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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk



    Damn the divorce...I'd like for someone to tell me something he's done for the benefit of his constituents. Something big would be nice, but at this point, just any old thing will do. When he was elected Speaker, the talk was all about how lucky we were that we had Glenn to represent us because he could get things done in his new role in the legislature.


    To my knowledge, his biggest accomplishment so far has been to piss off the governor and in doing so, screw the county out of about $4 million that was expected to fund a terminal at the airport that will now have to be found elsewhere. Say what you want in his defense, it was clear that Jerry Shearin and Blake Swafford were caught off guard by the announcement that the money wasn't allocated. There was also little doubt that it was at least in part due to Glenn's childish and antagonistic behavior toward anyone who dared defy his majesty's wishes, no matter how misguided.


    I'd venture to say about the only thing keeping Glenn in office is the lack of opposition. Not exactly something to brag about.





  2. I could never fathom how he could stand to do it, and I certainly couldn't stand to be there when he did, but my dad was the same way about shooting dogs rather than having them put to sleep. He's almost 70 now, and obviously that generation was taught that this was part of the responsibility of owning a pet.


    I don't know about WT, but where my dad's family was concerned, there just wasn't money to take a dog to be euthanized, if that was even standard practice back then (something tells me it wasn't-not back then, anyway).


    My dad was raised in the country on a farm and was also an avid hunter from the time he was a boy until he moved to Cobb County in the late 70s. I'm sure he was sufficiently able to kill a dog (or any other animal) with one shot, especially at close range. In fact, I know he could, and did on several occasions, including the dog we had when I was born which he had for about 12 years and loved dearly. I also know he didn't enjoy doing it any more than I could stand knowing he did it, but when you're raised and taught that's how it is, that's just how it is.


    My ex-husband was put in the unenviable position of having to do this himself right after we separated when I came home one evening and found my 12 year old cocker spaniel in the backyard - not able to stand or move but still conscious and breathing, though just barely. It was well past the vet's closing time, and in any event, I would have been afraid to try to move her at that point-she seemed as though she might break if I tried. He didn't want to do it, and I was afraid he wasn't going to go through with it after he got there; he did, but I could tell it really bothered him afterward.


    While I would never deal with my own pets in such a manner (given another option), I think it's just as unfair to judge WT for handling his own as he sees fit, all things considered.


    For what it's worth, I don't go to the doctor unless I absolutely have to, and I don't feel my pet should, either. Seeking medical care when it's needed rather than when you're told you should isn't wrong, though some would have us believe otherwise. ;)

  3. Agreed, this cannot be a "Elect and Forget" election. We are going to have to watch Austin pretty closely.


    I myself would have liked a third option of someone who wasn't connected within the county so well. I've also been concerned that Jerry ran to lose, so that Austin wouldn't have any other competition. Jerry HAD to know his chances of winning were right there along my snowball out on the deck right now lasting until tomorrow.


    We just know what we had and that we'd been had.


    Only time will tell now.


    I do wish the democrats had come up with SOMEBODY this year. I'd do anything, including voting for a democrat, to wack these useless leaches in the Republican party leadership along side the head and get their attention. This one party system ain't getting it done.




    Oh, there are Democrats...have been in every election so far.


    They just don't call themselves such anymore.


    Never know which is which til they take office. ;)



  4. Anyone else get peeved when parents let their children run around a store (or even my place of employment), messing with merchandise, screaming, or just being obnoxious in general. I have to chuckle at the parents who give a half-hearted "stop" but then don't follow through with any punishment, and the kids keep misbehaving. I especially get irked when the kid messes something up, and they don't bother to apologize, or if the kid almost gets hurt and they have the nerve to glare at me like it's my responsibility to watch them. :rolleyes:


    Yeah. We don't have merchandise, per se, but we do have paper shredders and cutters that can't discern between paper and tiny little fingers.


    People who look straight at you as your wearing your baby




  5. [/b]

    Glad someone pointed that out....I'm a Hart supporter just 'cause my family has known him forever and I know he's a good, honest man. I didn't know much about Graham but now I know ENOUGH ---- ANYONE w/close ties to Shearin needs to be OUT in my opinion....he'll be playing puppet master if he has anything to do with it! He's just THAT MUCH of a SHARK!




    :blink: wut????


    Lots of folks had known Shearin forever and thought he was a good, honest guy, too, once upon a time. Not to say that Larry Hart is Jerry Shearin by any means...Larry is a fine, upstanding citizen and like feelip said, either man would do a good job. I've known him for many years myself and think just as highly of him as I do Tommie.


    It concerns me that a few unknown people could cast undeserved aspersions on any candidate, especially one with the knowledge, experience, and integrity that Tommie possesses. It concerns me even more that people would buy into it without making any effort at all to find out for themselves. You don't know who is making these posts or their motive.


    If you don't want to bother researching the candidates for yourself, why even vote?


    I'd speak out just as strongly if it were the other way around and Larry were being unfairly maligned in such a manner, by the way.


