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Everything posted by cccten

  1. I need local taxi service tonight for overnight medical test until 5AM. I don't see well at night, especially in the rain, and this is my only option. I would like to use one that is recommended as SAFE and on time.
  2. The best sledding/ice playing for my kids (now is their 40's) was when they were in high school... the storm in the early 80's. We had a steep driveway as did our neighbors across the street. The sledded ALL night. There was a full moon and absolutely beautiful. One rule: They bad to be quiet as church mice! Not get "caught" by the neighbors. There were several advantages. I refused to let the very young neighborhood children on tne driveway as it was too dangerous. They were less tempted if mine weren't out there with their friends. Also, the midnight shift was safer since there were no c
  3. Out of the clear blue sky, my washing machine decided not to shift into drain mode on any cycle. My wonderful son-in-law has decided to replace it. I would have been delighted for him to repair it but he wants to replace it. He is not local and this works best for his schedule. Beggers can't be choosy. My job is to free up the hole so he can install the new one later in the holidays. Any suggestions? My opinion is that it could probably be repaired reasonably, but he is paying and that's what he wants to do. However, I feel guilty sending it to the dump. Will the dump even take a washing
  4. I'd first like to know what a Mayberry is. I'm afraid to want something just because apparently it is free... or because everyone has one... or wants one. Will someone please tell me what I'm missing so I'll know if I want one. I'm giggling thinking about how bad it was - 50 years ago - to be the only one who had not been snipe hunting. That's why I'm being careful to ask first! LOL
  5. How do I email a member of the administration to discuss membership? I'm sure there's a link in plain view so I must not be able to see the forest for the trees. Thanks!
  6. My "yard shoes" are stored in a gallon zip lock bag and my gloves in a sandwich baggie. If they are too damp to zip up, they sit on kitchen cabinet or bathroom vanity until they are dry enough to store. I've been doing that for years 'cause I'm horrified at the possibility of spiders. Got a suggestion for dealing with my fear of snakes? lol
  7. Ditto! Family member works at county office and just call her call.
  8. Thanks! Keep us informed.
  9. WTG Clio! You had the magic timing and we all had fun.
  10. I play a variety of games at Pogo.com. That site keeps me off the streets and out of trouble a lot of nights.
  11. I really DID enjoy this. Only problem is, now I have my "2nd Wind". What do I do now?
  12. 30 is young. I celebrated my 40th birthday learning to fly on the trapeze.
  13. I LUV Waffle House. Which is 'your' location?
  14. Dreading having several teeth pulled soon, but will take advantage of the good excuse to live off nothing but peach milkshakes for a few days.
  15. I'm willing to tolerate the pink nose...
  16. I have no sense about what time to go to bed.
  17. I have an appointment with Dr. Willis on Monday. It had been a LONG time since I'd seen a dentist and she is awesome!
  18. I am in the mood for some of LGM's pizza.
  19. I think this game is an excellent way to get lurkers (like me) to post. And... I'm SO looking forward to the cooler weather of autumn.
  20. I can't find the football schedule for East Paulding High. Football sites have not been updated since fall of '08. I'm trying to plan family company for a weekend with a home football game so all the grandkids/cousins can celebrate my birthday and support a EPHS freshman. Can anyone tell me the first weekend EPHS plays at home?
  21. cccten


    Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to post information.
  22. The trivia sounds good... the wings sound good... the price soiunds good... but WHERE is it? ;-) Did I miss something?
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