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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Amazing though, he is still single, drives a Lotus, but is going to sell that because he thinks he wants a Maserati?? Geez!!! Nothing again CP, but where did I go wrong????? Maybe he would get me a stinkin' maid. And afford my beer!! :p :D


    I've had quite a few -- and quite a few guy friends that come back and say 'You know...I had a huge crush on you in high school, but was scared to say anything.' These are *hot* guys that I *also* had crushes on. When I asked them why, every single one of them said that they were intimated. :huh: :pardon: I have, though, reconnected with my high school sweetheart. I stayed very close with is family - our kids even play together at his parents house, but it took Facebook to get us back to being close again.

  2. I can live without tv - not sure what I'd do without the internet. I work AND have online work from school over the internet.


    My mom freaked so bad about missing American Idol that she made ME watch it at my house and text her after every person. :huh:

  3. Without going into too much detail, I believe without a doubt that they can be 'rehabilitated'. I had a horrifying ongoing experience when I was younger and wound up in a fantastic abuse group many years later. Even after the experience, the 'perpetrator' was someone who was a part of my life. After many years, we began to form a decent relationship. When I was in the abuse group, we had a 'come to Jesus meeting' of sorts - he just as upset and emotionally scarred by the whole thing as I was, it turned out. After many more years, he's one of my favorite people in the world, and one of my closest/very best friends.


    Some people really do just make mistakes.


    I had a formerly convicted child molester living near me and HR at one point in time. I didn't assume he still molested and never treated him differently. The *one* time that he wound up face to face with my daughter, it was because she started talking to him in the breezeway as he was unlocking his apartment. I didn't freak out - I let her talk to him for a minute, and we went our separate ways. We had the 'stranger' talk again, and I just continued to keep a watchful eye. HR never played outside without my supervision, my doors were always locked, and I just...parented appropriately without scaring my child or persecuting a perfect stranger without even knowing him.

  4. I know someone on the list for this. He was 18, meet a girl at an 18 and over club who had a fake I.D. She told him she was 18, but was really 16. They dated for a few months and then her parents found out they were having sex. They arrested him and sent him to jail for a few months. Then he got 5 yrs probation. If you ask me that was a bunch of bull and it happens to people all the time. My understanding is that people with any kind of child abuse charge in GA also have to register on the sex offender list even though they were not charged with anything sexual. That is a bunch of baloney to. I am not offending child abusers, but I do know of a few situations where it was he say she say. A divorced couple that didn't get along and the father got custody of the child so the mom kept calling Dfacs accusing him of child abuse. There was no evidence but after so many calls, they just wont sit back, especially with kids getting killed by the parents or foster parents.


    Was this in Georgia? :huh: The 'victim' has to be under the age of 16 in Ga. 16 and 18 are legal.

  5. I completely agree!! Anyone can make hairbows (just like anyone can cook ^_^ ) but when do you have time?? As a SAHM and Sole Proprietor....The expenses are higher than the income sometimes (if not all the time). So for a SAHM, the website upkeep, the advertising, the memberships, etc. sometimes it would be cheaper to just consider it a hobby/craft work.


    But I fully understand (and GREATLY appreciate) you not stepping on my toes or anyone else's and I hope and pray that Sugarbritches, LGM, and Sage don't feel that those were my intentions. This is my "full" time job (minus the toddler time that I'm required to put in as a mom) and if the water bill isn't paid.... :( but I do NOT rely on this either. So I guess it is 6 in one hand 1/2 a dozen in the other :)


    Thanks for allowing me to stand on the box for 5 seconds :blush:

    You're not stepping on my toes. ;)

    My expenses are almost always higher than my income - but I do most of my selling elsewhere. My membership is up in June...I was actually planning on renewing, although the $150 is a BIG chunk for me. I miss the $100 CM. ^_^ :blush:

  6. I had a motorcyclist unconscious in my lap three weeks ago. He bailed, then somebody wasn't paying attention, didn't yield, and ran him over as I was running across the road to get to him. He held on for two weeks, but didn't make it. :(


    Really horrible part is that I was the only one to stop when he wrecked the first time. Even after he got hit, only one other person stopped :closedeyes: - thank GOD, because I had left my cell phone in the car when I took off across the highway.

  7. I need a better neighborhood w/o the dealers, more alcohol, pedicure, and chinese cause I haven't had dinner.


    Oh wait, a hubby who isn't camping this weekend, a job with health insurance, and kids that listen...

    What's your line of work? My place of employment has a position or two open, with insurance. ;)

  8. *sucker*



    Hey gang - update ...


    Apparently, it is against Hiram Alcohol ordinance to offer a special drink discount for certain hours of the day. This was pointed out to me.


    SO ....


    I am figuring out a way to run this special (or something similar) that matches the letter of the ordinance. I will keep posting back. But it still starts Monday ... just stay tuned!






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