    This shouldn't be a popularity contest, nor should voters allow this or any other election to be skewed by anonymous posts on an internet message board. To do so is a disservice to the voters who actually bothered to research those running before deciding where to cast their vote, and I see little difference in allowing someone with a possible agenda to control who is elected and just letting the people with the most money decide for us.


    Simple logic should tell you that since Tommie wasn't involved in Shearin's dealings, he likely found out about it the same way and at the same time the rest of us did.


    Jerry Shearin is a corrupt politician, not God. I can assure you neither he nor anyone else controls Tommie Graham.


    Anyway, it seems to me Jerry was the puppet, not the master. ;)


  6. He is the former President of the Paulding County Builder's Association and has been a member of the Builder's Association since shortly after it's inception. He has even been recognized by the builders and the association for his service to them.


    Today, he makes his living operating mini-warehouses and investing in real estate (both occupations which are dependent upon growth). Previously, he made his money as the owner of two building supply businesses and as a local banker (again, both of which depend upon growth to survive).


    What concerns me is that Mr. Graham has not been forthcoming about his ties to the industry and has run a campaign suggesting he too has an issue with builders and developers, when in fact they have been a big part of his success.


    Because I don't live in his district, I hadn't had an opportunity to see any of Tommie's campaign literature until a couple days ago (after the election, actually); imagine how surprised I was to find everthing you've 'disclosed' here printed right there on the flyer I held in my hand! In fact, your wording is similar enough that one might assume that was the source of your information.


    The very people expressing their concern that someone has been mislead have done exactly that throughout this thread. As I said, I don't live in his district and won't cast a vote in the runoff election, but I do have a healthy respect for the truth...and this ain't exactly it.


    I've spoken with Tommie on more than one occasion and I have no doubt he has the best interests of his community and the county at heart. He also has his reputation and his livelihood to consider. I hardly think he would jeopardize either for the sake of politics. I guess you just have to know the man to understand this.


    I guess there's a place for everything but right next to some of our nicer facilities visited and seen by thousands of people? The Health Department, Chamber of Commerce, Chattahoochie Technical school which is currently undergoing a major exspantion and right under one of the county's most prized possessions the Silver Comet Trail where everyone walking or riding by will be looking straight down on them. Whoever let this happen, whether the County or City of Dallas clearly didn't give it much thought and to think Tommie Graham the developer of what I'm sure will be a sight to see with gates, fences, securitiy equipment, advertising signs, and all the other wonderful asthetics these things require wants to be our new land use guru.


    Wouldn't it be a crying shame to mess up that nice view of the rather large equipment rental place on the other side of 278...you know, the one with the fence and all the earth-moving equipment that a person can't help but see as they exit the Chamber or Health Department, and that is as clearly visible from the trail as anything else in the vicinity. :rolleyes:


    Voters need to consider a lot of things, including the source of their information. Anonymity and credibility don't often go hand in hand.







  7. How about we only allow those who pay taxes to vote?



    You may as well go ahead and state that you rather welfare recipients not be allowed to vote, because plenty of qualified voters for one reason or another at some point in time may not pay income taxes (you didn't specify what kind of tax, but I have to assume you aren't referring to the sales tax).


    PS-It isn't up to us who is "allowed" to vote, btw. And I say that's as it should be, considering attitudes such as yours.

  8. Boy yall are gonna give me hell for this:


    I did not vote. Really because I wasn't informed enough either way. But I'll tell you right now MY VOTE CAN BE BOUGHT! Anyone with commercial builder/developer ties can swing my vote, my support, hell, I'll even campain if they'll just buy my land for sale on hwy 61!


    Didn't someone recently get into serious trouble for advertising his vote for sale on E-Bay?

    Like a felony charge or something?


    I think he claimed it was a joke and they told him that wasn't gonna fly, by the way.


    ---Not giving you hell - more like a heads up, really. ;)


    You have a right not to vote AND complain as much as you want to.


    That's also part of being an American


    Thank you for pointing this out.


    I did vote, by the way. No way I'd have skipped this election.


    But he's right. Nobody might be willing to listen to you complain, but you are free to do so whether you vote or not.






  9. but I am raising a family here , volunteered in the school, local parks, CASA, husband saves lives in this community, campaign volunteer, etc.....point being I may not have lived here my whole life but I have just as much say since I give my heart, sole, sweat and tears to this community just as if I lived here forever


    you have probably done more than most of the "paulding lifers"


    Surely you're not serious? I mean, I have no intention of arguing anyone's merit, accomplishments or good deeds, but please...other than volunteering with CASA, what does she do that thousands of other mothers, 'lifers' or otherwise, don't do every day?


    Many of us 'lifers' are the third or fourth (or fifth - well, you get the idea) generation of our family to spend our lives here. The generations past are who made this county one that you wished to live in, and many of us who remain continue to contribute much to what it is and what it will become, just as those who came before accomplished many great things during their time on this earth.


    No need for anyone, regardless of the length of time here, to be defensive or condescending. It's posts like those I quoted above that fuel the very attitude she's complianing about to start with.


    Is it really so difficult to just live & let live?





  10. (results from yesterday) "A barrel of light, sweet crude dropped $6.44 to settle at $138.74 on the New York Mercantile Exchange as traders bet that the weak economy in the United States and elsewhere will take its toll on global demand."


