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Sons Of Liberty

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Posts posted by Sons Of Liberty

  1. new pipes get "shocked" with 50 gallon drums of bleach... truck loads of them...


    whenever new pipes are installed or when you move into a new subdivision you are drinking bleach for the next 2 years...


    i used to work construction and we would do this to every new subdivision so i think it may be a law.

  2. The ad from Austin was hilarious... I just got it today...


    But the reason for my separate post and what I find hilarious is that David Austin is smart enough to Not put his personal home phone number and address on his attack fliers like Jerry shearin did


    if you look at shearin's attack ads he actually put a return address and phone number :lol:

    I can confirm it is his home number


    naturally i called and gave him a piece of my mind...



  3. "Sons of Liberty", it's on the AP, Reuters, Fox News, CNN, pretty much anywhere someone would read news online. Search keywords "Kandahar" or even just "Afghanistan" and you'll get a ton of articles.


    you will have to excuse me... i dont have a TV because i fear to be subjected to bias and fake journalism.


    i tried doing a search and i found nothing on this particular subject.


  4. With a revolver, if you have a mis-fire, you simply pull the trigger again.

    It's possible, although unlikely, a revolver will have mechanical problems.

    Revolvers don't have stove-pipe jams, etc... semi-autos (like a Glock) do.


    i didn't think about this, i often forget revolvers even exist.


    the ladysmiths are nice guns... most are a little pricey. but i have seen a couple used models for under 300 dollars before.


    anything used will knock off some of the price but guns usually hold their value well.

    i would go for something new.



    and this isnt something i would recommend holding off on... buy your gun now, make sure its a good one..

    guns are getting more expensive everyday. the cost of ammunition is getting outrageous.

    supply your stock before they try and take them off the shelves completely or make them completely unaffordable.

  5. are you sure you want something cheap?


    OR.. are you sure you want something dependable?


    you can buy a handgun for 100 dollars... will that handgun fire when you pull the trigger?

    will that handgun hit what you are aiming at?


    those are the real question...



    i would not spend anything less than 300 dollars on a handgun and i would definatly recommend a glock. JMO..


    there is a gun show this weekend, i cant remember where exactly but maybe someone can inform the both of us in another post.



    you can buy a taser just about anywhere, even at the flea market.. i would not recomend it for protection UNLESS you can not afford a firearm for some reason.




    EDIT... didnt notice... thank you southernscarlett for the gunshow info... ha

  6. What happened? Can you spell 'politicians!'


    And I still have to press '1' for English.


    I hope this goes around the USA at least 100 times.


    What the heck happened?????


    debt is only part of the problem, the federal reserve is the big thorn in our side..


    along with the IRS... we didnt have a federal income tax either 100 years ago... and we got by just fine...


    we need to bring back the gold standard... and eliminate the IRS.

  7. Wait, let me get this straight......... Even though she invites you to go, and you don't want to, you're suspicious of her and want her to just stay home with you all of the time?


    i never said i wanted to stay home all the time... i never said i was suspicious of her...


    i asked if it was right because when i think of a club i think of people hooking up...

    i know she isnt hooking up, but im curious as to why she would go if she wasnt single.

  8. Do you trust her? I go to concerts, out to small parties (usually with people I've known since high school), weekend road trips with a friend, and even a strip club (for a bachelorette party) without my husband. If I didn't, I'd never go anywhere. He's a hermit. Oh, we did go to a gun show last month. Does that count?


    We've been together for 17 years today. Got married when I was 17. It's not easy, but it can work. (It helps that we don't have kids, I think.)


    haha your husband sounds like me... the last time i went anywhere was that same gun show! well iv been out on the lake fishing and at raccoon creek almost every weekend and camping with my friends... but as far as a place with lots of people the gun show is about all iv done this year.

  9. Your letting Dakota go out by herself already? She's way to young and immature for that, plus you've only been together a couple of months.


    Sorry SOL, I just couldn't resist.


    she wont "let a man tell her what to do"





    My husband and I have totally different interests. He goes off with his friends and I go off with mine from time to time. It has worked for the 25 years we have been together. It's trust. Pure and simple. If you trust her, then encourage her to have fun with her friends. Just make sure she has fun with you too. That does not mean just sex. Find a common interest and share it. But keep your individual selves too. Two complete individuals make one wonderful couple.


    its just akward because iv been with her ever since we were little kids in middle school and she is the only girl iv ever been with. she acts completly diffrent now sometimes and i dont know much about relationships outside me and her... i was just curious if this kind of thing is normal. we have changed so much but everyone seems to think its ok so i feel dumb for getting upset now. i guess i owe her lunch.

  10. egh i guess im just bored and dont have anything to do so im whining about it.


    on another note... look what iv been making...


    they get bigger every time. this was the first one. the one i made tonight was twice its size... i think i may end up burning someones house down on accident. then we will see how funny it is that i didn't have anything to do tonight.


  11. If you've been invited, you should go, at least once. That would answer the questions that you have.


    i guess but im really akward at things like that...


    i dunno i would feel really uncomfortable just standing there the whole time while everyone is jiving or whatever they do.

  12. egh well she likes to party and go out to clubs... yes she has invited me before...


    but im not that type of person... i would rather have a beer and sit around a bonfire with a bunch of buddies out in the woods... or go night fishing.


    ehh... i guess when i think of clubs i think of people hooking up...


    so i assume it is possible to go to a club just to hang out with friends?

    iv never been to one and have no intent on going, i dunno what its like.


    yeah opposites do attract, she is a fashionista party goer and im just a redneck in a rock and roll bar.

  13. how would you feel if your girlfriend or boyfriend went out every week to a club with his/her friends without you and left you at home to be alone.


    im pretty pissed and getting really upset about it... am i being dramatic?


    i know she isnt doing anything because she keeps in touch with me the whole time and comes home right afterwards. she says she is just going to hang out with her friends.


    its late and im bored trying to strike conversation...


    what would you guys do?



  14. how are they the best country station?


    i looked at their playlist and they play all the same pop country the other stations play...

    over and over again...



    btw, does anyone know a station that plays older country or more traditional western swing or outlaw? maybe even some bluegrass?

  15. The hair, Yes. Do you mean those weird jeans? He had those. I hated them.


    Okay. Now who are you. BTW. I was a teacher there then too.


    yeah i know who your son was, we were friends... i think we even rode the same bus together.


    im not telling anyone my name...

    i was mean to all my teachers!

    you might look me up and come egg my mailbox and run it over.

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