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Posts posted by carolg

  1. My husband works with this lady. He said the man was fired about a week and a half ago from the same company. The company had to talk to the woman a while back about her "smell" because other employees had complained. She called in sick this morning!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  2. Just wondering if the "rubbing her butt" might have been "doing the bump." I know! My 70's are showing, but it could be the teacher's were too. Not quite as graphic as booty dancing.


    I wasn't there. I just know what the 7 girls that I rescued from there told me. They were shocked, and I guarantee they will not even ask to go to another dance at that school. That is too bad too because that money goes to the booster club or PTSA I am sure. They also noticed that a lot of the upper classmen did not come to the dance. Only the--(and this is what the girls called them) "gangsters". I am sure the decent upper classmen had already learned that this is not a school where they want to participate in these events. I personally feel that this does a misservice to the school and the school fund raisers. If they allow these unsavory groups to take over these after school events, then they alienate about 3/4 of the school. This behavior should be taken care of and with the number of adults there, there is no reason for it NOT to have been taken care of. The exact words of these girls were "please come get us--WE ARE SCARED" Is that how kids are supposed to feel at their own school dance??????


    (climbing down from my soap box)

  3. my son is a middle schooler and i have been told that the same thing happens at their dances,except it happens behind the bleachers.


    Yeah--my daughter's friend actually saw a girl on her knees in front of a boy in the back corner of the library in middle school. They have to grow up way too fast, and it is the parents' fault. If it were up to me, my daughter would not even know what a lot of this stuff is, but unfortunatly all parents do not feel that way. Did you hear about the 5 year old who was caught in the bathroom at his school trying to ----- a little girl? That goes straight back to the parents and what these kids are exposed to and taught. I just wish I could afford private school--although I am not sure it is much different there...

  4. What school??? I was a chaperone at SPHS Saturday night, I didn't see any behavior like this!


    It was not SPHS....


    "I guess everyone has a different idea of what is ok. Plus it could have been a joke taken out of context."


    My daughter said the administrator was "rubbing her butt" against a male student while they were dancing. I guess I just called it "booty" dancing to try and be a little bit discreet.


    And let's not forget the "lap dances" the girls were giving the boys. I don't think that was really funny if it was meant to be a joke. If the dance were reserved for 11th and 12th graders, maybe--and only maybe--this might be appropriate. But not for 9th graders. My daughter is 14 years old. Maybe she just should not have been invited.....

  5. I have DJed a lot of high school dances and this is common with almost all the schools. Kids like to dance and jump around and usually if the dancing area is big enough the kids who don't want to be in all that find their own corner.


    Unfortunately I am sure I know what school you are talking about and I am sure the teachers were dancing because the average age of teachers at that school is 26.


    Dancing fine---"booty" dancing not fine. This was not a teacher either, it was an administrator....

  6. My daughter, who is a freshman at a local high school, went to the Homecoming dance this past weekend. She was very excited about going. She called me to come and get her less than 10 minutes after she got there. She said that she and her friends were "scared". She said that the kids there were pushing and shoving, the girls were taking their bras off and swinging them around their heads, some were doing lap dances for the boys and one of the administrators was "booty dancing" with the students. She was apalled and so were her friends. $20 admission later, we were on our way to the movies. I wanted to call the school to complain, but she has begged me not to because she does not want to be singled out at school. I think the behavior of the students and of the chaperones was very inappropriate. I don't want to cause her any trouble, but I don't think that this is appropriate for high schoolers....

  7. I grew up on a tobacco farm in South Georgia. I picked tobacco, strung tobacco on sticks, unstrung it when it was cooked, tied it into sheets and helped take it to the tobacco auction house to sell. Not very politically correct anymore, but I spent all of my young summers in the heat working my !#@$ off!!

  8. I go to Hair Matters too! But I've only used Wendy,who is AWESOME! Maybe I'll try Kadie next time!


    I am glad to hear this. I have an appointment for my daughter and her friend who are on the homecoming court at Hiram to get their hair done there on Friday. I have heard good things, but have never tried them!

  9. What happened?? Story please???


    There was a good group of people in there on Saturday night watching the game/fight. It was about half and half. It was pretty calm, probably of the football group about 2/3 for the Dawgs and about 1/3 for Bama. No one was being obnoxious or anything. It was a pretty good crowd. Then during the 4th quarter this "lady"came in. She was extremely obnoxious, to the point that the teenagers at my table asked if she was drunk or just stupid. She was getting on eveyones nerves yelling "Roll Tide", "Dawgs S---", etc. She was just drunk and obnoxious. Well, when Georgia won she apparently was not a good loser, and she jumped on someone. The person probably made a comment to her such as "Get out dumb ---, you lost!" Anyway, when she started fighting, a bunch of men ran up and tried to break it up. The husband jumped on them. The management sent everyone outside and the police came. She was arrested. I don't know who else. I do know she was white, the cops were white, and she was calling them racist pigs as she was being hauled off!!! The Georgia fans started barking at her when they arrested her! It was a really wild night at Buffalo Wild Wings!!!!!!! FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!

  10. I am a proud graduate of the GREEN AND GOLD FIGHTING GATORS OF WARE COUNTY!!! WOOO-HOOO! :)



    Hey!!! MEEEE TOOOO! What year? I was class of 80--before they consolitdated. My mother was the librarian at the Junior High for years!!!!

    GO GO GO MIGHTY GATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I heard they are putting a Publix on that corner (I don't know if it is on the side where to old house and the chicken houses were or on the other side of the road). Why don't they just put Publix in the space vacated by the Save Rite? That sure seems like a better idea, instead of building more crap....

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