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Everything posted by cmorg

  1. Ich stimme zu. Wir sollten nur amerikanische sprechen. Ha. Might be the funniest post I have seen this week (and that's counting the nonsense from eddie).
  2. cmorg

    "No Rain"

    This is the best Blind Melon song, imo:
  3. Did you mean "flee" or did you use "fly" in that context?
  4. I don't know of anyone who has expressed a desire to have TP banned, either. I think a limit on new topics per day could/should be established. But for "off-topic comments" . . . that's tricky. Look at this thread alone, how it has morphed . . . and it is a good thread - but hardly on topic. The flip side is seeing (for the 237th time) a comment about how "georgia beats slaves, Christians hate the poor, and gross old perverts think like you . . " in a topic about Iraq or bergdahl or just about any topic out there. Maybe there should be an eddie forum : all eddie, all the ti
  5. Vive la France! La devise française: Je vis à abandonner le combat un autre jour!
  6. And you should! I think I say some interesting things, like spatula . . . spaaaaat-you-lah.
  7. Based on the post title, I thought they had died . . . And I was thinking, "well, Douglas county, that figures."
  8. I love baby animals.
  9. What upsets me is, regardless of whether or not we should, once we take action, we need see the job through to the end: to victory - not just an arbitrary stopping point. Understandably, it is difficult (if not impossible) to determine exactly what victory is in such a convoluted place as the Middle East. However, we did leave Iraq and are soon leaving Afghanistan. At this point, we should leave them to their own devices and just keep our eyes open so we (hopefully) don't get an unpleasant surprise in the future. That we have lost American lives in both places, and after everyt
  10. Happy Birthday! (whatever you do, don't leave the house!!!!)
  11. Oops! My bad. It's a good thing nobody listens to what I say!!
  12. IDK, that looks really expensive. We'll just stick to the Keurig.
  13. Thanks for the reminder (because I actually do forget about it).
  14. Was he that dude that used to hang out at the Waffle House in Hiram? And what's your point, will he pay for everyone's memberships?
  15. Fine, then I will just stir my run-of-the-mill teflon coated pot. But not right now - it's really too late to be cooking anything other than crack.
  16. ? We have old aluminum pots, ceramic pots, cast iron pots, and the run-of-the-mill teflon coated pots. Where did you find a proverbial pot?
  17. Almost every night, from 11 til 130 or so (and if I wake up in the middle of the night, at 2) I watch re-runs of Friends. It's one of those shows that helps me to unwind, maybe calm down if I need to - it's just one of those feel good shows that is a nice distraction at the end of the day.
  18. Do you think you'll make it through the day without getting a divorce? Congratulations on 22 years!
  19. I have to leave by 6a, so I will probably try and be in bed by 12 or 1. But this early?
  20. I got my bread, milk, and TP. Bring it on, Friday the 13th with a Full Moon!!! btw: cow milk.
  21. Ok. I guess I showed up after everyone's bed time or something.
  22. Not at all on topic, but I feel so bad for this bird. (it is a still) And the piece of music is good.
  23. What more can I say? It looks like a butt. <3 Or maybe a birds-eye view of a well-endowed, pointy headed woman.
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