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Posts posted by HOLLIESULLINS

  1. Here are some pictures from mothers bracelets I have made. Mothers day is coming up soon!!

    :wub: :wub:


    Breast Cancer Mothers Bracelet:





    3 Strand Bracelet:




    2 Strand:




    Grandmothers Bracelet:




    2 Strand:




    Grandmothers Bracelet:






    1 Strand:






    Birthday Bracelet:









  2. Yes ma'am.

    Thats great. I started with Dr. Vitkins On friday 3/27 and at my week check up I lost 7 pounds. I like it. Not eating sugar is my hardest part. But I have been introduced to splenda, so all is good.

    Good luck. Hollie

  3. I've tried them both and MANY more... the best system is the GYM. My family and I joined the YMCA and we go almost EVERY NIGHT. It's the exercise that works! Certified personal trainers area available and they set you up with an initial weekly plan, which machines on circuit training you should start with and how much weight to use on each one! Plus there are DOZENS of classes that are included in the membership - along w/ a pool, jacuzzi, track, vollyball, basketball... and a bunch more.







    LOL... I have been going to Vitkins in Hiram for almost 1 year and have NEVER seen "DR. VITKINS". I workout and take script from Vitkins



    Ya when I went to see Dr. Vitkins I seen his sister. I was told Mr. Vitkins lives in Al and works in an office there. His sister works for him here at the Hiram office. I thought that was strange, but she seems to know what she is doing

  4. I have an appointment on Wed. :D


    Ever since my wreck, my activity level has dropped a lot - and the pounds have gone up.


    I still can't do the same things I could before, so I need a little extra help maintaining my "girlish figure". :lol:



    Are you also going to Dr. Vitkins?

  5. I am making the kids one of their favorites. Irish stew. It’s been a family recipe for like 5 generations, or more. It’s simple and fast to make.

    I package of bacon

    1 box of rigatoni noodles (the big ones)

    I can of V-8 tomato juice


    Cook the bacon in the oven on a stone ware (pampered chef)

    Boil the noodles, when noodles and bacon are done mix together, even the fatty bacon grease. Add the V8 and some salt n pepper and you’re done. I remember my great grandma making it but she used a little bit of sugar in place of the salt, pepper.

    It may sound nasty but it’s good. I ‘m not eating it, cause it is not part of my diet.


  6. How funny, I had no idea about the orange boxes :lol: Learn something new every day!! Oh, and I have my appt scheduled with Dr.Vitkins too :D Cant wait. Congrats on your loss!!! :yahoo:



    Good luck to your weight loss. Let me know what you think after you go to your appt. Thanks hollie

  7. We do the same thing, only with coffee cans. You put the ice cream mixture inside a small coffee can and then set the small can inside a large can. Put ice inside the large can (outside the small can). Then send the kids outside and let them roll the can back and forth to each other. Works like a charm.



    That sounds like fun, and a whole lot easier on my arms.

  8. I guess I'm going to have to give him a try. I'd been "dieting" since the first of the year and have only been able to lose a total of 6 pounds. I've tried low fat, low carb, no sugar, Aaci berry in conjunction with some other stuff, and Advocare. None of it has worked. I need energy and weight loss!!! I hate to use medication that's not natural, but I'm at the point where I'll try pretty much anything.



    I know how you feel. I have been there, not too long ago. I hope I can continue to lose the weight. Seems like anyone that has tried Dr. Vitkins has lost a good amount of weight and is feeling great. They have really good recipes on the website too. You should check it out Vitkinsclinic.com.


    I was a little worried too about taking medication, but I think some times you just need that extra boost.

  9. It won't let me...it keeps saying I need to enter a day even though I have chosen the day several times -_- As soon as I hit 8 for the day it says in red off to the side "DAY IS REQUIRED". Maybe it needs to have a 0 in front of it like the months, but it definately won't let me use my birthday. I tried my husband too, but he is a 6 for the day and it won't let me register him either.



    Wow , i am not sure what you are doing but I didnt have to do that.

  10. Congrats on the weight loss. I love Dr. Vitkins have been going since May of 08 and have lost a total of 77lbs. I'm on maintence now and lost 4 more on it. But they say you still lose first couple of months on maintence too.



    :good: Im glad to hear there are others out there that are happy with Dr. Vitkins. That just makes me feel better, becausse I know it works. And I can expect to lose more weight.

  11. i know they have 4 different kinds, depending on what you need. I take phendimetrazinee tartrate 3 xs a day and they gave me a mulit vit too.



    I believe there is only one office in Hiram .off 278 right past Diary Queen, by that pet place. Not sure if that is the same one you were talking about or not.


    :clapping: :clapping:



    :yahoo: i am doing my happy dance


  12. I agree. And if it drops off to 2-3 lbs a week I'm sure you will still be thrilled. I can't seem to lose any this time around. I'm not eating after 7, watching what I eat, taking my Advocare, and exercising, but getting no where.


    I may try this.

    Ya i got to the point where nothing has been working for me, until now. I have not been able to lose more than 5 pounds in the last 5 years. It has been really stress full. I stopped eating carbs and sugar and all that other stuff. I think I have tried every diet out there. I am just so happy to of heard of Dr, vitkins diet, because it really has helped. I feel like I have a little more energy, and it has only been 7 days. If you do try it let me know how it works.

  13. Just want to make sure I am reading this right----$90 includes the lab?????

    If I cut out my $5 a day breakfast I can afford this AND will loose weight faster----thanks for sharing.



    Actually no it’s cheaper than that. If you go with the coupon for $20 off, I believe you would only pay $60 for the first visit which includes the lab work. But I would think you would have to book you’re apt soon for that deal..


    It will probably taper off to that. Normally you lose a little faster in the beginning. Mostly water weight.


    I don’t care where its coming off as long as it’s gone, that’s all that makes me happy :D


  14. Just want to make sure I am reading this right----$90 includes the lab?????

    If I cut out my $5 a day breakfast I can afford this AND will loose weight faster----thanks for sharing.


    Not a problem. I am sure if you try it you will be happy too. I have talked to alot of people who use Dr. Vitkins and are very happy with the results. Good luck, and dont forget to mention my name, if you dont mind. If i can lose weight and it be free, that would be wonderful.

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