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Everything posted by lumak

  1. Did anybody buy me a lottery ticket yet?
  2. Are we there yet? Can we stop so I can go pee? PUWEEEEEEEZ can I have sumfin to eat????
  3. well -- there ya go! I want to see pics :::raisinghandshighabovemyhead::: I would think that being the OctoMom -- would be a helluva lot easier than the Duggar's
  4. Are we ever REALLY here? or is it just my imagination?
  5. I have a fabulous idea for Halloween costume......I will be wearing my HALO so I won't be doing this...... Have you thought about getting a long black wig and stuffing 8 babydolls in a shirt -- so they are falling out of the pockets, arms, shoulders, etc... while wearing a Nadya nametag? Everyone see where I am going with this???
  6. only a few more days...... Awww thank you
  7. Did you pull his finger??????
  8. What made you think of that?
  9. Aren't you the THREAD KILLER?????
  10. thank you I feel the same way about you! I me some C.Mark Willix Can't wait to see you again -- like maybe tomorrow? Thanks LisaC! you crack me up! I have GOT to come down there and meet you....but I refuse to pull your finger Love ya girl!!!!!!! even though you keep trying to steal my HALO I could definately use some more of that. Thank you.
  11. Can somebody buy me a lottery ticket?
  12. Did somebody say something?
  13. Did I REALLY just see the Urklenator in this thread?????
  14. ::bootydancetime::: ::::doingdabootydance::::
  15. You are equally as AWESOME! I have met the most wonderful people here! and I LOVE IT!! Ooooo me too!!!! I am going to try and make the lunch tomorrow -- hopefully we can see each other (o)(o) -- -- I think mine are more UU instead...I think the (o)(o) will ONLY happen with surgical intervention Back at ya Madea!!!! I me some Madea!!!!! :::evil laugh::: I'll get you my pretty..... ::muahahahahahahah::
  16. Why do you want to know? What purpose would this information serve? Who else could you ask to get your question answered?
  17. When my family moved here -- a friend of mine introduced to PCOM. I really like PCOM. I stay out of the religion and political forums...not because I am not firm in my belief system or my political views - but because it gets beyond a normal debate and turns ugly rather quickly in there. I choose not to go in there. Simple as that. In my opinion -- that is what happened last night. The thread was going along great -- and then in the blink of an eye turned ugly. It was fun at first -- but then not so much. I attempted (in my own way) to lighten the mood in there -- but to no
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