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Posts posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. Well, I'm happy for PC and I am even happy for North even though I would have preferred a Raider win. The North fans were going crazy and you could tell it meant so much to them. I have a lot of friends at North. My daughter said this was the last year we would be playing them since they were moving up to a larger class. I was a bit distracted the whole game with something else but it looked to me like no one was protecting our QB or whatever guy it was that had the ball. I felt so bad for the guys with the ball. At one point one of them was holding off 4 plus North players but you just can't keep that up. I think I counted 5 turnovers. Even though I noticed a few times that players were down, I didn't know the QB was injured until my daughter told me after the game that he broke his arm. I was proud toward the end of the game to look out and see our guys taking a knee. I know they didn't used to do that. Anyways, like I said I was pretty distracted so I may have missed some things but overall I felt North played very well and we did not. I hope we can meet up with them again in the post season. I will miss the North-East games each year. To be honest it is the one game I most look forward to and the only one I had planned to go to to watch (I'll be in the concession stand the rest of the season when I am there).

  2. Andrew's presence was definitely felt this morning at church. My heart is still broken not only for Courtney, Carson, Noah and Hallie but also for all of us whose lives were touched by him. I am looking forward to the memorial service on Tuesday and being able to celebrate his life.

    • Like 3
  3. He was doping.


    That's exactly why he decided to step back and not fight the charges.


    He didn't address it this weekend at his organization.


    You can bet your butt that if I had won fair and square, I would fight you to the death before you would take my title.


    Too bad.


    I don't know if he is guilty or not but he did fight it. For years. I don't think I would have fought it for that long. At some point you have to get on with your life and this fight had to be consuming much of his time and energy (and money). The people fighting against him were not going to stop until they got what they wanted, right or wrong. I would like to think he knows there is more to life that his titles.

  4. I think about Rene (Zach's Mom) all the time. It just breaks my heart for them still to think about how they lost their only child. She is an amazing woman. I remember the night it happened. It was my anniversary and my husband and I saw all the lights and activity going on as we left to go to dinner. When we found out what had happened my heart just crumbled. I had met Zach while he was at Moses and he attended our church. I drive by the scene of the accident every day and every time I think of him and his family.


    Hiram and North are both class act schools.

  5. We all need to consider what Maxwell, Braddock and Heath did, along with Hamrick and Hembree, to NOT give us proper representation in the Senate District.


    We have more than sufficient minimum population to have our own Senator, 100% representing Paulding County, and taking care to work hard for the challenges Paudling county has.


    Instead, we are forced, AGAIN, to share Senate Seats with Harralson/Polk, .....and with West Cobb.


    Our representatives could have made the boundries for the Senate seat very simple....Paulding....period. Instead they redrew the old seat district to purposely miss Carruth's old residence almost as a slap in the face to Carruth, as well as the general voting population of Paulding.


    Shame on Heath, Maxwell and Braddock for political grandstanding instead of doing the right thing for Paulding.


    Thanks for answering my question. I knew I had read that somewhere.

  6. When I went to vote originally I asked a Heath supporter out by the road at Moses a few questions. The first was did Heath really want to end the Hope Scholarship. I was told absolutely not, that he just did not want it funded with gambling money. Does he consider the lottery gambling? No, he is fine with things the way they are and he doesn't want to bring casino's into it. The next question I asked was in regards to that "Writ of Execution" letter that nearly everyone got that appeared to be from the "United States District Court". That pi$ed me off. I honestly don't know either of the Bills and after a few days I started to wonder if maybe Bill C actually sent it out knowing it would come back on Bill H and cost him some votes~~I know, I know I have watched way too much tv. Regardless the Bill Heath supported acted like he knew nothing about it which I find hard to believe.


    As of right now I plan to vote for Carruth. I'll admit I didn't have the time to read up as much as I would have liked to on either candidate and I have a stack of mail from both of them I will look through this weekend.


    I do have one thing I'd like confirmed or clarified. I thought I read on here that Carruth has always wanted to represent this District and that when the district lines were redrawn Heath purposely made them pass a few 100 yards beyond Carruths property? I just want to make sure I haven't gotten this information confused with another race or candidate. It was one of the first things that turned me off to Heath and if I read or remember it wrong I would like to know.

