where she said she smoked meth w/Brian Nichols...


    In the paper today it said she told the authorities she gave him meth but didn't do it with him because she thought she was going to die and did not want to meet her maker with meth in her system.

  9. Ugh, this is the same argument my kids use.  Just because one school has a fieldhouse does not mean the county should provide one for every high school.  Plus, I wouldn't call what PCHS has a "fieldhouse" per say.  Just cement blocks.



    My comment was sarcastic. When schools ask for something, they are told no because if you get something they get something. POINT BEING THEY HAVE A FIELDHOUSE NO MATTER HOW UGLY. AT LEAST ITS MORE SPACE.

  10. A field house might be nice for the football team. But it would NOT cure the out break. Give me a break you people are just using this as an excuse to get something you want.


    Clean, Clean and clean that is the answer, not a fieldhouse!!!!!!!!!!



    A field house would be more than just "nice" for the football team! Overcrowding makes conditions worse and makes it harder to keep clean. You do the math 10 showers, over 100 football player! Not to mention regular p.e. classes. As a parent of two football players I am offended you would think we would use such an issue to get what we want! We are the ones dealing with this issue!


    A good enough reason to get what we want would be THE OTHER SCHOOLS HAVE ONE! WE DESERVE ONE TOO!

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