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Everything posted by whitewaterkayaker

  1. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=163334&id=1528446992&l=b149d69dae here are some pics from little river canyon in alabama. its only an hour and ahalf away.if you have never been there you should check it out,nice hiking and boating and great views from your car too. some of the pics are from one the big rain days we had not to long ago
  2. http://seneymudbogg.com/ another place that you can check out newyears day! its in rockmart
  3. they had this up in north paulding,61n to cochran rd turn lt and then follow the signs. new years day is the next ride there. it was a really nice event.food,security and a lot of nice people,check it out www.gamudbogging.com
  4. had a great time at the mud ride.it was a lot of fun. thanks for putting it on and giving us mud lovin rednecks a safe place to play! http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=170675&id=1528446992&l=fef69260f9
  5. i like omaha steaks too! this guy had a freezer in the back of the truck too and a nice menu and all that. i just hate that "we got some extra steaks we need to get rid of and i will give em to ya cheap" opening line .i have seen the guys riding around in the white van that try to sell u 2000.00$ stereo for 300bucks..yeah right more like a20.00 radio,but anyway just wanted to see how well they really do sellin there meat, oh well ,i will stick to my local meat guys
  6. had a guy stop by the house the other day selling steaks out of his truck, steakhouse steaks inc. 200$ worth of meat, just wanted to know if anyone buys that,how is the food and what did ya pay.i didnt buy but they left a menu
  7. It was sent up on 7-5 from peachtree ga. It has a bag inside of it for u to mail it back to NOAA in kansascity,Month It about the size of a kids shoebox. Mayne they will send a free weathertradio for helpin them out I doubtit but that's fine it made for an interesting morning
  8. I am working in gray ga. 20min NE of macon, I seen an orange bag in a tree and a follow a rope across the tree tops. Then I see a box hangin from another tree. We untangle the rope and get the box down and see that it is a weather radiosonde. it has a note on it asking to drop in mailbox. I thought it was a neat find!! Any sorry to bore ya but I'm bored at work too !!
  9. Chatooga is my favorite river!section 3and 3.5 no 4 for me
  10. The ocoee is a blast!! I kayak and raft it ! U will have fun where ever u decide to tube on the hooch its all fun, I did see LOTS of beer on my last trip on the hooch,just keepit in a can no bottles
  11. The hooch is fine. I don't go any futher than hwy41. Its gets funky goin thru atlanta.a coulpe of weeks ago a group of us went down the hooch.must of been ab out 100people floating down from pAces island. The hooch is a great river! Let me know when ur goin I may join ya! Check out www.americanwhitewater.com. Click on the link for ,riverdatabase then click GA and you can get a desciption of the metro hooch and also just about all the rivers in ga!
  12. I shoot the hooch about once a month. In my kayak not a tube. There is an outfitter that rents tubes and rafts at the powers island put in. U float about3 miles down to hwy41. Takes about 2.5hrs. Its fun!
  13. Pouring down over here on mullberryrock!! Lots of thunder and lightning!! I may try to kayak down the street in a few !!
  14. Freecreditreport.com on tv or thr radio I can't change it fast enuff!!!!
  15. waiting on my wife to tell me "lets go to cobb hospital!!" dang! i cant wait to see my new little girl. i guess we will do some walkin today and maybe a foot massage
  16. I think you can drive a moped(under 50cc) on the road without a tag or drivers license I know you can in NC not sure about GA
  17. Yeah its back on!! Thanks carrol emc
  18. No storms in the area,went out around 230am and still out now.maybe a wreck somewhere.we can hear fire rescue on harmony rd when they leave on a call but its been quite here. At least its not in the middle of the day and 98 degrees outside
  19. 230am and the powers out. Just wondering how big of an outage. We are off mulberry rock near sheltons garage. The moon is bright tonight!
  20. Debbie the illustrator is awesome!!!
  21. Hahaha. Members only!! Dang I had a few of those ! I don't know why people pick one shirt over another , have a good evening. I meant nothing personal just chattin, I hope I didn't offend ne1
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