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Everything posted by whitewaterkayaker

  1. The dillard house is great!! Better go hungry! It's a lot of reallly good food! I'm a big fan of the nanthala area too ! Take a nice easy raft trip down the river or a hike on the at trail! Lake fontana is really nice too. Stop by the Burger Basket for a really good burger!
  2. The problem is that someone pulled out of somewhere with a slightly obstructed view, got hit and sued the the crap outa of everyone tied to that pull out. So now all new pull pull outs have to be idiot proof! There are several places around here that are that way. Don't like it either but I follow the signs and don't make those left turns if a cop is around ! I have seen them give tickets!
  3. as long as raft with one the outfitters you will be fine! they are very safe! the river has several class 4&5 rapids,they are very dangerous if you dont know what you doing,but when you do,what a blast! www.noc.com try out noc,they would be my first choice on a raft trip on the chattooga!
  4. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=173601&id=1528446992&l=f8d8be13b9 here is a few pics from the same river
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoaFcqe7dtU short video of some friends on the river last week.this is the river where "Deliverance" was filmed.its one of my favorite rivers in georgia. hope u like!
  6. you can see the old deck on the right,that was rick and myself kayaking the falls.at that level of water it is a class4 rapid
  7. here is link to some more pics of sweetwater creek state park http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=143978&id=1528446992&l=f11ec106b0
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCncD18Gbz0 i love going to sweetwater creek, the video was of the deck overlooking the falls.it is gone now,washed away the day of the floods a few months back.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6mIi6qSWfQ this was copied from bert from "the bert show on Q100" kinda funny and so true
  10. before you click"add reply" click the "preview"button, this will let you know if you have done it right.
  11. copy the "url" to the right of the video, then paste it on "insert media"on the pcomhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IytNBm8WA1c
  12. sorry for those thinking this was apost about a baby falling into a river. Baby Falls is the name of the waterfalls. i have looked but can not find a way to remove "Baby Falls" here is a baby and some falls lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLHrk7-IaSo
  13. the pic is of Baby Falls on the Telico river,it is just past Bald river falls,very close
  14. i did not take the pics, a friend that lives up there took them. wish i was there to see for myself
  15. this picture was taken a week ago on the telico river just outside telico plains tn.
  16. awesome pics!here are a few from nc,tn and ga! bald riverfalls at the telico river bear creek falls on the cheohatallulah gorge
  17. 61s looks alot better now! mullberry rock still has some bad ice on it !
  18. had to get the wife to work this am. mullberry rock is iced over but not too bad.61s from new ga to Tanner Hospital is not good! i got stuck behind 3cars on the hill just passed the sweetwater creek bridge.had to get out and push em up the hill be carefull!
  19. no but i have a few friends that are. i did meet him and he was a nice guy!
  20. matt smith jumping his truck!! cant wait till the video is up!! www.gamudbogging.com
  21. haha!! yea i seen the yellow hummer and i do remember joey!
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