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Everything posted by Truedat

  1. Please post when Max shows up. Hopefully, he is just laying low with a friend and perfectly safe. We will pray for not only safe return but also whatever issues he's dealing with right now.
  2. Um ... I'm not really buying that. Perhaps she puts on an illusion of being wealthy. Truly wealthy people don't have trouble paying their taxes. They also would cringe at the idea of paying interest on money owed to the IRS.
  3. Good luck in your pursuits, Melissa. You are going to get this. You already have a following and you have the necessary life experience to do this job. But moreso, I admire your desire to bring strong character! Some people call themselves conservative, but their lives are not a reflection of that at all. Best wishes to you, and do not get distracted nor discouraged by a few flies that will try to distract you on your path.
  4. True, true. How unfortunate that way back when, even when some of us smelled a big rat, somehow Dave Carmichael, who was so credible, had integrity and real leadership ability, did not win against the empty shell of a "nobody's home" candidate for BOE. I'm still bitter over that one. Just think how some things would be different now.
  5. What a precious little baby. I'm so sorry you are going through this loss. Thank you so much for telling what happened so we can keep an eye out when that happens. I'm sure it was hard for you. I was crying too at the part you said you were crying! I hope you find that grief group when you are ready to share in person. May God be with you all who are missing your little boy. Mmmwaw!
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