  7. I have been a Registered Real Estate Appraiser since November of 2010. I worked with a CG Appraiser on residential appraisals from the time I became licensed until this past winter and am now looking for someone else to work with. I am flexible with my time and am willing and able to do inspections, sketches, research, data entry, reports, etc.... If you are an appraiser who has a lot of work and could use someone with a bit of experience to help, I would love to come work for/with you. Please send me a PM and I will give you my license number and contact information. Or if you would prefer to give me your contact information, I will be happy to contact you.



  8. Wish you all were closer to us. I have only made it out once but you had exactly what we were looking for and whoever was working at the time could not have been nicer. Maybe you could open a second location in the Publix shopping center in New Hope and have a little coffee bar?

    • Like 1
  9. Thanks RR~~Words like that mean a lot to the RB and well, you know Stretch. I'm loving the football games so much I don't miss softball. Okay well, maybe a little but I grew up in a small football town so this feels like home.


    I'm so bummed to be missing the 8th grade boys play North today. A few of those boys were talking (the North boys at Moses) were talking about how good they are this year and it sounds like it is going to be a great game.

  10. I saw the movie too and really liked it. I definitely teared up during and on the way home just thinking about it. It did stick the the book for the most part. There were a few changes, one in particular but I still liked the movie a lot. The S word is said a half a dozen times or so (all in the same context or as part of the same story). The Help is one of my favorite books, I've read it twice. Seeing the movie made me want to pull it out and read it again~~lol.


    I plan on seeing it again. My husband just finished the book so maybe we will go, if not I'll bring my daughter along. I don't know how much she'd enjoy it but knowing her Dad grew up and had dear, sweet Rosa as his second mother might make it some what interesting for her.

  11. HAHA! I know what you mean :) I've never done a FB contest and never participated in one, but I can imagine it's stressful to "compete." :)


    I am giving it a go but I wasn't able to link you in my post. I also had someone chat me that they couldn't find your page even after typing in the name~sigh~I told them to keep trying so hopefully it will come up for them eventually.

  12. I just got back from there. Besides the two free Krispy Kreme donuts I got one of those $7.99

    trash cans, 5 of the $1 energy efficient curly cue looking light bulbs, a can of wasp and bee killer, some bleach and 6 of the 34 cent paper towels~~my total came to just under $20.


    My daughter will be there tomorrow with the rest of the EPHS band students giving away (donations accepted) hotdogs and something else (you can see how on top of things I am right now~~lol one day at a time people).


    I am sure my husband will be stopping by as well if he can get there before work tomorrow.


    I hope every comes out to support the local hardware store. I for one am so grateful to have a place so close to home to go to.

  13. My 13 year old is going to start out the Summer by going White water rafting with his Dad. Then he and my 14 year old are going to RUSH camp with about 530 other middle and high school kids. My youngest will be going to SURGE camp later in June where the rest of us will be helping out.


    We will start off July with a family trip to Lake Michigan (my folks have a place up there so we all~my siblings and our families) try to get together one week a year. LOVE this week!


    When we get back it seems like my daughter will have about a week before Band Camp starts. She's very excited!! Go Raiders.


    Then it is back to school.


    Personally I hope to be working fairly consistantly and I would also like to go to The Melting Pot (never been) and do one of the painting things at Paint N Party on June 4th (I want to do the palm tree one). That place looks cool~~anyone want to join me? It's $25 but I think if we can get $10 people it will drop to $15.


    Oh and I did take advantage of the Stars and Strikes Groupon so we will be going there a few times as well as hitting Sun Valley Beach. We have season passes but I have a feeling this will be our last year having them.


    And lastly I hope to spend some time at the amazing, wonderful, spectacular Dallas Theater!!

  14. hmm, thats a good question...havn't really decided, but it will be soon!




    i am me, and to paulding.com :)



    Thanks, I thought maybe you were some type of business and that the subscription would be related to that.

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