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Sons Of Liberty

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Posts posted by Sons Of Liberty

  1. bush doesnt decide in our best interests... he likes to think with his wallet.


    iran is not a threat... but to the bush family fortunes it is a gold mine.


    and somehow they will get the american people to turn on iran just like they did iraq...


    terrorism probably.

  2. I have an idea,

    Don't file your income taxes and I gaurantee that the IRS will inform you of that law!


    well i know for a fact that their is no law requiring you to pay an income tax, you being a police officer would prob. love the movie in my sig. but maybe not.

    it is all about the income tax.




    i betcha didnt know that Dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors!

  3. Well I guess the op DID say post it even if it was not true huh........


    it is true... betcha didn't know it though...


    "we the people foundation" has a $50k bounty thats been out for 9 years for someone to show the law that requires you to file an income tax


    and there is seriously no law that says murder is illegal...

    find it and show it to me.

  4. my girlfriend says if the shirt was silk screened and is a tee you can buy dye very close to the shirts original color and dye the whole thing and it will come out great... she says to make sure you get the right dye for your fabric...



    she also says if it is a black shirt use a perminant marker and color over it.

  5. what color is it? you may be able to dye the bleach stain if you can match the color.


    you can buy clothing dye anywhere... rite aid, dollar general, Micheal's, walmart....

  6. SOL let me know where it says disobey orders in the following oath of enlistment:


    In the Armed Forces EXCEPT the National Guard (Army or Air)


    I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.



    where does it say to not support the constitution??


    oh right, it says TO support the constitution.


    an oath is an oath.

  7. what does anti war have to do with anti soldier?

    if this is true that judge is an idiot...

    even if you dont agree with the war we still need soldiers.


    i dont agree with the war but i still understand we need a military.


    if your a soldier your best bet is to abide by your Oath of enlistment and not go to war.

    the people above you in rank are not higher than your oath and if they tell you to go fight in an unconstitutional war then you shouldn't.

  8. ick, i havnt got vaccines since i was a kid and i dont expect to ever get one agian.


    here is a list of some of the ingrediants they inject into your body.


    chick embryo


    human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue

    guinea pig embryo cells

    washed sheep Red Blood Cells

    rhesus monkey fetal lung cells

    rhesus monkey fetal diploid cells

    distilled coal tar

    vesicle fluid from calf skins

    chick embryonic fluid

    human albumin

    monkey kidney cells

    mouse serum proteins

    bovine serum

    chicken protein






  9. look at it this way: if converter is clogged then back pressure is high. If back pressure is high then performance and milage is low. Cost of new converter is____? Gas is $___ per gallon, figure how long it takes to repay. Not taking into account the air I breathe. I was just answering the technical question "how to fake"


    yeah i know, i know.


    just looking for a quick fix i guess.


    Emissions testing is not about your vehicles performance ... it's about cleaner, safer air. And when people don't play by the rules, it makes it harder on those that do.


    weellll... my faulty converter i dont think is causing anymore pollutants then my vehicle was already creating.


    you can fail emissions just for having that little light out on your dash.

  10. i got a catalytic converter that needs replacing...


    my moms boyfriend says to add a bottle of rubbing alcohol.

    my friend at work tells me to go on the highway and floor it as fast as i can.


    both seem pretty dangerous but well worth trying. haha.


    BTW my emissions test uses the computer.


    anyone got any tips or tricks on passing emissions?

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