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Posts posted by lumak

  1. So, a while ago I ran out for an errand. I saw a yard sale sign...and I had to stop (that happens to me all the time--darndest thing you ever saw). Anyway, they had a stack of DVDs and game disks of various kinds, .50 each. I looked through them, but the only one I wanted was Disney Pixar's "Buzz Lightyear of Star Command" starring Tim Allen (well, his voice). So I paid .50 and was happy. I thought it would be nice to have later when Jaiden comes to visit.


    I drive away...and then I realize...THIS ONE wasn't a DVD--it's a VHS tape, and I no longer have a tape player. It's totally useless to me.


    Duh. :huh: :blink:


    So anyway, if anyone would like it for their kiddos, you're welcome to come and get it for free.


    And next time, I'll take my brain with me when I go garage-saling. <_<



    LOL!! Now that sounds like something I would do! Sorry but that is hilarious!



  2. If you don't talk to yourself, either out loud or in your head, you have some kind of paralysis. Also, whatever kind of paralysis it is it is certainly worse than polio.


    Not being able to communicate with yourself may be a lack of information and facts about life itself. You have to gain knowledge to be able to carry on a quality conversation with yourself. You have to recognize and admit that you have some kind of paralysis, worse than polio, that is keeping you from being able to communicate with yourself.


    If you are confused, admit it to yourself. Consider how refreshing it would be to wake up tomorrow and honestly be able to talk to yourself and say, "For the first time in my life I am communicating with the best friend I have in this world." “I am talking to myself, and carrying on quality conversations.”



    I talk to myself all the time. The only problem that arises is when I start arguing with myself. Then I can't get a word in edgwise!

  3. Seriously......where are the jobs? My son has been putting applications all over Hiram and Dallas - has not gotten one reply. He has posted on Monster and CareerBuilder. No responses. Just curious where all these jobs are? Or better yet..... who do you have to "know" to get one?

  4. Wow!!! Yours turned out awesome, too!

    Very cute cut, Lumak!

    It was nice meeting you today.


    Great to meet you as well. We will have to get together again........maybe like at CP Kings Saturday night???????

  5. NO...wait to debut the new you Saturday night at CP's. I can't wait to see you.


    That is probably what will happen as I am computer brain dead at the moment.....LOL! I am planning on coming Sat night! Wouldn't miss it - I had a great time last weekend.

  6. I had plantar fasciitis a while back (diagnosed the heel spurs were a 3 out of 10). I went to see a sports podiatrist (I run and bike frequently) and he recommended calve stretches 3 reps/10 times a day. It cleared up the issue in about 3 weeks. I have also starting wearing shoes with a negative heel in order to keep my calves stretched out.



    What do you mean when you say a "negative heel"?


    I will definately try the calf stretches

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