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Everything posted by apruet

  1. Based on what I know personally about the company structure of Clark ambulance and the individuals who work for Sam Clark, I will cast my vote for Jeff. It is time for change in this county. Change that does not have one individual running an ambulance service, funeral home & then be expected to be impartial towards his own employees (and deputy director) as the coroner. The director of Clark ambulance is Sam's deputy coroner along with another lady from his main office. The deputy coroner is also a nurse in a local ER where many Clark ambulance patients are taken. Sam Clark owns the
  2. I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT CLARK EMPLOYEES WERE NOT GIVEN THEIR CHECKS ON FRIDAY. THEY STILL HAVE NOT RECEIVED THEM TODAY. Additionally- I didn't start this thread, just added my $0.02 worth along with the factual information that the employees at this company that has received substantial county subsidies have not been paid for their hard work. Prayers, definitely- praying that this company's bad decisions do not ruin the lives of hard working individuals who provided service they were not compensated for. They are NOT volunteers but are being treated as such.
  3. Do you want someone who hasn't been paid showing up at your house to render aid? Who's keeping the job just to get the check owed to them and then getting out because this is the fiftybleventh time its happened since working there? Who's gonna show up to the heart attack when Clarks doesn't? Yes, he has some really loyal employees and has snowed them good. But when a family I know is struggling with their bills because they haven't been paid by the company they work for, that's too bad isn't good enough. All the love for Sam isn't going to pay their bills- if Sam willingly screws o
  4. I'd be leary of having Clark Ambulance respond this week. The employees are either really dedicated or......... No checks yet. Were supposed to be paid the 15th and they keep being told try back tomorrow. I don't work there but know some who do. I see many love Sam, I get that, but it does not excuse him from paying his employees. His employees are working to save the lives of people who live here but they aren't getting paid? Yikes!! Wonder if there is a stipulation in their contract that Clark's must remain finacially solvent at all times during the contract? The coun
  5. We go to the Church at the Ridge, currently gathering at Austin Middle School www.churchattheridge.com (not a live link)
  6. Call your local school & see if the chorus/drama/art dept could use it.
  7. They closed, it was a cheerleading place last time I saw it. . .
  8. That would be illegal on so many levels- - - -I would love to see one of the contracts. . .
  9. What area of town? My son goes to The Sunshine House by the Georgian in New GA/Villa Rica area. He's been there since he was a baby- I love the director & teachers there!
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