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Everything posted by moonmyyst

  1. I remember more than once an ice storm hitting around here after the jonquils bloomed... I remember seeing them coated in ice... I have been expecting a late season storm all winter... they usually come on years like this
  2. we have a new club starting this evening if you have dogs and want to meet up with other "dog people"... our first meeting is tonight 7-9pm at Rodney's BBQ in New Hope.
  3. I have lived in Paulding most of my life (except for a few years in the 90's). South Paulding is a beautiful area and I dont know why anyone would say avoid it!! I live in New Georgia and my son went to Nebo Elementry, South Paulding Middle, and is graduating this year from South Paulding High. I love it here and do not regret owning a home here. It is beautiful, quiet, wonderful neighbors. We have shopping, easy access to I-20, have a choice of shopping in Hiram, Villa Rica, or Douglasville equally. I, personally, would not want to live in NE Paulding. Too busy, becoming too crowded, t
  4. Can anyone tell me what is going in the new building they are building where the old Kroger was in Hiram, next to KMart? The building looks familiar and my hubby, my son, and I have been trying to guess. The front reminds me of a Dicks Sporting Goods, my son says another grocery store, and my hubby thinks it might be another electronics store of some kind.
  5. did you ever see this doccument or one like it? http://www.greystonepower.com/UploadedFiles/pdf/corporate%20easement.pdf
  6. Can you block them from coming on your property? Do you have a gate you can lock? At least until you can talk to Greystone. If you don't hear what you want I would see about talking to a lawyer and see about getting a restraining order till you can figure this out. Good luck
  7. BUMP incase someone coming in this evening knows anything
  8. Right after I posted this I listened to the radio and all I could hear going on out in this area was a girl going to SPMS got spooked about a vehicle... but that call came in long after I got home so it wasn't that. Has anyone heard anything?
  9. Does anyone know what is going on out on Ridge Road this morning? I was sitting, waiting my turn at the 4 way stop at Ridge Road and Cochran Store Road (coming away from my son's school) and saw 8 vehicles blow past with flashing blue lights and sirens. Only one was a S.O. marked car. The others were pickup trucks with blue flashy lights and sirens. They were going west. My hubby's first thoughts were SWAT. Does anyone know what is going on and where?
  10. People like that make what my hubby and I have been through for the last 3 years a joke!! We have been LEGALLY going through the process and he was granted his green card last week. From someone who speaks english, whos husband is from england, and having hired an attorney.... I say yes there does need to be immigration reform.... NOT to make it easier.... but to make it more UNDERSTANDABLE!! Until you go through it all you dont realize what a confusing mess it is!! My solution is a flow chart on the computer... it asks a question and depending on the button you click it tells you what
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