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Posts posted by carolg

  1. How about the Queen of Hearts or a variation? Also you could go as a Royal Flush (you could be very creative with this) Wear a crown and carry a roll of toilet paper, or do something with a toilet....

  2. My parents are still in the house that I grew up in and when I was there not long ago I just missed it so much, and then looking out over the mountains in the morning when the sun is coming up and the clouds are rising it's just so beautiful. I really miss it. When I was a kid I couldn't wait to leave and know I would love to go back,


    I know exactly what you mean. I could not wait to leave and now I want to go home.


    Did you tell Mark Beck I said hello when you were there? :p

  3. I love that. I grew up on a dirt road where my family still lives (and it is still dirt). Everything in that is true. My parents have never locked their car doors, and they go on vacation and leave the house unlocked in case my brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles or friends, need to get in for some reason!! :wub: I love home and am jealous of Soapy who got to go back there....

  4. We were out of town this weekend. When we got home, one of the dogs (our neighbors were watching them) started talking. He was very excited to see my husband. It sounded just like he said "DADDY!!" It was so funny!!

  5. Conveniently...maybe?


    Did she ever drive through Cobb w/ it?


    Maybe she had received tickets before on it without telling ya'll?

    Oh yes it was convenient. I was being sarcastic!! :lol: She lives in Carroll County, but the number of miles she put on the car, she may have been driving in Cobb, Bartow, Rockdale, Dekalb, etc. And I can guarantee you that if she received a ticket, we knew about it because she was begging for the money to pay the fine......

  6. Get it fixed and bring proof of compliance to the court that has jurisdiction. I am reasonably sure that it will be dismissed. I can’t guarantee it,but this has been my experience with tint violation cases.

    That's exactly what I was thinking. If we had known (with a warning or something) we would have removed it by now anyway.

  7. You are suppose to be in control of the vehicle you are driving so if it is truely illegal tint pay the fine and move on. To say cops should not have tint on their vehicle is a little childish. If it is not clear why you cannot have really dark tint on your vehicle then I feel for you, life must be difficult for you.

    I never said it was not wrong. I just think that I could have been given a warning given the fact that I have NEVER been pulled over before and I had no idea it was too dark since my step daughter had it put on. I would think that a window tinting company would know the law and NOT put illegal tint on the windows of a 22 year old woman. I'm sure that they just wanted money, but I really had no idea it was too dark. You can actually see into my car. I checked it out today when I got to work, and I can see all the way through the driver and passenger side windows out to the other side of the car. I can see everything inside my car from right here looking out my window at work down into the car. Maybe at night....

  8. Holy Crap!!!! 12%!?!?!? That is Dark! Can you see out of it at night?


    Limo tint is like 5%

    It is dark, but I had no idea it was that dark. I can see out of it better than I can see out of the factory tint on our SUV at night. This car usually does not move (since it was a repo and we are just making the payments and trying to let the milage that she put on the car catch up before we sell it) I was only driving it because my car is in the shop.

  9. I wonder if this is the same cop that got my daugthers boyfriend it was also a lady and was in the area of macland road.

    Probably. I was on Macland Road right there at the intersection of the East West Connector (I don't know what it is called right there)

  10. I have issue with cops giving tint tickets to middle aged ladies while there are gangs at Hiram High, meth labs in every subdivision, and thugs wearing gang colors at malls. Some cops don't want to stop crime; they want to generate money. Of course some of them accept cash at the time of the ticket; and none of that cash ever goes beyond their wallet.


    I agree. When I told a friend about it she answered "What??? Do they think a 45 year old woman on her way to work in the morning is a gangster????" Like I said before, it is a revenue maker (and it is the last day of the month :ph34r: )

  11. There is a test to see if it is in fact too dark. I got pulled over once for the same thing. The officer tested the windows and said I barely passed and expect to be stopped again...I've never been stopped since. My thought is, I've seen a couple of HUMMERS that have extremely dark windows and not just the side windows...the windshield as well. You can't see in these vehicles at all! I know one of these people and they've had their HUMMER for over 6 years and it's never been a problem. I'd find someone to test your windows and the outline of the offense before you fight it, you may actually be in violation.

    She tested it right there. Says the legal limit is 33% and this was 12%. I had no idea. I called my husband and told him that HE got a ticket and wasn't even driving. I even told the cop to make it out in his name since it was his car... :lol: Of course she didn't--it is ALL mine....

  12. I got stopped this morning and the cop wrote me a ticket for window tint being too dark. This is a car that was driven and partly owned by my 23 year old step daughter. She stopped making payments and we had to take the car from her (she co-signed with my husband). She had the tint put on, so we had no idea it was illegal. I am driving the car because mine is in the shop. I am so angry. DH says the fine is $500. Oh yeah, by the way, I pulled over at an intersection. While she was writing the ticket for window tint, I counted 6 cars that ran the red light. I guess it is all about revenue.... What do you think (and does anyone know how to have it changed to a warning????)

  13. Can anyine recommend some good strength training DVDs for beginners. I have one but I think it might be for more advanced because I used it but could not even do half of the stuff. Thanks :rolleyes:

    Get in touch with Innergy Yoga and Pilates. Jennifer, the owner, has done a beginners DVD. She is awesome. Their number is 770-443-5736.

  14. Keep in mind... most states do not have laws where right-turners have to yield to left-turners... it's a retarded law that should be repealed here. Perhaps these people were transplants to the area that aren't familiar with Georgia's law.

    I did not realize it was a law here. I thought that the only time that right turners have to yield to left turners is when the right turners have a yield sign (like at 92 and Pine Valley Road where none of the right turners EVER yield).

  15. I guess if you put so much in this 8 or 9 year old story that was never proved then you allso believe the one about Hillary and Huma Abedin and her long term lesbian relationship. Sources are the same.


    AMEN sister. I was thinking the same thing.

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