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Everything posted by lumak

  1. IT'S TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I AM SOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Your confusing me with such technical terminology
  4. Thats what I thought! Like a decomposing human body or something! LOL!
  5. apparently the popo didn't agree with my request....
  6. Yep and he thinks he can pass the piss onto me!
  7. Don't piss on my parade! I am happy now and you ain't gonna mess it up!
  8. Who the hell is Joe? Last I looked I ain't got those parts!
  9. That is a staggering statistic. Wow.
  10. That is a FIRST!!! I beat Lady Raider!!!! I think I deserve a mayberry for my contributions to PCOM. Whatcha think PoPo???
  11. Today's Top 20 Posters Member Joined Total Member Posts Posts Today % of today's posts lumak 17-April 08 2,435 43 3.17% Lady Raider 18-April 04 53,144 37 2.73% midget56 11-September 05 1,408 35 2.58% thewitch 7-November 08 2,570 31 2.28% sadie612 22-March 08 6,106 26 1.92% NewsJunky 22-August 06 2,814 26 1.92% luvtennis5 22-August 06 6,504 25 1.84% Charlies Angels 20-August 07 3,110 21 1.55% Gotcha Look'n Good Detailing 8-August 08 3,769 21 1.55% SoapMom 13-April 04 31,583 21 1.55% Lady Tass 27-January 07 10,055 20 1.47% Cuteyellowbug 15-March
  12. Yes - I will be there to support her long distance. I just feel like such an idiot for not seeing it. Thanks everyone....I guess I just needed to vent.
  13. Yes - she has left and for that I am relieved and grateful. However - she has never worked outside of the home. Her 2 older kids are 20 and 18 but they have adopted 3 special needs kids. He is supporting the children and her now financially = but is doing so ONLY to get her to come back home. WHat will happen if she does not go back? (this was her question to me) That is what I am worried about.
  14. I just wish I would have recognized the signs. It makes me so damned angry that someone would do that to another person -- but all the more mad that I know the woman. Just totally infuriates me. The control he had was incredible. She did not drive. Did not even have her license. I used to take her to the grocery store. She said she didn't need to drive because he would take her where ever she wanted to go. What it really was though was control. He had her believing that she NEEDED him and she was DEPENDANT on him. Just infuriating....
  15. I talked to an old friend today that lives out of State that I haven't talked to in a long time. We have exchanged occasional emails and she is an old fashioned snail mail person. She has never liked computers. I found out after our conversation today that she is separated after 25 yrs of marriage. She has been separated since February. She told me that she has been physically beaten for 25 years of marriage! She has been forced to call 911 on several occasions. She said it was happening when I lived there and we were close friends. I thought we were close friends. I
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