    An increase of $6 a barrel would show instant increases at the pump. Why does the inverse not hold?


    I'm so glad I work at home.


    Can't answer your question, because I don't understand it either.


    I work here in the county and it's costing me an average of about $90 a week to drive to/from work & whatever errands I have during the week-which I handle on my way home or at lunch while I'm out and about, usually. Needless to say I don't do much unnecessary driving on the weekend anymore.


    Granted, I drive a full-sized pickup and my commute is still roughly 15 miles one way but still...dang it.

  11. I wonder if these answers on both sides might be tainted with the preset notion of self interest to be negative.


    Well, since the original post used the word "selfish", I'd say likely so.






  12. So according to your reasoning, most anyone doing business in the county would be considered 'residential' :wacko: , because our success is dependent upon the people who live here purchasing the goods or services we sell. Of course the more people who frequent a business, the more money that business makes.


    Since Paulding County's primary industry for well over a decade has been residential home construction, it would be pretty difficult to find a business owner in the county who hasn't benefited from the growth at some point.


    His current business interests are also dependent upon this same growth. This is also a fact.


    Other than the fact that his self-storage business requires a client base like every other business in the county to survive, please elaborate.


    I also think it's a stretch to consider mini-warehouses as commercial because a big portion of the people who use them are people who are moving into Paulding from another county or state and need storage space until their homes are ready. This would constitute residential as well.


    And I think you're stretching this convoluted logic in exactly the wrong direction, for reasons stated earlier in this post. Oh, and the fact that many people who rent these mini-warehouse spaces live in apartments or increasingly these days, have LOST a home and haven't yet found another place to live. In case you haven't noticed, the county is pretty well saturated with these facilities, anyway, so it's not as though he would be guaranteed to gain anything from this area's growth.


    Loan officers, not bank directors, approve loans.


    How has Mr. Graham tried to hide or downplay his past associations or positions or current business ventures? He hasn't. Big difference from the chairman's race, where certain activities & business ties WHILE IN OFFICE to/with those who also appeared before the commissioners are most definitely our business and should be considered by those voting in that race.


    PS-Tommie is a straight-up guy who has the knowledge and desire to do what's in the best interest of those he represents.

    There is no scandal to be uncovered here.







  13. Well, it's not exactly the same thing, because the chairman position is a full time job and post commissioner is not, so I would expect salary to be more a consideration to the candidates for chairman than those for post commissioner, who usually have another primary source of income ;)


    You're right, it is an expensive undertaking. The way I see it, in spending his own money he's beholden to himself and the people he seeks to represent and not any particular person, group, association or industry.


    Is there a reason only selected portions of the disclosure have been posted here?

  14. So, okay, let me get this straight---The Co. Administrator, Pat Crook, was outside a polling place with Jerry Shearin holding up Shearin signs? What time was this? I just wonder if she took the day off work. I certainly hope MY TAX MONEY is not paying her to stand on the street corner. And if she did take the day off, it better have been without pay!!!

    And the same goes for Jerry Shearin----I don't think he should be getting paid as an elected official to be out campaigning for himself.


    So, again, was this when she was supposed to be at work?


    GREAT use of tax dollars and time!!!!!!


    I believe county employees do have a certain amount of paid leave time they can use if they need/want to take time off work for reasons other than illness, although I suppose that may no longer be the case...



  15. But, his vigorous attacks on Shearin and all the other incumbents just leave me feeling dirty and a need for a bath. Just my humble opinion.


    Yeah, same way I feel every time I open my mailbox these days to find some of Jerry Shearin's campaign literature that not only 'vigorously' attacks David Austin (in a most dishonest manner, at that), but also insults my intelligence. I may be wrong, but I don't believe it was Mr. Austin who threw the first handful of mud in this campaign. I do know his wasn't the first to hit my mailbox.


    I would LOVE to see just one thread telling us what David Austin is going to do to help this county, but that's never going to happen.


    Again, I'll reiterate that I am LIVID that this county administration has been allowed to do what they did these past 4 years, and I think a change would be great. But, people are getting all caught up in this red herring of an election, and real change just won't happen.


    Since we can plainly see what he has done during his past two terms in office, I find it interesting that you don't seem equally interested in hearing Mr. Shearin's plans for the county if he is re-elected.


    Two of the mailings I've received from Austin's campaign do at least state what he hopes to accomplish, albeit in the most general terms. To date every single piece of mail I've received from Shearin (which thankfully didn't include the 'plat-in-a- tube' gimmick) has been nothing more than the same garbage re-worded a half-dozen ways to discredit David Austin and the 'mega-development' that isn't.


    It wasn't so long ago that Mr. Shearin was well satisfied with the development/growth the county has experienced, insisting it was a good and positive thing. Why the sudden change of heart, reckon? More importantly, does anyone really believe this new attitude (development is bad) would last a minute beyond the first day of his new term if he were to hang onto the chairman's seat?


    Just how many registered and likely voters in Paulding do you think have seen the documents, videos and meeting minutes that you speak of? Not many.


    Not nearly enough.

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